45,962 research outputs found

    ESR Study of Optically Induced Phase Transitions

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    We have identified an optically enhanced magnetic phase transition in the newly synthesized organic molecular charge transfer salt, (BEDT-TTF)3Ta2F11 (BEDT-TTF bisethylenedithiolotetrathiafulvalene) by ESR absorption measurements in the X band microwave region. At room temperature, only a doublet state ESR absorption is observed, but below 30 K severa~ tripl~t E.SR absorpti_ons appear. The orientation dependence of the ESR absorption under lllummat10n at energies near the band gaps in the material ( 640 nm, T = 12 to 5 K H0 \u3c 0.34 T) indicates that there are rapid spin exchange processes with times r \u3c w-s; near 7 ~o 5 K.along cert~in ~rystallographic directions with a temperature dependen~e suggesting spm-lattlce relaxation times which proceed via Van Vleck direct processes. This, to our knowledge, is the first case where the magnetic properties of a charge transfer salt are altered by the interaction with photons of energy equal to the band gaps in a low dimensional solid providing a new, interesting way to investigate these materials

    Nonlinear photon transport in a semiconductor waveguide-cavity system containing a single quantum dot: Anharmonic cavity-QED regime

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    We present a semiconductor master equation technique to study the input/output characteristics of coherent photon transport in a semiconductor waveguide-cavity system containing a single quantum dot. We use this approach to investigate the effects of photon propagation and anharmonic cavity-QED for various dot-cavity interaction strengths, including weakly-coupled, intermediately-coupled, and strongly-coupled regimes. We demonstrate that for mean photon numbers much less than 0.1, the commonly adopted weak excitation (single quantum) approximation breaks down, even in the weak coupling regime. As a measure of the anharmonic multiphoton-correlations, we compute the Fano factor and the correlation error associated with making a semiclassical approximation. We also explore the role of electron--acoustic-phonon scattering and find that phonon-mediated scattering plays a qualitatively important role on the light propagation characteristics. As an application of the theory, we simulate a conditional phase gate at a phonon bath temperature of 2020 K in the strong coupling regime.Comment: To appear in PR

    Phonon-dressed Mollow triplet in the regime of cavity-QED

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    We study the resonance fluorescence spectra of a driven quantum dot placed inside a high QQ semiconductor cavity and interacting with an acoustic phonon bath. The dynamics is calculated using a time-convolutionless master equation obtained in the polaron frame. We demonstrate pronounced spectral broadening of the Mollow sidebands through cavity-emission which, for small cavity-coupling rates, increases quadratically with the Rabi frequency. However, for larger cavity coupling rates, this broadening dependence is found to be more complex. This field-dependent Mollow triplet broadening is primarily a consequence of the triplet peaks sampling different parts of the asymmetric phonon bath, and agrees directly with recent experiments with semiconductor micropillars. The influence from the detuned cavity photon bath and multi-photon effects is shown to play a qualitatively important role on the fluorescence spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Carter-like constants of the motion in Newtonian gravity and electrodynamics

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    For a test body orbiting an axisymmetric body in Newtonian gravitational theory with multipole moments Q_L, (and for a charge in a non-relativistic orbit about a charge distribution with the same multipole moments) we show that there exists, in addition to the energy and angular momentum component along the symmetry axis, a conserved quantity analogous to the Carter constant of Kerr spacetimes in general relativity, if the odd-L moments vanish, and the even-L moments satisfy Q_2L = m (Q_2/m)^L. Strangely, this is precisely the relation among mass moments enforced by the no-hair theorems of rotating black holes. By contrast, if Newtonian gravity is supplemented by a multipolar gravitomagnetic field, whose leading term represents frame-dragging (or if the electrostatic field is supplemented by a multipolar magnetic field), we are unable to find an analogous Carter-like constant. This further highlights the very special nature of the Kerr geometry of general relativity.Comment: 4 page

    Multiple and variable speed electrical generator systems for large wind turbines

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    A cost effective method to achieve increased wind turbine generator energy conversion and other operational benefits through variable speed operation is presented. Earlier studies of multiple and variable speed generators in wind turbines were extended for evaluation in the context of a specific large sized conceptual design. System design and simulation have defined the costs and performance benefits which can be expected from both two speed and variable speed configurations

    Optical off-nuclear spectra of quasar hosts and radio galaxies

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    We present optical (~3200A to ~9000A) off-nuclear spectra of 26 powerful active galaxies in the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.3, obtained with the Mayall and William Herschel 4-meter class telescopes. The sample consists of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars (all with -23 > M_V > -26) and radio galaxies of Fanaroff & Riley Type II (with extended radio luminosities and spectral indices comparable to those of the radio-loud quasars). The spectra were all taken approximately 5 arcseconds off-nucleus, with offsets carefully selected so as to maximise the amount of galaxy light falling into the slit, whilst simultaneously minimising the amount of scattered nuclear light. The majority of the resulting spectra appear to be dominated by the integrated stellar continuum of the underlying galaxies rather than by light from the non-stellar processes occurring in the active nuclei, and in many cases a 4000A break feature can be identified. The individual spectra are described in detail, and the importance of the various spectral components is discussed. Stellar population synthesis modelling of the spectra will follow in a subsequent paper (Nolan et al. 2000).Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, uses MNRAS style file, incorporates 71 postscript figures, to be published in MNRAS. Contact author: [email protected]

    Assessment worlds colliding? Negotiating between discourses of assessment on an online open course

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    Using the badged open course, Taking your first steps into Higher Education, this case study examines how assessment on online open courses draws on concepts of assessment used within formal and informal learning. Our experience was that assessment used within open courses, such as massive open online courses, is primarily determined by the requirements of quality assurance processes to award a digital badge or statement of participation as well as what is technologically possible. However, this disregards much recent work in universities that use assessment in support of learning. We suggest that designers of online open courses should pay greater attention to the relationship of assessment and learning to improve participant course completion

    Personality Profiles of Iditasport Ultra-marathon Participants

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    Each February, competitors convene in Big Lake, Alaska, to participate in the “Iditasport Human Powered Ultra-Marathon”. Who would attempt this challenging race? Personality might be one factor predicting participation. Iditasport represents a unique athletic event with a distinctive social and psychological climate that might be reflected in the personalities of the participants in many ways. This study was designed to identify the personality profile of Iditasport athletes when compared to normative populations and to explore differences between athletes competing in different race divisions