68 research outputs found

    Observational constraints on cosmic neutrinos and dark energy revisited

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    Using several cosmological observations, i.e. the cosmic microwave background anisotropies (WMAP), the weak gravitational lensing (CFHTLS), the measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations (SDSS+WiggleZ), the most recent observational Hubble parameter data, the Union2.1 compilation of type Ia supernovae, and the HST prior, we impose constraints on the sum of neutrino masses (\mnu), the effective number of neutrino species (\neff) and dark energy equation of state (ww), individually and collectively. We find that a tight upper limit on \mnu can be extracted from the full data combination, if \neff and ww are fixed. However this upper bound is severely weakened if \neff and ww are allowed to vary. This result naturally raises questions on the robustness of previous strict upper bounds on \mnu, ever reported in the literature. The best-fit values from our most generalized constraint read \mnu=0.556^{+0.231}_{-0.288}\rm eV, \neff=3.839\pm0.452, and w=1.058±0.088w=-1.058\pm0.088 at 68% confidence level, which shows a firm lower limit on total neutrino mass, favors an extra light degree of freedom, and supports the cosmological constant model. The current weak lensing data are already helpful in constraining cosmological model parameters for fixed ww. The dataset of Hubble parameter gains numerous advantages over supernovae when w=1w=-1, particularly its illuminating power in constraining \neff. As long as ww is included as a free parameter, it is still the standardizable candles of type Ia supernovae that play the most dominant role in the parameter constraints.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, 7 tables, accepted to JCA

    21 cm foreground removal using AI and frequency-difference technique

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    The deep learning technique has been employed in removing foreground contaminants from 21 cm intensity mapping, but its effectiveness is limited by the large dynamic range of the foreground amplitude. In this study, we develop a novel foreground removal technique grounded in U-Net networks. The essence of this technique lies in introducing an innovative data preprocessing step specifically, utilizing the temperature difference between neighboring frequency bands as input, which can substantially reduce the dynamic range of foreground amplitudes by approximately two orders of magnitude. This reduction proves to be highly advantageous for the U-Net foreground removal. We observe that the HI signal can be reliably recovered, as indicated by the cross-correlation power spectra showing unity agreement at the scale of k<0.3h1k < 0.3 h^{-1}Mpc in the absence of instrumental effects. Moreover, accounting for the systematic beam effects, our reconstruction displays consistent auto-correlation and cross-correlation power spectrum ratios at the 1σ1\sigma level across scales k0.1h1k \lesssim 0.1 h^{-1}Mpc, with only a 10% reduction observed in the cross-correlation power spectrum at k0.2h1k\simeq0.2 h^{-1}Mpc. The effects of redshift-space distortion are also reconstructed successfully, as evidenced by the quadrupole power spectra matching. In comparison, our method outperforms the traditional Principal Component Analysis method, which derived cross-correlation ratios are underestimated by around 75%. We simulated various white noise levels in the map and found that the mean cross-correlation ratio Rˉcross0.75\bar{R}_\mathrm{cross} \gtrsim 0.75 when the level of the thermal noise is smaller than or equal to that of the HI signal. We conclude that the proposed frequency-difference technique can significantly enhance network performance by reducing the amplitude range of foregrounds and aiding in the prevention of HI loss.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure

    Weak Lensing Reconstruction by Counting DECaLS Galaxies

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    Alternative to weak lensing measurements through cosmic shear, we present a weak lensing convergence κ^\hat{\kappa} map reconstructed through cosmic magnification effect in DECaLS galaxies of the DESI imaging surveys DR9. This is achieved by linearly weighing 1212 maps of galaxy number overdensity in different magnitude bins of grzgrz photometry bands. The weight is designed to eliminate the mean galaxy deterministic bias, minimize galaxy shot noise while maintaining the lensing convergence signal. We also perform corrections of imaging systematics in the galaxy number overdensity. The κ^\hat{\kappa} map has 83658365 deg2^2 sky coverage. Given the low number density of DECaLS galaxies, the κ^\hat{\kappa} map is overwhelmed by shot noise and the map quality is difficult to evaluate using the lensing auto-correlation. Alternatively, we measure its cross-correlation with the cosmic shear catalogs of DECaLS galaxies of DESI imaging surveys DR8, which has 83658365 deg2^2 overlap in sky coverage with the κ^\hat{\kappa} map. We detect a convergence-shear cross-correlation signal with S/N10S/N\simeq 10. The analysis also shows that the galaxy intrinsic clustering is suppressed by a factor O(102)\mathcal{O}(10^2) and the residual galaxy clustering contamination in the κ^\hat{\kappa} map is consistent with zero. Various tests with different galaxy and shear samples, and the Akaike information criterion analysis all support the lensing detection. So is the imaging systematics corrections, which enhance the lensing signal detection by 30%\sim 30\%. We discuss various issues for further improvement of the measurements

    The Intensity of Diffuse Galactic Emission Reflected by Meteor Trails

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    We calculate the reflection of diffuse galactic emission by meteor trails and investigate its potential relationship to Meteor Radio Afterglow (MRA). The formula to calculate the reflection of diffuse galactic emission is derived from a simplified case, assuming that the signals are mirrored by the cylindrical over-dense ionization trail of meteors. The overall observed reflection is simulated through a ray tracing algorithm together with the diffuse galactic emission modelled by the GSM sky model. We demonstrate that the spectrum of the reflected signal is broadband and follows a power law with a negative spectral index of around -1.3. The intensity of the reflected signal varies with local sidereal time and the brightness of the meteor and can reach 2000 Jy. These results agree with some previous observations of MRAs. Therefore, we think that the reflection of galactic emission by meteor trails can be a possible mechanism causing MRAs, which is worthy of further research.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS, 10.1093/mnras/stad342

    Noisy weak-lensing convergence peak statistics near clusters of galaxies and beyond

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    Taking into account noise from intrinsic ellipticities of source galaxies, in this paper, we study the peak statistics in weak-lensing convergence maps around clusters of galaxies and beyond. We emphasize how the noise peak statistics is affected by the density distribution of nearby clusters, and also how cluster-peak signals are changed by the existence of noise. These are the important aspects to be understood thoroughly in weak-lensing analyses for individual clusters as well as in cosmological applications of weak-lensing cluster statistics. We adopt Gaussian smoothing with the smoothing scale θG=0.5 arcmin\theta_G=0.5\hbox{ arcmin} in our analyses. It is found that the noise peak distribution near a cluster of galaxies depends sensitively on the density profile of the cluster. For a cored isothermal cluster with the core radius RcR_c, the inner region with RRcR\le R_c appears noisy containing on average 2.4\sim 2.4 peaks with ν5\nu\ge 5 for Rc=1.7 arcminR_c= 1.7\hbox{ arcmin} and the true peak height of the cluster ν=5.6\nu=5.6, where ν\nu denotes the convergence signal to noise ratio. For a NFW cluster of the same mass and the same central ν\nu, the average number of peaks with ν5\nu\ge 5 within RRcR\le R_c is 1.6\sim 1.6. Thus a high peak corresponding to the main cluster can be identified more cleanly in the NFW case. In the outer region with Rc<R5RcR_c<R\le 5R_c, the number of high noise peaks is considerably enhanced in comparison with that of the pure noise case without the nearby cluster. (abridged)Comment: 10 figures, ApJ in pres

    HybPSF: Hybrid PSF reconstruction for the observed JWST NIRCam image

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) ushers in a new era of astronomical observation and discovery, offering unprecedented precision in a variety of measurements such as photometry, astrometry, morphology, and shear measurement. Accurate point spread function (PSF) models are crucial for many of these measurements. In this paper, we introduce a hybrid PSF construction method called HybPSF for JWST NIRCam imaging data. HybPSF combines the WebbPSF software, which simulates the PSF for JWST, with observed data to produce more accurate and reliable PSF models. We apply this method to the SMACS J0723 imaging data and construct supplementary structures from residuals obtained by subtracting the WebbPSF PSF model from the data. Our results show that HybPSF significantly reduces discrepancies between the PSF model and the data compared to WebbPSF. Specifically, the PSF shape parameter ellipticity and size comparisons indicate that HybPSF improves precision by a factor of approximately 10 for \$R^2\$ and \$50\%\$ for \$e\$. This improvement has important implications for astronomical measurements using JWST NIRCam imaging data

    Void Lensing in Cubic Galileon Gravity

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    Weak lensing studies via cosmic voids are a promising probe of Modified Gravity (MG). Excess surface mass density (ESD) is widely used as a lensing statistic in weak lensing research. In this paper, we use the ray-tracing method to study the ESD around voids in simulations based on Cubic Galileon (CG) gravity. With the compilation of N-body simulation and ray-tracing method, changes in structure formation and deflection angle resulting from MG can both be considered, making the extraction of lensing signals more realistic. We find good agreements between the measurement and theoretical prediction of ESD for CG gravity. Meanwhile, the lensing signals are much less affected by the change of the deflection angle than the change of the structure formation, indicating a good approximation of regarding ESD (statistics) as the projection of 3D dark matter density field. Finally, we demonstrate that it is impossible to distinguish CG and General Relativity in our simulation, however, in the next-generation survey, thanks to the large survey area and the increased galaxy number density, detecting the differences between these two models is possible. The methodology employed in this paper that combines N-body simulation and ray-tracing method can be a robust way to measure the lensing signals from simulations based on the MGs, and especially on that which significantly modifies the deflection angle.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    CSST forecast: impact from non-Gaussian covariances and requirements on systematics-control

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    The precise estimation of the statistical errors and accurate removal of the systematical errors are the two major challenges for the stage IV cosmic shear surveys. We explore their impact for the China Space-Station Telescope (CSST) with survey area 17,500deg2\sim17,500\deg^2 up to redshift 4\sim4. We consider statistical error contributed from Gaussian covariance, connected non-Gaussian covariance and super-sample covariance. We find the super-sample covariance can largely reduce the signal-to-noise of the two-point statistics for CSST, leading to a 1/3\sim1/3 loss in the figure-of-merit for the matter clustering properties (σ8Ωm\sigma_8-\Omega_m plane) and 1/61/6 in the dark energy equation-of-state (w0waw_0-w_a plane). We further put requirements of systematics-mitigation on: intrinsic alignment of galaxies, baryonic feedback, shear multiplicative bias, and bias in the redshift distribution, for an unbiased cosmology. The 10210^{-2} to 10310^{-3} level requirements emphasize strong needs in related studies, to support future model selections and the associated priors for the nuisance parameters.Comment: submitted to MNRA