5 research outputs found

    Gene expression of metalloproteinase 11, claudin 1 and selected adhesion related genes in papillary thyroid cancer

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    Wst臋p: Nadekspresja gen贸w koduj膮cych bia艂ka uczestnicz膮ce w adhezji kom贸rkowej mo偶e by膰 zwi膮zana z cechami inwazyjno艣ci i mo偶liwo艣ci膮 przerzut贸w. Celem pracy by艂o por贸wnanie poziomu ekspresji wybranych gen贸w w rakach brodawkowatych tarczycy (PTC, papillary thyroid carcinoma) w odniesieniu do odpowiadaj膮cych im tkanek prawid艂owych przy u偶yciu reakcji Q-PCR w czasie rzeczywistym. Materia艂 i metody: Materia艂 do bada艅 stanowi艂 ca艂kowity RNA wyizolowany z 38 tkanek raka tarczycy i odpowiadaj膮cych im tkanek zdrowych. Ca艂kowity RNA w ilo艣ci 0,5 μg wykorzystywano w reakcji odwrotnej transkrypcji, z kolei cDNA stanowi艂 matryc臋 w reakcji Q-PCR. Jako kontrol臋 wewn臋trzn膮 zastosowano gen GUS, kt贸rego ekspresja by艂a stabilna we wszystkich analizowanych tkankach. Wyniki: Analizowane geny zosta艂y wytypowane metod膮 mikromacierzy DNA jako charakterystyczne dla r贸偶nicowania PTC od tkanki zdrowej. Poziom ekspresji analizowanych gen贸w, badany poprzez ilo艣ciow膮 ocen臋 odpowiednich transkrypt贸w, by艂 podwy偶szony w PTC, a jej 艣rednia warto艣膰 wynosi艂a: 1,08 dla CLDN1; 3,98 dla LRP4; 4,57 dla FLRT3; 26,6 dla MRC2; 2,76 dla NRCAM; 0,76 dla MMP11 i 1,35 dla EVA1 w jednostkach arbitralnych, podczas gdy w kontrolnych tkankach zdrowej tarczycy wynosi艂a odpowiednio: 0,145; 0,7; 0,74; 7,9; 0,85; 0,09; 0,396 jednostek. Dla potwierdzenia ich nadekspresji metod膮 Q-PCR zastosowano test Ko艂mogorowa-Smirnowa. Dla wszystkich gen贸w r贸偶nice mi臋dzy tkank膮 prawid艂ow膮 a PTC by艂y znamienne statystycznie. Wnioski: Spo艣r贸d badanych gen贸w najwi臋ksze r贸偶nice w ekspresji mi臋dzy tkank膮 PTC a zdrow膮 tkank膮 tarczycy wykaza艂y geny CLDN1 (klaudyna 1) i MMP11 (metaloproteinaza 11). Gen MMP11 mo偶na zaliczy膰 do grupy charakterystycznej dla nowotwor贸w z艂o艣liwych tarczycy, lecz bez wskazania na jego rodzaj, poniewa偶 istotny wzrost jego ekspresji wyst臋puje r贸wnie偶 w raku rdzeniastym tarczycy. Wydaje si臋, 偶e gen CLDN1 m贸g艂by by膰 markerem raka brodawkowatego, jednak potrzebna jest weryfikacja przeprowadzonej analizy na dodatkowym materiale.Introduction: Metastasis and invasiveness of thyroid carcinoma might be correlated with over-expression of genes which encode proteins responsible for cellular adhesion. The aim of our study was to compare by means of real-time Q-PCR expression levels of chosen genes in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) with respect to normal thyroid tissues. Material and methods: Total RNA was isolated from 38 paired normal and PTC samples. 0.5 μg of RNA was used in the reverse transcription reaction. cDNA was further used in Q-PCR reaction. As endogenous control we used GUS gene, as its expression was stable in all analysed samples. Results: The analyzed genes were found by microarray studies as characteristic in differentiated papillary carcinoma and normal tissue. The levels of gene expression, estimated by quantitative analysis of particular transcripts were increased in papillary thyroid carcinoma with the following average values: 0.76 for MMP11; 1.08 for CLDN1; 3.98 for LRP4; 4.57 for FLRT3; 26.6 for MRC2; 2.76 for NRCAM; and 1.35 for EVA1 (arbitrary units), whereas in normal thyroid tissues treated as control the respective values were: 0.09; 0.145; 0.7; 0.74; 7.9; 0.85 and 0.396 units. To confirm the overexpression of mentioned genes the conservative Kolmogorov- Smirnov test was used. Differences in expression between normal thyroid tissue and PTC were statistically significant. Conclusions: Among the analyzed genes two show the largest difference in expression between papillary thyroid cancer and normal tissue: MMP11 (metalloproteinase 11) and CLDN1 (claudin 1). The MMP11 gene can be characteristic for various malignant thyroid carcinomas, because its increased levels are present also in medullary thyroid carcinomas. It appears that claudin 1 may be used as a marker of PTC, however a verification on independent collection of tumors of this result is required

    Antitumor effect of RGD-4C-GG-D(KLAKLAK)2 peptide in mouse B16(F10) melanoma model

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    Vasculature targeting agents have been tested as cancer therapeutics for the past few years. Such therapy could be accomplished using, for example, bifunctional (two-domain) peptides. RGD-4C-GG-D(KLAKLAK)2, a peptide designed by Ellerby and coworkers (1999) (full sequence: ACDCRGDCFCGGKLAKLAKKLAKLAK), binds selectively to 伪V尾3 integrin receptors expressed in tumor neovasculature and, after internalization, effectively induces apoptosis of endothelial cells. The aim of this study was to examine if RGD-4C-GG-D(KLAKLAK)2 would efficiently target cells, among them B16(F10), that overexpress 伪V尾3 receptors, and whether it would be suitable for therapeutic treatment of primary B16(F10) murine melanoma tumors. Thus, the peptide would target two distinct tumor compartments: that formed by endothelium of blood vessels and that made up of neoplastic cells. The therapeutic peptide was recognized and did induce apoptosis in B16(F10) cell line. Tumor growth inhibition was observed following direct intratumoral administration. However, cessation of peptide administration led to rapid tumor growth and death of the animals

    Preclinical characterization of CPL302-253, a selective inhibitor of PI3K未, as the candidate for the inhalatory treatment and prevention of Asthma.

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    Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory disease. Although effective asthma therapies are available, part of asthmatic population do not respond to these treatment options. In this work we present the result of development of CPL302-253 molecule, a selective PI3K未 inhibitor. This molecule is intended to be a preclinical candidate for dry powder inhalation in asthma treatment. Studies we performed showed that this molecule is safe and effective PI3K未 inhibitor that can impact many immune functions. We developed a short, 15-day HDM induced asthma mouse model, in which we showed that CPL302-253 is able to block inflammatory processes leading to asthma development in vivo

    A PDE10A inhibitor CPL500036 is a novel agent modulating striatal function devoid of most neuroleptic side-effects

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    Background: Phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) is expressed almost exclusively in the striatum and its inhibition is suggested to offer potential treatment in disorders associated with basal ganglia. We evaluated the selectivity, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, pharmacokinetics and potential adverse effects of a novel PDE10A inhibitor, CPL500036, in vivo. Methods: The potency of CPL500036 was demonstrated by microfluidic technology, and selectivity was investigated in a radioligand binding assay against 44 targets. Cardiotoxicity in vitro was evaluated in human ether-a-go-go related gene (hERG)-potassium channel-overexpressing cells by the patch-clamp method and by assessing key parameters in 3D cardiac spheroids. Cytotoxicity was determined in H1299, HepG2 and SH-SY5Y cell lines. The Ames test was used for genotoxicity analyses. During in vivo studies, CPL500036 was administered by oral gavage. CPL500036 exposure were determined by liquid chromatography鈥搕andem mass spectrometry and plasma protein binding was assessed. The bar test was employed to assess catalepsy. Prolactin and glucose levels in rat blood were measured by ELISAs and glucometers, respectively. Cardiovascular safety in vivo was investigated in dogs using a telemetry method. Results: CPL500036 inhibited PDE10A at an IC(50) of 1聽nM, and interacted only with the muscarinic M2 receptor as a negative allosteric modulator with an IC(50) of 9.2聽碌M. Despite inhibiting hERG tail current at an IC(25) of 3.2聽渭M, cardiovascular adverse effects were not observed in human cardiac 3D spheroids or in vivo. Cytotoxicity in vitro was observed only at > 60聽渭M and genotoxicity was not recorded during the Ames test. CPL500036 presented good bioavailability and penetration into the brain. CPL500036 elicited catalepsy at 0.6聽mg/kg, but hyperprolactinemia or hyperglycemic effects were not observed in doses up to 3聽mg/kg. Conclusion: CPL500036 is a potent, selective and orally bioavailable PDE10A inhibitor with a good safety profile distinct from marketed antipsychotics. CPL500036 may be a compelling drug candidate