130 research outputs found

    Optical characterization of two-dimensional photonic crystal cavities with indium arsenide quantum dot emitters

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    We have characterized the modes within two-dimensional photonic crystal nanocavities with self-organized indium arsenide quantum dots as an active material. Highly localized donor mode resonances with 3 to 5 nm linewidth were observed when spatially selective optical pumping the cavities. These modes could be lithographically tuned from 1100 to 1300 nm. Other, more extended modes, were also characterized and exhibited narrower resonance linewidths ranging from 0.6 to 2 nm

    Poole-Frenkel Effect and Phonon-Assisted Tunneling in GaAs Nanowires

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    We present electronic transport measurements of GaAs nanowires grown by catalyst-free metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Despite the nanowires being doped with a relatively high concentration of substitutional impurities, we find them inordinately resistive. By measuring sufficiently high aspect-ratio nanowires individually in situ, we decouple the role of the contacts and show that this semi-insulating electrical behavior is the result of trap-mediated carrier transport. We observe Poole-Frenkel transport that crosses over to phonon-assisted tunneling at higher fields, with a tunneling time found to depend predominantly on fundamental physical constants as predicted by theory. By using in situ electron beam irradiation of individual nanowires we probe the nanowire electronic transport when free carriers are made available, thus revealing the nature of the contacts

    3D Simple Monte Carlo statistical model for GaAs nanowire single photon avalanche diode

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    GaAs based nanowire single photon avalanche diode (SPAD) has been demonstrated with extremely small afterpulsing probability and low dark count rate, and hence it has attracted wide attention for the near infrared applications. However, there is a lack of model to accurately evaluate the avalanche breakdown performance in nanowire SPAD with a spatially non-uniform electric field. In this work, we have developed a three-dimensional (3D) Simple Monte Carlo statistical model for GaAs nanowire SPADs. Model validation includes ionisation coefficients of GaAs and avalanche gain in GaAs nanowire avalanche photodiode. We also apply our model to predict the device performances of breakdown probability, mean time to breakdown and timing jitter, which are essential parameters for SPAD design. Simulating a PN junction GaAs nanowire SPAD design using our model, we found that device performances have little dependence on the primary carrier injection type, but the nanowire doping concentration requires optimization for high performance SPAD design and operation

    Confined modes of two dimensional photonic crystal defect cavities with Indium Arsenide quantum dots

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    We have fabricated and characterized two-dimensional photonic crystal with defect cavities containing self-organized indium arsenide quantum dots as active material. Single defect donor modes were found to have well localized close to the single defect

    Bottom-up Photonic Crystal Lasers

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    The directed growth of III–V nanopillars is used to demonstrate bottom-up photonic crystal lasers. Simultaneous formation of both the photonic band gap and active gain region is achieved via catalyst-free selective-area metal–organic chemical vapor deposition on masked GaAs substrates. The nanopillars implement a GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs axial double heterostructure for accurate, arbitrary placement of gain within the cavity and lateral InGaP shells to reduce surface recombination. The lasers operate single-mode at room temperature with low threshold peak power density of ~625 W/cm^2. Cavity resonance and lasing wavelength is lithographically defined by controlling pillar pitch and diameter to vary from 960 to 989 nm. We envision this bottom-up approach to pillar-based devices as a new platform for photonic systems integration

    Ultracompact bottom-up photonic crystal lasers on silicon-on-insulator

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    Abstract Compact on-chip light sources lie at the heart of practical nanophotonic devices since chip-scale photonic circuits have been regarded as the next generation computing tools. In this work, we demonstrate room-temperature lasing in 7 × 7 InGaAs/InGaP core-shell nanopillar array photonic crystals with an ultracompact footprint of 2300 × 2300 nm2, which are monolithically grown on silicon-on-insulator substrates. A strong lateral confinement is achieved by a photonic band-edge mode, which is leading to a strong light-matter interaction in the 7 × 7 nanopillar array, and by choosing an appropriate thickness of a silicon-on-insulator layer the band-edge mode can be trapped vertically in the nanopillars. The nanopillar array band-edge lasers exhibit single-mode operation, where the mode frequency is sensitive to the diameter of the nanopillars. Our demonstration represents an important first step towards developing practical and monolithic III-V photonic components on a silicon platform

    Optical characterization of AlAsSb digital alloy and random alloy on GaSb

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    III-(As, Sb) alloys are building blocks for various advanced optoelectronic devices, but the growth of their ternary or quaternary materials are commonly limited by spontaneous formation of clusters and phase separations during alloying. Recently, digital alloy growth by molecular beam epitaxy has been widely adopted in preference to conventional random alloy growth because of the extra degree of control offered by the ordered alloying. In this article, we provide a comparative study of the optical characteristics of AlAsSb alloys grown lattice-matched to GaSb using both techniques. The sample grown by digital alloy technique showed stronger photoluminescence intensity, narrower peak linewidth, and larger carrier activation energy than the random alloy technique, indicating an improved optical quality with lower density of non-radiative recombination centers. In addition, a relatively long carrier lifetime was observed from the digital alloy sample, consistent with the results obtained from the photoluminescence study

    Electro-optical and lasing properties of hybrid quantum dot/quantum well material system for reconfigurable photonic devices

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    We characterize the electro-optical and lasing properties of a hybrid material consisting of multiple InAs quantum dot (QD) layers together with an InGaAs quantum well (QW) grown on a GaAs substrate. Over 40 nm Stark shift of the InGaAs QW leading to 9 dB extinction ratio was demonstrated. Lasing operation at the QD first excited state transition of 1070 nm was achieved and together with < 10 ps absorption recovery the system shows promise for high-speed mode-locked lasers and electro-modulated lasers. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4791565
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