11,209 research outputs found

    How genealogies are affected by the speed of evolution

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    In a series of recent works it has been shown that a class of simple models of evolving populations under selection leads to genealogical trees whose statistics are given by the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent rather than by the well known Kingman coalescent in the case of neutral evolution. Here we show that when conditioning the genealogies on the speed of evolution, one finds a one parameter family of tree statistics which interpolates between the Bolthausen-Sznitman and Kingman's coalescents. This interpolation can be calculated explicitly for one specific version of the model, the exponential model. Numerical simulations of another version of the model and a phenomenological theory indicate that this one-parameter family of tree statistics could be universal. We compare this tree structure with those appearing in other contexts, in particular in the mean field theory of spin glasses

    Galaxy Distances in the Nearby Universe: Corrections For Peculiar Motions

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    By correcting the redshift--dependent distances for peculiar motions through a number of peculiar velocity field models, we recover the true distances of a wide, all-sky sample of nearby galaxies (~ 6400 galaxies with velocities cz<5500 km/s), which is complete up to the blue magnitude B=14 mag. Relying on catalogs of galaxy groups, we treat ~2700 objects as members of galaxy groups and the remaining objects as field galaxies. We model the peculiar velocity field using: i) a cluster dipole reconstruction scheme; ii) a multi--attractor model fitted to the Mark II and Mark III catalogs of galaxy peculiar velocities. According to Mark III data the Great Attractor has a smaller influence on local dynamics than previously believed, whereas the Perseus-Pisces and Shapley superclusters acquire a specific dynamical role. Remarkably, the Shapley structure, which is found to account for nearly half the peculiar motion of the Local Group, is placed by Mark III data closer to the zone of avoidance with respect to its optical position. Our multi--attractor model based on Mark III data favors a cosmological density parameter Omega ~ 0.5 (irrespective of a biasing factor of order unity). Differences among distance estimates are less pronounced in the ~ 2000 - 4000 km/s distance range than at larger or smaller distances. In the last regions these differences have a serious impact on the 3D maps of the galaxy distribution and on the local galaxy density --- on small scales.Comment: 24 pages including (9 eps figures and 7 tables). Figures 1,2,3,4 are available only upon request. Accepted by Ap

    A hybrid systems model for supervisory cognitive state identification and estimation in neural prosthetics

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    This paper presents a method to identify a class of hybrid system models that arise in cognitive neural prosthetic medical devices that aim to help the severely handicapped. In such systems a “supervisory decoder” is required to classify the activity of multi-unit extracellular neural recordings into a discrete set of modes that model the evolution of the brain’s planning process. We introduce a Gibbs sampling method to identify the key parameters of a GLHMM, a hybrid dynamical system that combines a set of generalized linear models (GLM) for dynamics of neuronal signals with a hidden Markov model (HMM) that describes the discrete transitions between the brain’s cognitive or planning states. Multiple neural signals of mixed type, including local field potentials and spike arrival times, are integrated into the model using the GLM framework. The identified model can then be used as the basis for the supervisory decoding (or estimation) of the current cognitive or planning state. The identification algorithm is applied to extracellular neural recordings obtained from set of electrodes acutely implanted in the posterior parietal cortex of a rhesus monkey. The results demonstrate the ability to accurately decode changes in behavioral or cognitive state during reaching tasks, even when the model parameters are identified from small data sets. The GLHMM models and the associated identification methods are generally applicable beyond the neural application domain

    Nearby Optical Galaxies: Selection of the Sample and Identification of Groups

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    In this paper we describe the Nearby Optical Galaxy (NOG) sample, which is a complete, distance-limited (cz≀cz\leq6000 km/s) and magnitude-limited (B≀\leq14) sample of ∌\sim7000 optical galaxies. The sample covers 2/3 (8.27 sr) of the sky (∣b∣>20∘|b|>20^{\circ}) and appears to have a good completeness in redshift (98%). We select the sample on the basis of homogenized corrected total blue magnitudes in order to minimize systematic effects in galaxy sampling. We identify the groups in this sample by means of both the hierarchical and the percolation {\it friends of friends} methods. The resulting catalogs of loose groups appear to be similar and are among the largest catalogs of groups presently available. Most of the NOG galaxies (∌\sim60%) are found to be members of galaxy pairs (∌\sim580 pairs for a total of ∌\sim15% of objects) or groups with at least three members (∌\sim500 groups for a total of ∌\sim45% of objects). About 40% of galaxies are left ungrouped (field galaxies). We illustrate the main features of the NOG galaxy distribution. Compared to previous optical and IRAS galaxy samples, the NOG provides a denser sampling of the galaxy distribution in the nearby universe. Given its large sky coverage, the identification of groups, and its high-density sampling, the NOG is suited for the analysis of the galaxy density field of the nearby universe, especially on small scales.Comment: 47 pages including 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Microsecond resolution of quasiparticle tunneling in the single-Cooper-pair-transistor

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    We present radio-frequency measurements on a single-Cooper-pair-transistor in which individual quasiparticle poisoning events were observed with microsecond temporal resolution. Thermal activation of the quasiparticle dynamics is investigated, and consequently, we are able to determine energetics of the poisoning and un-poisoning processes. In particular, we are able to assign an effective quasiparticle temperature to parameterize the poisoning rate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 fig

    IRAS versus POTENT Density Fields on Large Scales: Biasing and Omega

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    The galaxy density field as extracted from the IRAS 1.2 Jy redshift survey is compared to the mass density field as reconstructed by the POTENT method from the Mark III catalog of peculiar velocities. The reconstruction is done with Gaussian smoothing of radius 12 h^{-1}Mpc, and the comparison is carried out within volumes of effective radii 31-46 h^{-1}Mpc, containing approximately 10-26 independent samples. Random and systematic errors are estimated from multiple realizations of mock catalogs drawn from a simulation that mimics the observed density field in the local universe. The relationship between the two density fields is found to be consistent with gravitational instability theory in the mildly nonlinear regime and a linear biasing relation between galaxies and mass. We measure beta = Omega^{0.6}/b_I = 0.89 \pm 0.12 within a volume of effective radius 40 h^{-1}Mpc, where b_I is the IRAS galaxy biasing parameter at 12 h^{-1}Mpc. This result is only weakly dependent on the comparison volume, suggesting that cosmic scatter is no greater than \pm 0.1. These data are thus consistent with Omega=1 and b_I\approx 1. If b_I>0.75, as theoretical models of biasing indicate, then Omega>0.33 at 95% confidence. A comparison with other estimates of beta suggests scale-dependence in the biasing relation for IRAS galaxies.Comment: 35 pages including 10 figures, AAS Latex, Submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Shock-induced prompt relativistic electron acceleration in the inner magnetosphere

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    Abstract We present twin Van Allen Probes spacecraft observations of the effects of a solar wind shock impacting the magnetosphere on 8 October 2013. The event provides details both of the accelerating electric fields associated with the shock and the response of inner magnetosphere electron populations across a broad range of energies. During this period, the two Van Allen Probes observed shock effects from the vantage point of the dayside magnetosphere at radial positions of L = 3 and L = 5, at the location where shock-induced acceleration of relativistic electrons occurs. The extended (~1 min) duration of the accelerating electric field across a broad extent of the dayside magnetosphere, coupled with energy-dependent relativistic electron gradient drift velocities, selects a preferred range of energies (3–4 MeV) for the initial enhancement. Those electrons—whose drift velocity closely matches the azimuthal phase velocity of the shock-induced pulse—stayed in the accelerating wave as it propagated tailward and received the largest increase in energy. Drift resonance with subsequent strong ULF waves further accentuated this range of electron energies. Phase space density and positional considerations permit the identification of the source population of the energized electrons. Observations detail the promptness (\u3c20 min), energy range (1.5–4.5 MeV), energy increase (~500 keV), and spatial extent (L* ~3.5–4.0) of the enhancement of the relativistic electrons. Prompt acceleration by impulsive shock-induced electric fields and subsequent ULF wave processes therefore comprises a significant mechanism for the acceleration of highly relativistic electrons deep inside the outer radiation belt as shown clearly by this event

    Parental Motivation in Family Farm Intergenerational Transfers

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    An intergenerational transfer model incorporating both altruism and exchange is presented for family farm transfers. A simulation study is conducted to test parental motivation in intergenerational transfers of family farm businesses. Results indicated that family farm intergenerational transfers are altruistically motivated.Family Farms, Intergenerational Transfer, Family Farm Succession, Consumer/Household Economics, Farm Management, Q10, Q12,

    Maximum-Likelihood Comparisons of Tully-Fisher and Redshift Data: Constraints on Omega and Biasing

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    We compare Tully-Fisher (TF) data for 838 galaxies within cz=3000 km/sec from the Mark III catalog to the peculiar velocity and density fields predicted from the 1.2 Jy IRAS redshift survey. Our goal is to test the relation between the galaxy density and velocity fields predicted by gravitational instability theory and linear biasing, and thereby to estimate ÎČI=Ω0.6/bI,\beta_I = \Omega^{0.6}/b_I, where bIb_I is the linear bias parameter for IRAS galaxies. Adopting the IRAS velocity and density fields as a prior model, we maximize the likelihood of the raw TF observables, taking into account the full range of selection effects and properly treating triple-valued zones in the redshift-distance relation. Extensive tests with realistic simulated galaxy catalogs demonstrate that the method produces unbiased estimates of ÎČI\beta_I and its error. When we apply the method to the real data, we model the presence of a small but significant velocity quadrupole residual (~3.3% of Hubble flow), which we argue is due to density fluctuations incompletely sampled by IRAS. The method then yields a maximum likelihood estimate ÎČI=0.49±0.07\beta_I=0.49\pm 0.07 (1-sigma error). We discuss the constraints on Ω\Omega and biasing that follow if we assume a COBE-normalized CDM power spectrum. Our model also yields the 1-D noise noise in the velocity field, including IRAS prediction errors, which we find to be be 125 +/- 20 km/sec.Comment: 53 pages, 20 encapsulated figures, two tables. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. Also available at http://astro.stanford.edu/jeff

    Synonymy and stratigraphic ranges of Belemnopsis in the Heterian and Ohauan Stages (Callovian-Tithonian), southwest Auckland, New Zealand.

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    Belemnopsis stevensi, Belemnopsis maccrawi, and Belemnopsis sp. A (Challinor 1979a) are synonymous; B. stevensi has priority. New belemnite material from Kawhia Harbour and Port Waikato, together with graphical study methods, indicates that many small fragmentary specimens associated with B. stevensi in the lower part of its stratigraphic range are probably the same taxon. B. stevensi has been found only in the Middle and Upper Heterian Stage (Lower Kimmeridgian) at Kawhia and only in the Lower Ohauan Stage (Upper Kimmeridgian) at Port Waikato. This apparently disjunct distribution is attributed to poor exposure in the relevant sections. Belemnopsis kiwiensis n.sp., Belemnopsis cf. sp. B, Belemnopsis sp. B, Belemnopsis sp. D, and Belemnopsis spp. are associated with B. stevensi near the lowest known point in its stratigraphic range. The distribution of stratigraphically useful belemnites within the Heterian and Ohauan Stages is: Conodicoelites spp. (Lower Heterian; correlated with Lower Callovian); Belemnopsis annae (Lower and Middle Heterian; Lower Callovian/Lower Kimmeridgian); Belemnopsis stevensi (Middle Heterian/Lower Ohauan; Kimmeridgian); Belemnopsis keari (Upper Heterian; Kimmeridgian); Belemnopsis trechmanni (Upper Ohauan; Upper Kimmeridgian/Middle Tithonian). The apparently extreme range of Belemnopsis annae remains unexplained. Klondyke Sandstone (new) is recognised as the basal member of Moewaka Formation (Port Waikato area)
