19 research outputs found

    PCA analysis of allele frequencies from individuals and accessions.

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    <p>Plot of the 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup> components of a PCA analysis based on the individual (left panels) and accession (right panels) allele frequencies of polymorphic SSR markers. Each point represents an individual (left panels) or accession (right panels), with different symbols for the different taxa and each colored according to the region of provenance as described in its passport data. Three levels of analysis are displayed <b><i>upper panel</i>)</b> all cultivated and wild accessions; <b><i>middle panel</i>)</b> cultivated accessions; <b><i>lower panel</i>)</b> Portuguese accessions. The proportion of variance explained by each component is given under brackets with each axis. The names of the accessions are provided with each point.</p

    Consensus Neighbour-Joining tree for all wild and cultivated accessions.

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    <p>Consensus boot-strapped Neighbour-Joining tree of faba bean accessions based on the allele frequencies of polymorphic SSRs for all wild and cultivated accessions. The tree was constructed from Nei’s (<i>D</i>) genetic distances with 100 bootstrap replicates. The number of times the same node is retrieved in 1000 different trees is represented in each branch. The wild <i>V</i>. <i>narbonensis</i> and <i>V</i>. <i>johannis</i> accessions are coloured in blue; <i>V</i>. <i>faba</i> accessions form Portugal are shown in green, from Spain in orange, from Morocco in red and from the East (Egypt and Ethiopia) in purple.</p

    STRUCTURE analysis of all faba individual plants organized by species and regions.

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    <p>Clustering of faba individual plants based on multilocus analysis using the package STRUCTURE. Three levels of analysis are displayed <b>A)</b> all cultivated and wild accessions; <b>B)</b> cultivated accessions; <b>C)</b> Portuguese accessions. The two best fitting models according to Evanno’s <i>ΔK</i> are shown for each level. Accessions are organized by taxa and by region of provenance. Each individual is represented by a vertical line segmented into <i>K</i> colored sections. The length of each colored section is proportional to the membership coefficient (Q) of the individual accession to each one of the <i>K</i> clusters. Thin black vertical lines separate different regions.</p

    Isolation-By-Distance test for all cultivated and wild accessions.

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    <p>Testing Isolation-By-Distance (IBD) by plotting pairwise geographic distances against pairwise F<sub>ST</sub> (left) and pairwise genetic distances (<i>D</i>) (right) for each pair of accessions genotyped in the all cultivated and wild accessions. Regression line and <i>r</i><sup><i>2</i></sup> values are shown in blue with the grey shading representing the 99% confidence region for the regression fit.</p

    Correlation between genetic distances and environmental parameters between landrace localities.

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    <p>Environmental parameter distances are the logarithm of the absolute value of differences between parameters for each accession's location. <i>r</i>: Altitude; <i>s</i>: mean annual temperature; <i>t</i>: maximum temperature of the warmest month; <i>u</i>: minimum temperature of the coldest month; <i>v</i>: mean annual precipitation; <i>w</i>: precipitation of driest month; <i>x</i>: precipitation of wettest month.</p>*<p>Significant (0.001**</p><p>Non-signficant (p>0.05); all other values indicated were significant (p<0.001).</p

    Principle component plots of individual accessions characterised by 29 nuSSRs.

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    <p>In the upper panel, samples were coloured according to form (black: wild emmer; dark green: bread wheat; light green: emmer; dark red: rivet; red: durum). In the lower panel, samples were coloured according to membership to one of the six groups defined by STRUCTURE under the <i>K</i> = 6 model.</p

    Correlations between geographic, environmental and genetic distances for 53 Iberian durum wheat accessions.

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    <p><i>D<sub>C</sub></i><sub>:</sub> genetic distance; <i>LogD<sub>GEO</sub></i><sub>:</sub> logarithm of geographic distance; <i>LogD<sub>ENV</sub></i><sub>:</sub> logarithm of environmental distance.</p>*<p>Significant (<i>p</i><0.001).</p>**<p>Non-significant (<i>p</i>>0.05).</p