900 research outputs found

    Likelihood estimation for distributed parameter models for NASA Mini-MAST truss

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    A maximum likelihood estimation for distributed parameter models of large flexible structures was formulated. Distributed parameter models involve far fewer unknown parameters than independent modal characteristics or finite element models. The closed form solutions for the partial differential equations with corresponding boundary conditions were derived. The closed-form expressions of sensitivity functions led to highly efficient algorithms for analyzing ground or on-orbit test results. For an illustration of this approach, experimental data of the NASA Mini-MAST truss was used. The estimations of modal properties involve lateral bending modes and torsional modes. The results show that distributed parameter models are promising in the parameter estimation of large flexible structures

    Exploration of agr types, virulence−associated genes, and biofilm formation ability in Staphylococcus aureus isolates from hemodialysis patients with vascular access infections

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    IntroductionStaphylococcus aureus, is a pathogen commonly encountered in both community and hospital settings. Patients receiving hemodialysis treatment face an elevated risk of vascular access infections (VAIs) particularly Staphylococcus aureus, infection. This heightened risk is attributed to the characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus, , enabling it to adhere to suitable surfaces and form biofilms, thereby rendering it resistant to external interventions and complicating treatment efforts.MethodsTherefore this study utilized PCR and microtiter dish biofilm formation assay to determine the difference in the virulence genes and biofilm formation among in our study collected of 103 Staphylococcus aureus, isolates from hemodialysis patients utilizing arteriovenous grafts (AVGs), tunneled cuffed catheters (TCCs), and arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) during November 2013 to December 2021.ResultsOur findings revealed that both MRSA and MSSA isolates exhibited strong biofilm production capabilities. Additionally, we confirmed the presence of agr types and virulence genes through PCR analysis. The majority of the collected isolates were identified as agr type I. However, agr type II isolates displayed a higher average number of virulence genes, with MRSA isolates exhibiting a variety of virulence genes. Notably, combinations of biofilm-associated genes, such as eno−clfA−clfB−fib−icaA−icaD and eno−clfA−clfB−fib−fnbB−icaA−icaD, were prevalent among Staphylococcus aureus, isolates obtained from vascular access infections.DiscussionThese insights contribute to a better understanding of the molecular characteristics associated with Staphylococcus aureus, infections in hemodialysis patients and provided more targeted and effective treatment approaches

    Open lung biopsy in early-stage acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    INTRODUCTION: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has heterogeneous etiologies, rapid progressive change and a high mortality rate. To improve the outcome of ARDS, accurate diagnosis is essential to the application of effective early treatment. The present study investigated the clinical effects and safety of open lung biopsy (OLB) in patients with early-stage ARDS of suspected non-infectious origin. METHODS: We undertook a retrospective study of 41 patients with early-stage ARDS (defined as one week or less after intubation) who underwent OLB in two medical intensive care units of a tertiary care hospital from 1999 to 2005. Data analyzed included baseline characteristics, complication rate, pathological diagnoses, treatment alterations, and hospital survival. RESULTS: The age of patients was 55 ± 17 years (mean ± SD). The average ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO(2)) to fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) was 116 ± 43 mmHg (mean ± SD) at biopsy. Seventeen patients (41%) were immunocompromised. Postoperative complications occurred in 20% of patients (8/41). All biopsies provided a pathological diagnosis with a diagnostic yield of 100%. Specific pathological diagnoses were made for 44% of patients (18/41). Biopsy findings led to an alteration of treatment modality in 73% of patients (30/41). The treatment alteration rate was higher in patients with nonspecific diagnoses than in patients with specific diagnoses (p = 0.0024). Overall mortality was 50% (21/41) and was not influenced by age, gender, pre-OLB oxygenation, complication rate, pathological results, and alteration of treatment. There was no surgery-related mortality. The survival rate for immunocompromised patients was better than that for immunocompetent patients (71% versus 33%; p = 0.0187) in this study. CONCLUSION: Our retrospective study suggests that OLB was a useful and acceptably safe diagnostic procedure in some selected patients with early-stage ARDS

    High Altitude Pulmonary Edema in a Patient with Previous Pneumonectomy

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    High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a life-threatening illness that can occur in individuals ascending to altitudes exceeding 2400 m. The risk factors are rapid ascent, physical exertion and a previous history of HAPE. This work presents a case study of a 74-year-old man who underwent left side pneumonectomy 40 years ago and subsequently experienced several instances of HAPE. The well-known risk factors for HAPE were excluded in this patient. We suspect that the post-pneumonectomy condition may be a risk factor for HAPE based on this case. [J Formos Med Assoc 2007;106(4):320-322

    Devastating chest wall necrotizing fasciitis following pigtail catheter drainage

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    SummaryPigtail catheter for drainage of pleural effusion has gained popularity. Complication related to the insertion of these small-bore catheter is low. In this report, we highlight two cases with devastating necrotizing fasciitis of chest wall following pigtail catheter insertion

    Outcome of lung cancer patients with acute respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation

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    AbstractTo assess the weaning outcome of lung cancer patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) requiring mechanical ventilation, we retrospectively analyzed the database of the respiratory intensive care unit at a university-affiliated tertiary care hospital.Charts were reviewed for cancer status, biochemistries before respiratory failure, causes of respiratory failure, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) III score, ventilatory settings, data recorded during spontaneous breathing, duration of ventilator days, and weaning outcome. Ninety-five consecutive respiratory failure events in 81 patients were recorded from January 1, 1995 through June 30, 1999.Twenty-six episodes ended with successful weaning (27.4%). Age, gender, and cancer status did not affect the weaning outcome. Serum albumin level, APACHE III score, highest fractional inspired O2 (FiO2) and highest positive end-expiratory pressure, organ failure, ability to shift to partial ventilatory support, and duration of mechanical ventilation could significantly influence the weaning outcome statistically. The overall hospital mortality rate was 85.2%.Our results suggested that lung cancer patients with ARF will have a better chance to wean if the initial APACHE III score was less than 70, use of FiO2 never exceeded 0.6, or less than 2 additional organ systems failed during the treatment course