5 research outputs found


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    The utilization of rice flour as one of raw materials of most Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake is able to weaken the national Food Security, since the high potential of agricultural outcomes in Indonesia are not optimized. Based on the chemical composition of corn, soy beans and variety of tubers, they are quite good as foodstuffs. By optimizing the use of natural resources, then there is no longer agricultural commodity which will be neglected. This is a great opportunity for our nation to build the national Food Security. Besides that, preservation efforts of Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake can continue to be encouraged without necessarily undercut national Food Security. This research aims to develop flour instead of rice flour as a substitution in the making of Bugis-Makassarese traditional cakes and to know the precise formulation in substitution of non-rice flour on Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake. Ten out of eleven Bugis-Makassarese traditional cakes (Beppa pute, nennu-nennu, baruasa, kacipo, putu soppa, onde-onde, bolu cukke, sawella, paminang, talang and bua seppang) were validated until the validation stage II. Those ten cakes were declared valid and worthy to be tested restrictively. Panelists’ level of acceptance to the rice flour substitution on Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake is 93.30%, while 6.7 % of panelists declare rejection

    Implementasi Keterampilan Proses Sains Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter

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    The utilization of rice flour as one of raw materials of most Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake is able to weaken the national Food Security, since the high potential of agricultural outcomes in Indonesia are not optimized. Based on the chemical composition of corn, soy beans and variety of tubers, they are quite good as foodstuffs. By optimizing the use of natural resources, then there is no longer agricultural commodity which will be neglected. This is a great opportunity for our nation to build the national Food Security. Besides that, preservation efforts of Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake can continue to be encouraged without necessarily undercut national Food Security. This research aims to develop flour instead of rice flour as a substitution in the making of Bugis-Makassarese traditional cakes and to know the precise formulation in substitution of non-rice flour on Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake. Ten out of eleven Bugis-Makassarese traditional cakes (Beppa pute, nennu-nennu, baruasa, kacipo, putu soppa, onde-onde, bolu cukke, sawella, paminang, talang and bua seppang) were validated until the validation stage II. Those ten cakes were declared valid and worthy to be tested restrictively. Panelists’ level of acceptance to the rice flour substitution on Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake is 93.30%, while 6.7 % of panelists declare rejectio


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan puree tempe, proses pembuatan creme caramel dari puree tempe, penerimaan panelis terhadap creme caramel dari puree tempe, mengetahui kandungan gizi creme caramel pure tempe. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dan score sheet. Teknik analisis data yang digunakanadalah analisis deskriptif, mean, uji anova. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembuatan puree tempe terbaik dimulai pemilihan tempe, pemotongan tempe, pengukusan, penghalusan, dan penyaringan mesh 50, proses pembuatan creme caramel terbaik adalah resep standar dengan proses penimbangan bahan, pencampuran bahan, pencetakan dan pengukusan, pada uji organoleptik hasil mutu terbaik yaitu formula F1 dengan penambahan tempe 25% dengan nilai rata rata warna 3,9, aroma 4,75, tekstur 6,05, rasa 5,6 over all 5,55, dan uji hedonik 7,5. Ada perbedaan cremecaramel puree tempe dari segi warna, segi aroma ada perbedaan, segi tekstur tidak ada perbedaan, rasa tidak ada perbedaan, over all tidak ada perbedaan dan uji H ada perbedaan.Hasil uji kandungan gizi dengan lima parameter yaituprotein 5,56%, lemak 3,06%, karbohidrat4,04%, kadar air 65,99% dan kadar abu 0,64%. Kata kunci - Creme Caramel, Puree, Temp

    Implementasi Keteramplan Proses Sains Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter

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    The utilization of rice flour as one of raw materials of most Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake is able to weaken the national Food Security, since the high potential of agricultural outcomes in Indonesia are not optimized. Based on the chemical composition of corn, soy beans and variety of tubers, they are quite good as foodstuffs. By optimizing the use of natural resources, then there is no longer agricultural commodity which will be neglected. This is a great opportunity for our nation to build the national Food Security. Besides that, preservation efforts of Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake can continue to be encouraged without necessarily undercut national Food Security. This research aims to develop flour instead of rice flour as a substitution in the making of Bugis-Makassarese traditional cakes and to know the precise formulation in substitution of non-rice flour on Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake. Ten out of eleven Bugis-Makassarese traditional cakes (Beppa pute, nennu-nennu, baruasa, kacipo, putu soppa, onde-onde, bolu cukke, sawella, paminang, talang and bua seppang) were validated until the validation stage II. Those ten cakes were declared valid and worthy to be tested restrictively. Panelists’ level of acceptance to the rice flour substitution on Bugis-Makassarese traditional cake is 93.30%, while 6.7 % of panelists declare rejectio

    Substitusi Tepung Beras Dengan Tepung Jagung dan Singkong Pada Makanan Tradisional: Pembelajaran Bagi Masyarakat Suku Bugis Makassar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodifikasi resep makanan tradisional suku Bugis-Makassar yang selama ini semua menggunakan tepung beras menjadi makanan tradisional non beras dengan mensubtitusi tepung bukan beras kedalam makanan. Tepung pengganti dalam modifikasi penelitian ini adalah tepung jagung dan tepung singkong. Luaran dari penelitian ini adalah resep baru yang dapat dijadikan modul dalam pembelajaran berwawasan kemasyarakatan dengan harapan masyarakat dapat mengganti kebiasaan dalam membuat makanan tradisional tanpa tepung beras. Kebiasaan masyarakat lokal ini dapat diubah melalui pembelajaran berwawasan kemasyarakatan. Respon panelis dalam penelitian ini menunuukkan bahwa makanan tradisional yang menggunakan substitusi tepung jagung dan tepung ubi kayu layak untuk dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat lokal. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil uji organoleptic para panelis yang menyukai makanan yaitu citarasa, warna, aroma, dan bau. Selanjutnya diharapkan perbaikan terhadap resep yang telah diteliti dan selanjutnya diharapkan dapat bantuan dari berbagai pihak untuk melakukan kandungan gizi dari makanan tersebut sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas gizi dari masyarakat lokal dan sangat dibutuhkan bantuan dari semua pihak khusunya pemeritah agar pelestarian makanan lokal suku Bugis-Makassar tetap terjaga