29 research outputs found

    Hubungan Mutu Pelayanan Dengan Loyalitas Pelanggan Jasa Pengiriman Paket Pada Kantor Pos Kota Depok

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    Fice were (1) To identify the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty; (2) To analyze the relationship strength between service quality and customer loyalty; (3) Assessing the service quality level by Depok City Post Office. The data collecting were primary and secondary data. Convenience sampling was chosen as sampling technique. The research analyze by descriptive analysis, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Range and Rank Spearman correlation test, and processed by Microsoft Excel 2007 and Software SPSS 17.0 version for Windows. The study by IPA showed the attribute spread out around all quadrant with the majority attributes placed on quadrant III, however the study will be focused on attributes placed Quadrant I: completly of information media, quick service and complaint service, which are the main important factors to improve. The research finding was proven the customer is categorize as loyal customer. The analysis of work attributes level showed reliability has no relation with loyality. The Relationship between Good Quality of Customer Service and Customer Packaging Delivery Service Loyalty in Depok City Post Office is strong showed by r = 0,277

    Faktor-Faktor Customer Experience Management Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Peningkatan Citra Telkom Speedy Pada PT TELKOM Kandatel Bekasi

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    Speedy as PT. Telkom Product is facing a high competition in internet services provider business. The product functional value is not sufficient to win the competition but it is need the internet service image as product image. Nowadays, Consumer perspective about product image is determined by their experiences. This is the reason behind Customer Experience Management (CEM) which defines as a process of managing customer experiences through company products or services. The factors of CEM are product, service, channel, promotion and brand. The research objectives at PT. Telkom Kandatel Bekasi are (1) to identify CEM factors of SPEEDY (2) to identify which CEM factors are influencing product image, (3) to indentify dominant CEM factor which influencing product imager (4) to recommend the effective implementation of CEM. The research showed 68,8 percent CEM factors were influencing Telkom Speedy image, which there are three factors e.g. product, promotion and brand were partially influenced Telkom Speedy image. Product was the most dominant factors of CEM which influenced image. The research recommended PT. Telkom to improve the quality of Telkom Speedy through speed of internet access improvement, front liners services, and promotion, to manage customer experience

    Pengaruh Penerapan Konsep Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Kinerja Non-Keuangan Di Kantor Pusat PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia

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    Good corporate governance defines the correlation among corporate\u27s elements which can determine the performance of the corporation. By implementing GCG within the corporates, it is expected to increase corporate performance improvement in both financial and non-financial sector. The purposes of this research is to analyze how the implementation of GCG and the performance of PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia and how the GCG\u27s influence towards corporate performance. The analytical method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis result shows that the GCG implementation was not significantly effect PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia performance. Accountability has significantly effect to PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia performance. The coefficient determination (R2) was 0,187 (18,7%) showed that GCG implementation was still has small contribution to PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia performance

    Pengendalian Mutu Pada Proses Produksi Di Tiga Usaha Kecil Menengah Tahu Kabupaten Bogor

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    Today the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is increasing significantly along with the rise in competitiveness in this field. Accordingly entrepreneurs who want to get into the competition and do not want to be left behind by other SMEs in the business field have to pay attention to the quality of their product. The purpose of this study are: (1) to analyze the quality control (QC) on the production process in SMEs of Tofu (soybean cake) as Tahu Bambu, Tahu Bandung Ashor and Tahu Bandung; (2) to identify the factors which cause damage of Tofu as Tahu Bambu, Tahu Bandung Ashor and Tahu Bandung; (3) to identify the most influential factor affecting the quality of Tofu as Tahu Bambu, Tahu Bandung Ashor and Tahu Bandung; and (4) to assess the QC on the production process in the above three unit. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through direct observation and interviews with the SMEs, while the secondary data were taken from the internet and references such as books, journals and theses. Analysis tool used were Pareto Diagram, Cause and Effect Diagram and Control Chart. It is from Cause-Effect diagram that the factors affecting damage in three SMEs of Tahu were revealed, i.e human, raw materials, machines and tools, methods and environment with the main cause of most influence through analysis Pareto diagram is one piece. Quality control of the SMEs Tahu Bambu and SMEs Tahu Bandung analyzed using by p Control Charts indicated that they were controlled

    Kepuasan Nasabah Dan Strategi Pengembangan Usaha BNI Kantor Cabang Utama Harmoni Jakarta

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    Industri perbankan di Indonesia berkembang dengan cepat, ditunjukkan dengan banyaknya bank dan produknya yang menyebabkan persaingan semakin ketat. Disamping itu, terjadinya Perubahan pola pikir konsumen yang ditandai dengan semakin banyaknya faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam memilih bank, antara lain akses yang mudah, rasa aman, produk bersaing dan pelayanan memuaskan. Tujuan kajian untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik nasabah, menganalisis hubungan tingkat kinerja mutu jasa yang diberikan dengan karakteristik nasabah, menganalisis tingkat kepentingan nasabah dengan atribut-atribut mutu pelayanan, menganalisis kesesuaian antara tingkat kepentingan dengan atribut-atribut mutu pelayanan menurut nasabah dengan kinerja dan menyusun strategi yang tepat untuk pengembangan Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Kantor Cabang Utama (KCU) Harmoni dalam menghadapi persaingan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah analisis deskriptif, keandalan dan uji validitas, khi-kuadrat (chi-square), tabulasi silang, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) dan Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis. Karakteristik nasabah BNI KCU Harmoni sebagian besar adalah wanita berusia 36-55 tahun dan bekerja sebagai karyawati dengan penghasilan di atas Rp 8 juta lebih. Secara umum, nasabah mendapatkan informasi dari spanduk yang dipasang di depan kantor BNI KCU Harmoni. Berdasarkan hubungan antara karakteristik nasabah dan tingkat kinerja, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelanggan wanita, terutama berusia 36-55 tahun membutuhkan pelayanan sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan. Karyawan membutuhkan pelayanan menurut standar layanan. Nasabah dengan penghasilan Rp 5-8 juta mengharapkan transaksi keuangan dilakukan dengan aman. Nasabah melakukan transaksi sekali dalam satu bulan, karena merasa percaya dan nyaman dengan pelayanan yang diberikan. Sumber informasi berupa spanduk yang dipasang di depan BNI KCU Harmoni sangat membantu petugas dalam memberikan informasi. Prioritas utama perbaikan perlu dilakukan tentang pelayanan parkir dengan melakukan koordinasi keamanan operasional gedung dan melakukan pemasaran secara agresif, lebih informatif dan fokus dengan lingkungan di sekitar kantor. Secara keseluruhan dari hasil integrasi IPA, CSI dan SWOT menunjukkan bahwa nasabah telah merasa puas dengan pelayanan yang telah diberikan BNI KCU Harmoni. Kepuasan ini harus dibandingkan (benchmarking) dengan pelayanan yang diberikan oleh bank-bank pesaing di sekitar BNI KCU Harmoni agar pelayanan dapat lebih ditingkatkan menjadi lebih baik

    Pengaruh Kompetensi, Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT Elnusa Tbk

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    Program Turnaround di PT Elnusa Tbk merupakan langkah fundamental untuk melakukan Perubahan diberbagai aspek. Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji turunan dari program tersebut berupa pengaruh kompetensi, motivasi dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Analisis Jalur dengan pengambilan contoh stratified random sampling with proportional allocation terhadap karyawan PT Elnusa Tbk bagian shared service dengan 45 contoh. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tata nilai kompetensi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kepuasan kerja, motivasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawannya. Hal lainnya kepuasan kerja memiliki pengaruh nyata terhadap kinerja karyawan. Untuk itu, evaluasi mengenai sistem kompensasi perlu memerhatikan level dan beban kerja karyawan serta sistem komunikasi untuk menjaga motivasi kerja karyawan Perusahaan

    Strategi Pengembangan Program Penyelenggaraan Khusus di Pascasarjana

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi Program Studi Magister PengembanganIndustri Kecil Menengah (PS MPI) dan penyelenggaraan yang perlu dikembangkan di masa-masamendatang. Penentuan responden berdasarkan tingkat kepakarannya yang berasal dari pihakmanajemen dan stakeholders. Alat analisis yang digunakan meliputi Matriks IFE dan EFE, MatriksIE, Matriks SWOT, QSPM, dan Implementasi Strategi. Posisi PS MPI terletak pada sel V, yaitu jagadan pertahankan. Strategi pengembangan yang bisa diimplementasikan oleh PS MPI yaitu strategipemutakhiran metode pembelajaran sesuai kebutuhan pasar dan perkembangan jaman. Strategi inibisa diimplementasikan oleh program penyelenggaraan khusus lainnya di Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB.Implementasi strategi tersebut d

    Pengaruh Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Dan Harga Saham Pada Sektor Properti Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The company operational activities are performed with the purpose to maximize shareholder values; however, the company's activities have impacts on environment, social, economiy and community. In order to comply with the government regulation, companies must conduct Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), because investors are more interested in companies which have a good image in the community. This leads to make consumer loyalty higher and subsequently increases the company's profitability and company's stock values. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of CSR disclosure on Corporate Financial Performance (CFP) and stock prices. This study used 20 samples of property companies in the Indonesia's Stock Exchange selected by purposive sampling. Data were processed and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with software smartPLS. This research shows that valid indicators measure CSR at property sector include environment, human rights and society. A valid indicator measuring financial performance construct is only Market Value Added (MVA) and stock return is the valid indicator to measure stock price construct. The hypothesis test shows that CSR disclosure had significant effect on CFP, but the CSR disclosure had no significant effects on stock price, and CFP had no significant effects on stock prices