28 research outputs found

    Induced proximity of a TIR signaling domain on a plant-mammalian NLR chimera activates defense in plants

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    Plant and animal intracellular nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat (NLR) immune receptors detect pathogen-derived molecules and activate defense. Plant NLRs can be divided into several classes based upon their N-terminal signaling domains, including TIR (Toll-like, Interleukin-1 receptor, Resistance protein)- and CC (coiled-coil)-NLRs. Upon ligand detection, mammalian NAIP and NLRC4 NLRs oligomerize, forming an inflammasome that induces proximity of its N-terminal signaling domains. Recently, a plant CC-NLR was revealed to form an inflammasome-like hetero-oligomer. To further investigate plant NLR signaling mechanisms, we fused the N-terminal TIR domain of several plant NLRs to the N terminus of NLRC4. Inflammasome-dependent induced proximity of the TIR domain in planta initiated defense signaling. Thus, induced proximity of a plant TIR domain imposed by oligomerization of a mammalian inflammasome is sufficient to activate authentic plant defense. Ligand detection and inflammasome formation is maintained when the known components of the NLRC4 inflammasome is transferred across kingdoms, indicating that NLRC4 complex can robustly function without any additional mammalian proteins. Additionally, we found NADase activity of a plant TIR domain is necessary for plant defense activation, but NADase activity of a mammalian or a bacterial TIR is not sufficient to activate defense in plants

    Protein-protein interactions in the RPS4/RRS1 immune receptor complex

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    Plant NLR (Nucleotide-binding domain and Leucine-rich Repeat) immune receptor proteins are encoded by Resistance (R) genes and confer specific resistance to pathogen races that carry the corresponding recognized effectors. Some NLR proteins function in pairs, forming receptor complexes for the perception of specific effectors. We show here that the Arabidopsis RPS4 and RRS1 NLR proteins are both required to make an authentic immune complex. Over-expression of RPS4 in tobacco or in Arabidopsis results in constitutive defense activation; this phenotype is suppressed in the presence of RRS1. RRS1 protein co-immunoprecipitates (co-IPs) with itself in the presence or absence of RPS4, but in contrast, RPS4 does not associate with itself in the absence of RRS1. In the presence of RRS1, RPS4 associates with defense signaling regulator EDS1 solely in the nucleus, in contrast to the extra-nuclear location found in the absence of RRS1. The AvrRps4 effector does not disrupt RPS4-EDS1 association in the presence of RRS1. In the absence of RRS1, AvrRps4 interacts with EDS1, forming nucleocytoplasmic aggregates, the formation of which is disturbed by the co-expression of PAD4 but not by SAG101. These data indicate that the study of an immune receptor protein complex in the absence of all components can result in misleading inferences, and reveals an NLR complex that dynamically interacts with the immune regulators EDS1/PAD4 or EDS1/SAG101, and with effectors, during the process by which effector recognition is converted to defense activation

    Functional analysis of hot pepper ethylene responsive factor 1A in plant defense

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    Ethylene-responsive factors play important roles in the biotic and abiotic stresses. Only some ERF genes from Capsicum annuum have been characterized. In the study, the CaERF1A gene is characterized in response to biotic stress. CaERF1A transcripts were induced by various plant defense-related hormone treatments. Knockdown of CaERF1A in hot pepper plants are negatively affected Tobacco mosaic virus-P0-mediated hypersensitive response cell death, resulting in reduced gene expression of pathogenesis-related genes and ethylene and jasmonic acid synthesis-related gene. Overexpressing CaERF1A transgenic plants show enhanced resistance to fungal pathogen via regulating ethylene and jasmonic acid synthesis-related gene expression. Thus, CaERF1A is a positive regulator of plant defense by modulating ethylene and jasmonic acid synthesis-related gene expressions

    Novel Functions of Arabidopsis Pumilio RNA-Binding Protein 6 in Salt Stress

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    To control gene expression, plants use the post-transcriptional/translational regulation system, which plays important roles in development and biotic and abiotic responses. Some RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are known to regulate target genes via direct binding of specific RNA motifs. Pumilio and fem-3 binding factor (Puf) proteins exhibit a specific capacity for binding of the 3’ untranslational region (3’ UTR) of target mRNA and work as a post-transcriptional regulator in the mammalian system. Recently, it was reported that Arabidopsis Pumilio RNA-binding protein (APUM), a plant Puf homologue, is involved in biotic and abiotic stress and development. However, the function of plant Puf proteins has not yet been fully recovered. In the current study, APUM6 gene expression was reduced by salt stress. APUM6 localized in the cytoplasmic foci of the mRNA decay sites and ER membrane. Purified APUM6-pumilio homologue domain (HD) protein showed ‘UGUANAUA’ binding activity in vitro. APUM6-RNAi transgenic plants displayed reduced tolerance to salt stress during the germination and mature plant stages. In APUM6-RNAi transgenic plants under salt stress, abiotic stress-responsive gene expression levels showed no significant difference compared with Col-0. Collectively, these results indicate that APUM6 might play important roles in responses to salt stress via translational modification

    The Role of Pumilio RNA Binding Protein in Plants

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    Eukaryotic organisms have a posttranscriptional/translational regulation system for the control of translational efficiency. RNA binding proteins (RBPs) have been known to control target genes. One type of protein, Pumilio (Pum)/Puf family RNA binding proteins, show a specific binding of 3′ untranslational region (3′ UTR) of target mRNA and function as a post-transcriptional/translational regulator in eukaryotic cells. Plant Pum protein is involved in development and biotic/abiotic stresses. Interestingly, Arabidopsis Pum can control target genes in a sequence-specific manner and rRNA processing in a sequence-nonspecific manner. As shown in in silico Pum gene expression analysis, Arabidopsis and rice Pum genes are responsive to biotic/abiotic stresses. Plant Pum can commonly contribute to host gene regulation at the post-transcriptional/translational step, as can mammalian Pum. However, the function of plant Pum proteins is not yet fully known. In this review, we briefly summarize the function of plant Pum in defense, development, and environmental responses via recent research and bioinformatics data

    Identification and Expression Analysis of the Solanum tuberosum StATG8 Family Associated with the WRKY Transcription Factor

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    Autophagy is an evolutionarily well-conserved cellular catabolic pathway in eukaryotic cells and plays an important role in cellular processes. Autophagy is regulated by autophagy-associated (ATG) proteins. Among these ATG proteins, the ubiquitin-like protein ATG8/LC3 is essential for autophagosome formation and function. In this study, the potato StATG8 family showed clade I and clade II with significantly different sequences. Expression of the StATG8 family was also increased in senescence. Interestingly, the expression of the StATG8 and other core StATG genes decreased in potato tubers as the tubers matured. The StATG8 family also responded to a variety of stresses such as heat, wounding, salicylic acid, and salt stress. We also found that some Arabidopsis WRKY transcription factors interacted with the StATG8 protein in planta. Based on group II-a WRKY, StATG8-WRKY interaction is independent of the ATG8 interacting motif (AIM) or LC3 interacting region (LIR) motif. This study showed that the StATG8 family had diverse functions in tuber maturation and multiple stress responses in potatoes. Additionally, StATG8 may have an unrelated autophagy function in the nucleus with the WRKY transcription factor

    A Novel Methyltransferase Methylates Cucumber Mosaic Virus 1a Protein and Promotes Systemic Spreadā–æ

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    In mammalian and yeast systems, methyltransferases have been implicated in the regulation of diverse processes, such as protein-protein interactions, protein localization, signal transduction, RNA processing, and transcription. The Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) 1a protein is essential not only for virus replication but also for movement. Using a yeast two-hybrid system with tobacco plants, we have identified a novel gene encoding a methyltransferase that interacts with the CMV 1a protein and have designated this gene Tcoi1 (tobacco CMV 1a-interacting protein 1). Tcoi1 specifically interacted with the methyltransferase domain of CMV 1a, and the expression of Tcoi1 was increased by CMV inoculation. Biochemical studies revealed that the interaction of Tcoi1 with CMV 1a protein was direct and that Tcoi1 methylated CMV 1a protein both in vitro and in vivo. The CMV 1a binding activity of Tcoi1 is in the C-terminal domain, which shows the methyltransferase activity. The overexpression of Tcoi1 enhanced the CMV infection, while the reduced expression of Tcoi1 decreased virus infectivity. These results suggest that Tcoi1 controls the propagation of CMV through an interaction with the CMV 1a protein

    Arabidopsis ABCG34 contributes to defense against necrotrophic pathogens by mediating the secretion of camalexin

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    Plant pathogens cause huge yield losses. Plant defense often depends on toxic secondary metabolites that inhibit pathogen growth. Because most secondary metabolites are also toxic to the plant, specific transporters are needed to deliver them to the pathogens. To identify the transporters that function in plant defense, we screened Arabidopsis thaliana mutants of full-size ABCG transporters for hypersensitivity to sclareol, an antifungal compound. We found that atabcg34 mutants were hypersensitive to sclareol and to the necrotrophic fungi Alternaria brassicicola and Botrytis cinereaAtABCG34 expression was induced by Abrassicicola inoculation as well as by methyl-jasmonate, a defense-related phytohormone, and AtABCG34 was polarly localized at the external face of the plasma membrane of epidermal cells of leaves and roots. atabcg34 mutants secreted less camalexin, a major phytoalexin in Athaliana, whereas plants overexpressing AtABCG34 secreted more camalexin to the leaf surface and were more resistant to the pathogen. When treated with exogenous camalexin, atabcg34 mutants exhibited hypersensitivity, whereas BY2 cells expressing AtABCG34 exhibited improved resistance. Analyses of natural Arabidopsis accessions revealed that AtABCG34 contributes to the disease resistance in naturally occurring genetic variants, albeit to a small extent. Together, our data suggest that AtABCG34 mediates camalexin secretion to the leaf surface and thereby prevents Abrassicicola infection

    The Arabidopsis NAC transcription factor NTL4 participates in a positive feedback loop that induces programmed cell death under heat stress conditions

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    Programmed cell death (PCD) is an integral component of plant development and adaptation under adverse environmental conditions. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are one of the most important players that trigger PCD in plants, and ROS-generating machinery is activated in plant cells undergoing PCD. The membrane-bound NAC transcription factor NTL4 has recently been proven to facilitate ROS production in response to drought stress in Arabidopsis. In this work, we show that NTL4 participates in a positive feedback loop that bursts ROS accumulation to modulate PCD under heat stress conditions. Heat stress induces NTL4 gene transcription and NTL4 protein processing. The level of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was elevated in 35S:4 Delta C transgenic plants that overexpress a transcriptionally active nuclear NTL4 form but significantly reduced in NTL4-deficient ntl4 mutants under heat stress conditions. In addition, heat stress-induced cell death was accelerated in the 35S:4 Delta C transgenic plants but decreased in the ntl4 mutants. Notably, H2O2 triggers NTL4 gene transcription and NTL4 protein processing under heat stress conditions. On the basis of these findings, we conclude that NTL4 modulates PCD through a ROS-mediated positive feedback control under heat stress conditions, possibly providing an adaptation strategy by which plants ensure their survival under extreme heat stress conditions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved