41,095 research outputs found


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    An economic evaluation of wet corn gluten feed used in beef feedlot finishing was done. Data were from feeding trials at North Dakota State University. Four rations were analyzed at 0 percent, 28 percent, 56 percent, and 85 percent wet corn gluten based on dry matter intake. Data were entered into a computer model that integrated the feeding trial data with economic input and output prices. A typical feedlot example was used. Results indicated that the 56 percent ration was the most biologically efficient. A matrix of results can be shown for various corn prices, relative to wet corn gluten feed prices and quantities fed. Based on this study, wet corn gluten feed is priced competitively with other feed stuffs.wet corn gluten feed, feeding trials, feedlot, finishing, beef, economic analysis, North Dakota, Farm Management,

    Developing a Conceptual Framework of Seroadaptive Behaviors in HIV-Diagnosed Men Who Have Sex With Men

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    Background. Seroadaptive behaviors are strategies employed by men who have sex with men (MSM) to reduce the transmission risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It has been suggested that they contribute to the increasing diagnoses of sexually transmitted infections in HIV-diagnosed MSM. To understand the context in which the reemerging sexually transmitted infections appear, we developed a social epidemiological model incorporating the multiple factors influencing seroadaptive behaviors. Methods. A literature review of seroadaptive behaviors in HIV-diagnosed MSM was conducted. The literature was synthesized using a social epidemiological perspective. Results. Seroadaptive behaviors are adopted by MSM in high-income countries and are a way for HIV-diagnosed men to manage and enjoy their sexual lives. Influences are apparent at structural, community, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels. There is little evidence of whether and when the behavior forms part of a premeditated strategy; it seems dependent on the social context and on time since HIV diagnosis. Social rules of HIV disclosure and perception of risk depend on the setting where partners are encountered. Conclusions. Seroadaptive behaviors are strongly context dependent and can reduce or increase transmission risk for different infectious diseases. Further data collection and mathematical modeling can help us explore the specific conditions in more detail

    Continuous-Time Random Walks at All Times

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    Continuous-time random walks (CTRW) play important role in understanding of a wide range of phenomena. However, most theoretical studies of these models concentrate only on stationary-state dynamics. We present a new theoretical approach, based on generalized master equations picture, that allowed us to obtain explicit expressions for Laplace transforms for all dynamic quantities for different CTRW models. This theoretical method leads to the effective description of CTRW at all times. Specific calculations are performed for homogeneous, periodic models and for CTRW with irreversible detachments. The approach to stationary states for CTRW is analyzed. Our results are also used to analyze generalized fluctuations theorem

    Nonlinear photon transport in a semiconductor waveguide-cavity system containing a single quantum dot: Anharmonic cavity-QED regime

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    We present a semiconductor master equation technique to study the input/output characteristics of coherent photon transport in a semiconductor waveguide-cavity system containing a single quantum dot. We use this approach to investigate the effects of photon propagation and anharmonic cavity-QED for various dot-cavity interaction strengths, including weakly-coupled, intermediately-coupled, and strongly-coupled regimes. We demonstrate that for mean photon numbers much less than 0.1, the commonly adopted weak excitation (single quantum) approximation breaks down, even in the weak coupling regime. As a measure of the anharmonic multiphoton-correlations, we compute the Fano factor and the correlation error associated with making a semiclassical approximation. We also explore the role of electron--acoustic-phonon scattering and find that phonon-mediated scattering plays a qualitatively important role on the light propagation characteristics. As an application of the theory, we simulate a conditional phase gate at a phonon bath temperature of 2020 K in the strong coupling regime.Comment: To appear in PR

    The Edge Geometry of Regular Polygons -- Part 1

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    There are multiple mappings that can be used to generate what we call the 'edge geometry' of a regular N-gon, but they are all based on piecewise isometries acting on the extended edges of N to form a 'singularity' set W. This singularity set is also known as the 'web' because it is connected and consists of rays or line segments, with possible accumulation points in the limit. We will use three such maps here, all of which appear to share the same local geometry of W. These mappings are the outer-billiards map Tau, the digital-filter map Df and the 'dual-center' map Dc. In 'Outer-billiards, digital filters and kicked Hamiltonians' (arXiv:1206.5223) we show that the Df and Dc maps are equivalent to a 'shear and rotation' in a toral space and in the complex plane respectively, and in 'First Families of Regular Polygons and their Mutations' (arXiv:1612.09295) we show that the web for Tau can also be reduced to a shear and rotation. This equivalence of maps supports the premise that this web geometry is inherent in the N-gon. Here we describe the edge geometry up to N = 25 and in Part 2 this will be extended to N = 50. In all cases this geometry defines an invariant region local to N. Typically this region contains multiple S[k] 'tiles' from the First Family of N, but our emphasis is on the S[1] and S[2] tiles adjacent to N. Since the web evolves in a multi-step fashion, it is possible to make predictions about the 'next-generation' tiles which will survive in the early web of S[1] and S[2]. The Edge Conjecture defines just 8 classes of N-gons based on this edge geometry so there is an 'Eightfold Way' for regular polygons.Comment: This is a large-scale update with 91 pages and new results. The graphics are linked to high-resolution images which can be downloaded. There is a hands-on introduction to all 3 maps and software is available at DynamicsOfPolygons.or

    Current status of MCNP6 as a simulation tool useful for space and accelerator applications

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    For the past several years, a major effort has been undertaken at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to develop the transport code MCNP6, the latest LANL Monte-Carlo transport code representing a merger and improvement of MCNP5 and MCNPX. We emphasize a description of the latest developments of MCNP6 at higher energies to improve its reliability in calculating rare-isotope production, high-energy cumulative particle production, and a gamut of reactions important for space-radiation shielding, cosmic-ray propagation, and accelerator applications. We present several examples of validation and verification of MCNP6 compared to a wide variety of intermediate- and high-energy experimental data on reactions induced by photons, mesons, nucleons, and nuclei at energies from tens of MeV to about 1 TeV/nucleon, and compare to results from other modern simulation tools.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proc. 11th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2012), St. Petersburg, FL, May 28 - June 3, 201

    Phonon-dressed Mollow triplet in the regime of cavity-QED

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    We study the resonance fluorescence spectra of a driven quantum dot placed inside a high QQ semiconductor cavity and interacting with an acoustic phonon bath. The dynamics is calculated using a time-convolutionless master equation obtained in the polaron frame. We demonstrate pronounced spectral broadening of the Mollow sidebands through cavity-emission which, for small cavity-coupling rates, increases quadratically with the Rabi frequency. However, for larger cavity coupling rates, this broadening dependence is found to be more complex. This field-dependent Mollow triplet broadening is primarily a consequence of the triplet peaks sampling different parts of the asymmetric phonon bath, and agrees directly with recent experiments with semiconductor micropillars. The influence from the detuned cavity photon bath and multi-photon effects is shown to play a qualitatively important role on the fluorescence spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    100 years of British Military Psychology (From Myers to the MoD)

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