1,023 research outputs found

    The spectrum of the B[e] star BAL224

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    We present optical spectroscopy of the emission line star BAL 224 (V=17.3, B-V=0.46). This star also named KWBBE 485, [MA93]906 is located at the periphery of the young SMC cluster NGC 330; it is known as a photometric variable with a possible period around 1 day (Balona 1992). Furthermore it was reported as the optical counterpart of the prominent mid-infrared source (MIR1) by Kucinskas et al. (2000), indicating the presence of a dust shell. The star was included in a sample of B-type stars observed using the ESO VLT-FLAMES facilities. The presence of emission lines such as Fe II,[Fe II], [S II] make this object like a B[e] star. The Halpha alpha, Hgamma gamma and Hdelta delta lines show an asymmetrical double-peaked emission profile suggesting the presence of an accretion disk. Moreover the MACHO and OGLE light curves were analyzed; in addition to a long-term variability (simeq simeq 2300d), a short period very close to 1 day has been detected using different methods, confirming the variability previously reported by Balona (1992). Finally the nature of this object is reconsidered.Comment: 4 page

    ALBUM: a tool for the analysis of slitless spectra and its application to ESO WFI data

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    ALBUM is a general-purpose tool to visualize and screen large amounts of slitless spectra. It was developed for a search for emission-line stars in SMC and LMC clusters. The observations were obtained with ESO's Wide Field Imager (WFI) and comprise ~8 million low-resolution spectra. The tool as well as the results of its application to the SMC part of the database are presented. The inferred frequency of Be stars is compared to the one in the higher-metallicity environment of the Milky Way.Comment: The 2007 ESO instrument calibration workshop, Garching bei Muenchen : Allemagne (2007); 4 page

    Tailwater Level Effects on Flow Conditions at an Abrupt Drop

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    This paper presents an experimental study of the transition from supercritical to subcritical flow at an abrupt drop. The paper reports a wide range of experimental conditions and the relevant regime charts. Long-term experimental results show that some flow configurations tend to behave quasiperiodically (i.e. oscillating flow patterns). The experimental results have direct implications on the design and construction of spillway stilling basins where abrupt drops may be used to stabilise the position of the jump. The present study proposes design guidelines taking into account the different flow types, for a range of tailwater flow conditions. These guidelines are essential for a safe and proper operation of stilling basins with abrupt drop

    Early-type PMS and MS objects in M16 and the Carina star-forming regions

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    Thanks to a variety of pertinent wide-angle facilities (WFI-slitless mode, VLT-FLAMES (Pasquini et al. 2002), SPITZER, 2MASS) it is possible to comprehensively study the nature of early-type objects in star-forming regions like the Eagle Nebula and Carina on large spatial scales. In them, the young open clusters NGC 6611, Trumpler 14, Trumpler 15, Trumpler 16, and their vicinities are of particular interest. With the WFI in its slitless mode (Baade et al. 1999), one can reliably and with little extra effort discriminate in thousands of spectra between intrinsic circumstellar emission as in HBe/Ae stars and diffuse interstellar line emission. The only bias results from the need of the equivalent width and absolute strength of the line emission to be sufficient for detection. VLT-FLAMES spectra combined with infrared data from SPITZER and 2MASS permit the nature of the objects with and without emission-lines to be derived. Following this approach, we report on the discovery and classification of new Herbig Be/Ae stars, pre-main sequence objects, and main sequence stars in these regions. Based on line-width measurements in VLT-FLAMES spectra, the evolution of the rotational velocities between pre-main sequence and main sequence phases is also discussed.Comment: Proceedings corresponding to poster 581 from the Special Session 7 about young stellar objects at the IAU-GA 200

    On the nature of early-type emission line objects in NGC6611

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    The number and the nature of emission line stars in the young open cluster NGC6611 is still the object of debates. Due to the presence of a strong and variable nebulosity in the cluster, the number of emission line stars is highly depending on the technique and the resolution used for the observations. Thanks to observations with the ESO-WFI, in slitless spectroscopic mode, and with the VLT-GIRAFFE we have been able to disentangle the circumstellar and nebular emissions. We confirm the small number of true emission line objects and we precise their nature: mainly Herbig Be stars.Comment: Sf2a 2007 PNP

    Be stars in open clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We report on the study of the population of B and Be stars in SMC young clusters, performed with the Wide Field Imager in slitless spectroscopic mode at ESO/T2.2m with a filter centered at Halpha. First, we explain the reduction methods we used and our selection of different types of objects. Second, we present results on the proportion of Be stars in SMC clusters, and we compare this proportion to the one observed in the Milky Way. Finally, we also present results on a statistical study of variability of Be stars with OGLE.Comment: sf2a 200

    Understanding the influence of parenting on early childhood health and health care utilization

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    The significant variability in the use of pediatric care points to a need for a greater understanding of factors that influence early childhood health care usage. Given parents' central role in child health and service use, the effects of several parental characteristics have been examined. However, little is known about the influence of general parenting behaviours on variations in service use. Aim: Using 250 parent-child dyads from the Concordia Longitudinal Risk Project, this study examined whether parental support, structure and control would influence rates of early childhood usage for different types of health services and whether these effects would be moderated by conditions of disadvantage typically associated with poorer health and service use. Results: Greater parental support increased children's rate of non-emergency care and decreased their hospitalizations rate; however, parental support was particularly important in conditions of disadvantage. For children of parents from impoverished backgrounds, more supportive parenting was associated with higher rates of non-emergency care and visits for ear infections and acute respiratory infections. In addition, greater parental structure decreased children's rates of ear infection and acute respiratory infections and tended to decrease children's rate of emergency room visit. Greater parental control decreased children's rate of emergency room visits and tended to decrease non-emergency care. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of considering broad parenting behaviours when examining variations in health and health care utilization in early childhood and it provides the theoretical basis for developing interventions aimed at parenting in high risk populations

    Short term variability in Be stars and binaries in the Magellanic Clouds

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    We observed a large sample of B & Be stars in the Magellanic Clouds, respectively 176 and 344 stars, with the multi-object spectrograph GIRAFFE at ESO/VLT. We obtained spectra at different settings at various epochs. It allowed us to discover several spectroscopic binaries with short and intermediate periods. By cross-correlation in coordinates with the MACHO database, we found the light-curves for 350 stars in our samples. Among them, 19 (14 new) are photometric binaries (5 in the LMC, 14 in the SMC). Among these 19 photometric binaries 6 are also spectroscopic binaries (5 in the LMC, 1 in the SMC) and 2 others are Be stars (2 in the SMC). For all these binaries the orbital period was determined. Among our sample, 134 Be stars were observed by MACHO and, for these stars, we searched for short-term photometric variability. We have found 13 objects among Be stars in the SMC which present short-term photometric variability (P<<2.5d) with amplitude lower than 0.1 magnitude. This short-term variability is often superimposed to a long-term variation.Comment: Active OB stars meeting Sapporo Japan 08/09/200

    On the behaviour of B and Be stars at low metallicity

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    We present new results obtained with the VLT GIRAFFE for a large sample of B and Be stars belonging to the Magellanic Clouds, i.e. at low metallicity. First, we show the effects of the metallicity of the environment on their rotation (linear, angular, and at the ZAMS). Second, we present the analysis of the effects of metallicity and evolution on the appearance of Be stars. We also new present results about the proportions of Be stars to B stars. Third, by cross-correlation with large photometric surveys such as MACHO and OGLE, we report on the detection for the first time of short-term multi-periodicity in 9 Be stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, which can be interpreted in terms of pulsations.Comment: sf2a 2007 PNP

    Zams Rotational Velocities of be Stars

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    We show that Be stars belong to a high velocity tail of a single B-type star rotational velocity distribution in the main sequence (MS). We studied 127 galactic field Be stars and obtained their true equatorial velocity at the ZAMS using models of stellar evolution with rotation. There is a sharp mass-dependent cut in the ZAMS under which there is no Be star. Velocities above this cut follow a Gaussian-tail distribution. B stars with ZAMS rotational velocities lower than the cut probably cannot become Be.Comment: Societe Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, France (2005
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