31,753 research outputs found

    Extending sensor networks into the cloud using Amazon web services

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    Sensor networks provide a method of collecting environmental data for use in a variety of distributed applications. However, to date, limited support has been provided for the development of integrated environmental monitoring and modeling applications. Specifically, environmental dynamism makes it difficult to provide computational resources that are sufficient to deal with changing environmental conditions. This paper argues that the Cloud Computing model is a good fit with the dynamic computational requirements of environmental monitoring and modeling. We demonstrate that Amazon EC2 can meet the dynamic computational needs of environmental applications. We also demonstrate that EC2 can be integrated with existing sensor network technologies to offer an end-to-end environmental monitoring and modeling solution

    Asymptotic analysis of first passage time in complex networks

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    The first passage time (FPT) distribution for random walk in complex networks is calculated through an asymptotic analysis. For network with size NN and short relaxation time τ≪N\tau\ll N, the computed mean first passage time (MFPT), which is inverse of the decay rate of FPT distribution, is inversely proportional to the degree of the destination. These results are verified numerically for the paradigmatic networks with excellent agreement. We show that the range of validity of the analytical results covers networks that have short relaxation time and high mean degree, which turn out to be valid to many real networks.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Increased surface flashover voltage in microfabricated devices

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    With the demand for improved performance in microfabricated devices, the necessity to apply greater electric fields and voltages becomes evident. When operating in vacuum, the voltage is typically limited by surface flashover forming along the surface of a dielectric. By modifying the fabrication process we have discovered it is possible to more than double the flashover voltage. Our finding has significant impact on the realization of next-generation micro- and nano-fabricated devices and for the fabrication of on-chip ion trap arrays for the realization of scalable ion quantum technology

    Rotating black hole orbit functionals in the frequency domain

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    In many astrophysical problems, it is important to understand the behavior of functions that come from rotating (Kerr) black hole orbits. It can be particularly useful to work with the frequency domain representation of those functions, in order to bring out their harmonic dependence upon the fundamental orbital frequencies of Kerr black holes. Although, as has recently been shown by W. Schmidt, such a frequency domain representation must exist, the coupled nature of a black hole orbit's rr and θ\theta motions makes it difficult to construct such a representation in practice. Combining Schmidt's description with a clever choice of timelike coordinate suggested by Y. Mino, we have developed a simple procedure that sidesteps this difficulty. One first Fourier expands all quantities using Mino's time coordinate λ\lambda. In particular, the observer's time tt is decomposed with λ\lambda. The frequency domain description is then built from the λ\lambda-Fourier expansion and the expansion of tt. We have found this procedure to be quite simple to implement, and to be applicable to a wide class of functionals. We test the procedure using a simple test function, and then apply it in a particularly interesting case, the Weyl curvature scalar ψ4\psi_4 used in black hole perturbation theory.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Phys Rev D. New version gives a vastly improved algorithm due to Drasco for computing the Fourier transforms. Drasco has been added as an author. Also fixed some references and exterminated a small herd of typos; final published versio

    Daylight quantum key distribution over 1.6 km

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) has been demonstrated over a point-to-point ∼1.6\sim1.6-km atmospheric optical path in full daylight. This record transmission distance brings QKD a step closer to surface-to-satellite and other long-distance applications.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Submitted to PRL on 14 January 2000 for publication consideratio

    Extinction and dust/gas ratio in LMC molecular clouds

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    Aims. The goal of this paper is to measure the dust content and distribution in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by comparing extinction maps produced in the near-infrared wavelengths and the spatial distribution of the neutral and molecular gas, as traced by Hi and CO observations. Methods. In order to derive an extinction map of the LMC, we have developed a new method to measure the color excess of dark clouds, using the 2MASS all-sky survey. Classical methods to measure the color excess (including the NICE method) tend to underestimate the true color excess if the clouds are significantly contaminated by unreddened foreground stars, as is the case in the LMC. We propose a new method that uses the color of the X percentile reddest stars and which is robust against such contamination. Using this method, it is possible to infer the positions of dark clouds with respect to the star distribution by comparing the observed color excess as a function of the percentile used and that predicted by a model. Results. On the basis of the resulting extinction map, we perform a correlation analysis for a set of dark molecular clouds. Assuming similar infrared absorption properties for the dust in the neutral and molecular phases, we derive the absorption-to-column density ratio AV/NH and the CO-to-H2 conversion factor X_(CO). We show that AV/NH increases from the outskirts of the LMC towards the 30 Dor star-forming region. This can be explained either by a systematic increase of the dust abundance, or by the presence of an additional gas component not traced by Hi or CO, but strongly correlated to the Hi distribution. If dust abundance is allowed to vary, the derived X_(CO) factors for the selected regions are several times lower than those derived from a virial analysis of the CO data. This could indicate that molecular clouds in the LMC are not gravitationally bound, or that they are bounded by substantial external pressure. However, the X_(CO) values derived from absorption can be reconciled with the virial results assuming a constant value for the dust abundance and the existence of an additional, unseen gas component. These results are in agreement with those derived for the LMC from diffuse far-infrared emission
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