665 research outputs found

    Mass treatment of trachoma with azithromycin 1.5% eye drops in the Republic of Cameroon: feasibility, tolerance and effectiveness

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    International audienceAn epidemiological study carried out in 2006 indicated the existence of a high prevalence of blinding trachoma in the Kolofata Health District, Far North Region, Cameroon. As a result, the national blindness control program of Cameroon instituted a trachoma elimination programme using the SAFE strategy

    Adhesive Contact to a Coated Elastic Substrate

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    We show how the quasi-analytic method developed to solve linear elastic contacts to coated substrates (Perriot A. and Barthel E. {\em J. Mat. Res.}, {\bf 2004}, {\em 19}, 600) may be extended to adhesive contacts. Substrate inhomogeneity lifts accidental degeneracies and highlights the general structure of the adhesive contact theory. We explicit the variation of the contact variables due to substrate inhomogeneity. The relation to other approaches based on Finite Element analysis is discussed

    A characterization of the wave front set defined by the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients

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    [EN] We characterize the wave front set WF*P (u) with respect to the iterates of a linear partial differential operator with constant coefficients of a classical distribution u is an element of D '(Omega), Omega an open subset in R-n. We use recent Paley-Wiener theorems for generalized ultradifferentiable classes in the sense of Braun, Meise and Taylor. We also give several examples and applications to the regularity of operators with variable coefficients and constant strength. Finally, we construct a distribution with prescribed wave front set of this type.The authors were partially supported by FAR2011 (Universita di Ferrara), "Fondi per le necessita di base della ricerca" 2012 and 2013 (Universita di Ferrara) and the INDAM-GNAMPA Project 2014 "Equazioni Differenziali a Derivate Parziali di Evoluzione e Stocastiche" The research of the second author was partially supported by MINECO of Spain, Project MTM2013-43540-P.Boiti, C.; Jornet Casanova, D. (2017). A characterization of the wave front set defined by the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales Serie A Matemáticas. 111(3):891-919. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-016-0329-8S8919191113Albanese, A.A., Jornet, D., Oliaro, A.: Quasianalytic wave front sets for solutions of linear partial differential operators. Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 66, 153–181 (2010)Boiti, C., Jornet, D.: The problem of iterates in some classes of ultradifferentiable functions. In: “Operator Theory: Advances and Applications”. Birkhauser, Basel. 245, 21–32 (2015)Boiti, C., Jornet, D., Juan-Huguet, J.,: Wave front set with respect to the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients. Abstr. Appl. Anal., 1–17 (2014). doi: 10.1155/2014/438716 (Article ID 438716)Bolley, P., Camus, J., Mattera, C.: Analyticité microlocale et itérés d’operateurs hypoelliptiques. In: Séminaire Goulaouic–Schwartz, 1978–79, Exp N.13. 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    Whole-soil warming decreases abundance and modifies the community structure of microorganisms in the subsoil but not in surface soil

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    The microbial community composition in subsoils remains understudied, and it is largely unknown whether subsoil microorganisms show a similar response to global warming as microorganisms at the soil surface do. Since microorganisms are the key drivers of soil organic carbon decomposition, this knowledge gap causes uncertainty in the predictions of future carbon cycling in the subsoil carbon pool (> 50 % of the soil organic carbon stocks are below 30 cm soil depth). In the Blodgett Forest field warming experiment (California, USA) we investigated how +4 ∘C warming in the whole-soil profile to 100 cm soil depth for 4.5 years has affected the abundance and community structure of microorganisms. We used proxies for bulk microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and functional microbial groups based on lipid biomarkers, such as phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs). With depth, the microbial biomass decreased and the community composition changed. Our results show that the concentration of PLFAs decreased with warming in the subsoil (below 30 cm) by 28 % but was not affected in the topsoil. Phospholipid fatty acid concentrations changed in concert with soil organic carbon. The microbial community response to warming was depth dependent. The relative abundance of Actinobacteria increased in warmed subsoil, and Gram+ bacteria in subsoils adapted their cell membrane structure to warming-induced stress, as indicated by the ratio of anteiso to iso branched PLFAs. Our results show for the first time that subsoil microorganisms can be more affected by warming compared to topsoil microorganisms. These microbial responses could be explained by the observed decrease in subsoil organic carbon concentrations in the warmed plots. A decrease in microbial abundance in warmed subsoils might reduce the magnitude of the respiration response over time. The shift in the subsoil microbial community towards more Actinobacteria might disproportionately enhance the degradation of previously stable subsoil carbon, as this group is able to metabolize complex carbon sources

    Negative emotional stimuli reduce contextual cueing but not response times in inefficient search

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    In visual search, previous work has shown that negative stimuli narrow the focus of attention and speed reaction times (RTs). This paper investigates these two effects by first asking whether negative emotional stimuli narrow the focus of attention to reduce the learning of a display context in a contextual cueing task and, second, whether exposure to negative stimuli also reduces RTs in inefficient search tasks. In Experiment 1, participants viewed either negative or neutral images (faces or scenes) prior to a contextual cueing task. In a typical contextual cueing experiment, RTs are reduced if displays are repeated across the experiment compared with novel displays that are not repeated. The results showed that a smaller contextual cueing effect was obtained after participants viewed negative stimuli than when they viewed neutral stimuli. However, in contrast to previous work, overall search RTs were not faster after viewing negative stimuli (Experiments 2 to 4). The findings are discussed in terms of the impact of emotional content on visual processing and the ability to use scene context to help facilitate search

    Coherent state quantization of a particle in de Sitter space

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    We present a coherent state quantization of the dynamics of a relativistic test particle on a one-sheet hyperboloid embedded in a three-dimensional Minkowski space. The group SO_0(1,2) is considered to be the symmetry group of the system. Our procedure relies on the choice of coherent states of the motion on a circle. The coherent state realization of the principal series representation of SO_0(1,2) seems to be a new result.Comment: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol. 37, in pres