186 research outputs found

    Proposed Regulation of Missouri Procedure by Rules of Court, The

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    At the 1915 meeting of the Missouri Bar Association, the committee on judicial administration and legal procedure recommended that the matter of making rules for the government of civil practice in the trial courts be delegated to the Supreme Court. A similar recommendation was made by the committee on judicial administration and remedial procedure in 1912, and by a special committee on judicial administration and legal procedure in 1913. The proposal was approved by the Missouri Bar Association in 1913 after a long debate, and it was vigorously advocated by the president of the Association in his annual address in 1914. To lawyers now long accustomed to the regulation of the minutest details of judicial procedure by statute, the proposal may seem somewhat radical, but the history of procedure in Missouri would seem to show that it would only, enlarge a power which the courts have long exercised


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    Conditions Subsequent in Conveyances in Missouri

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    Though the learning surrounding the subject of conditions has lost some of its importance because of the infrequency with which conditions are now enforced by entry for breach, it has by no means become obsolete in the modern, law of conveyancing. Cases still arise to which the common law rules are applicable, as instanced in three recent Missouri decisions, and the strictness of those rules, due to the disfavor with which the law regards conditions, seems to justify this special study of the Missouri decisions relating to the subject

    Preliminary Stock Subscription Agreements in Missouri

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    Preliminary stock subscription agreements are no longer in general use. In the early part of the last century they were a popular means of organizing corporations, but the more modern general statutes of incorporation which now exist in all of the states have made it less convenient to resort to such methods of organization. In some instances they are still necessary, however. Whenever the organization of a quasi-public or cooperative undertaking is contemplated, they are not only convenient, but almost indispensable. If, for instance, it were proposed to build a railroad from Columbia to Jefferson City for which the capital were not available, it would be necessary to resort to some such method of enlisting co-operation

    Limitations of Personal Property

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    Since chattels personal were never subjects of feudal tenure,\u27 the creation of legal interests in them is not restricted by the artificial rules which apply in the creation of legal interests in realty. Though it may be proper to speak of the seisin of chattels, there has never been a principle that such seisin cannot be put in abeyance. Land can only be held of some one, but chattels may be owned absolutely. Strictly speaking, estates in chattels are therefore impossible, for estate connotes qualified ownership. Any disposition of a chattel, unless it be by way of pledge or bailment, or unless otherwise limited, will pass the absolute interest in it. Words of limitation are unnecessary; while a conveyance of land to A formerly passed but a life estate,\u27 a similar gift of a chattel made him absolute owner

    Executory Limitations of Property in Missouri

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    This study will deal with the present position of executory limitations of real and personal property in Missouri law, which will involve a consideration of their validity at common law and under the English statutes of uses and wills and under the Missouri statutes, and an analysis of the Missouri decisions. The doctrine that any limitation after a fee simple to which is added an absolute power of disposal is void, will be examined particularly, and an effort will be made to point out a way of escape from it

    Legal Foundations of International Relations

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    Our system of international law has been developed over a period of more than three centuries. It is distinctly Western and European in origin. In tracing its growth, we usually refer to the Spanish jurist-theologians of the sixteenth century, but we ascribe first place to Hugo Grotius whose great book on The Law of War and Peace was first published in 1625

    Estates Tail in Missouri

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    The recent case of Gray v. Ward calls attention to the problems which arise in the application of the Missouri statute abolishing estates tail as created by the statute De Donis Conditionalibus. It is believed that all of these problems have not been solved in the decisions of the Missouri Court and this study is undertaken to determine what principles have been adopted, and what further principles should control the Court in the application of this statute of entails

    Prospect for International Law in the Twentieth Century

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