329 research outputs found

    Topological Field Theory with Haagerup Symmetry

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    We construct a (1+1)dd topological field theory (TFT) whose topological defect lines (TDLs) realize the transparent Haagerup H3\mathcal{H}_3 fusion category. This TFT has six vacua, and each of the three non-invertible simple TDLs hosts three defect operators, giving rise to a total of 15 point-like operators. The TFT data, including the three-point coefficients and lasso diagrams, are determined by solving all the sphere four-point crossing equations and torus one-point modular invariance equations. We further verify that the Cardy states furnish a non-negative integer matrix representation under TDL fusion. While many of the constraints we derive are not limited to the this particular TFT with six vacua, we leave open the construction of TFTs with two or four vacua. Finally, TFTs realizing the Haagerup H1\mathcal{H}_1 and H2\mathcal{H}_2 fusion categories can be obtained by gauging algebra objects. This note makes a modest offering in our pursuit of exotica and the quest for their eventual conformity.Comment: 41+11 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables; v2: corrected statements about the literature, revised Appendix

    The F-Symbols for Transparent Haagerup-Izumi Categories with G = Z_(2n+1)

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    The notion of a transparent fusion category is defined. For the Haagerup-Izumi fusion rings with G=Z_(2n+1) (the Z_3 case is the Haagerup H_3 fusion ring), the transparent property reduces the number of independent F-symbols from order O(n6) to O(n^2), rendering the pentagon identity practically solvable. Transparent fusion categories are constructed up to Z_(15), and the explicit F-symbols are compactly presented. The potential construction of categories for new families of fusion rings is discussed

    The F-Symbols for Transparent Haagerup-Izumi Categories with G = Z_(2n+1)

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    The notion of a transparent fusion category is defined. For the Haagerup-Izumi fusion rings with G=Z_(2n+1) (the Z_3 case is the Haagerup H_3 fusion ring), the transparent property reduces the number of independent F-symbols from order O(n6) to O(n^2), rendering the pentagon identity practically solvable. Transparent fusion categories are constructed up to Z_(15), and the explicit F-symbols are compactly presented. The potential construction of categories for new families of fusion rings is discussed

    A Novel Two-Component Response Regulator Links rpfwith Biofilm Formation and Virulence of Xanthomonasaxonopodis pv. Citri

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    Citrus bacterial canker caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri is a serious disease that impacts citrus productionworldwide, and X. axonopodis pv. citri is listed as a quarantine pest in certain countries. Biofilm formation is important forthe successful development of a pathogenic relationship between various bacteria and their host(s). To understand themechanisms of biofilm formation by X. axonopodis pv. citri strain XW19, the strain was subjected to transposonmutagenesis. One mutant with a mutation in a two-component response regulator gene that was deficient in biofilmformation on a polystyrene microplate was selected for further study. The protein was designated as BfdR for biofilmformation defective regulator. BfdR from strain XW19 shares 100% amino acid sequence identity with XAC1284 of X.axonopodis pv. citri strain 306 and 30–100% identity with two-component response regulators in various pathogens andenvironmental microorganisms. The bfdR mutant strain exhibited significantly decreased biofilm formation on the leafsurfaces of Mexican lime compared with the wild type strain. The bfdR mutant was also compromised in its ability to causecanker lesions. The wild-type phenotype was restored by providing pbfdR in trans in the bfdR mutant. Our data indicatedthat BfdR did not regulate the production of virulence-related extracellular enzymes including amylase, lipase, protease, andlecithinase or the expression of hrpG, rfbC, and katE; however, BfdR controlled the expression of rpfF in XVM2 medium,which mimics cytoplasmic fluids in planta. In conclusion, biofilm formation on leaf surfaces of citrus is important for cankerdevelopment in X. axonopodis pv. citri XW19. The process is controlled by the two-component response regulator BfdR viaregulation of rpfF, which is required for the biosynthesis of a diffusible signal factor

    Quantum correlation generation capability of experimental processes

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    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering and Bell nonlocality illustrate two different kinds of correlations predicted by quantum mechanics. They not only motivate the exploration of the foundation of quantum mechanics, but also serve as important resources for quantum-information processing in the presence of untrusted measurement apparatuses. Herein, we introduce a method for characterizing the creation of EPR steering and Bell nonlocality for dynamical processes in experiments. We show that the capability of an experimental process to create quantum correlations can be quantified and identified simply by preparing separable states as test inputs of the process and then performing local measurements on single qubits of the corresponding outputs. This finding enables the construction of objective benchmarks for the two-qubit controlled operations used to perform universal quantum computation. We demonstrate this utility by examining the experimental capability of creating quantum correlations with the controlled-phase operations on the IBM Quantum Experience and Amazon Braket Rigetti superconducting quantum computers. The results show that our method provides a useful diagnostic tool for evaluating the primitive operations of nonclassical correlation creation in noisy intermediate scale quantum devices.Comment: 5 figures, 3 appendice

    Observational connection of non-thermal X-ray emission from pulsars with their timing properties and thermal emission

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    The origin and radiation mechanisms of high energy emissions from pulsars have remained mysterious since their discovery. Here we report, based on a sample of 68 pulsars, observational connection of non-thermal X-ray emissions from pulsars with their timing properties and thermal emissions, which may provide some constraints on theoretical modeling. Besides strong correlations with the spin-down power E˙\dot{E} and the magnetic field strength at the light cylinder BlcB_{\rm lc}, the non-thermal X-ray luminosity in 0.5 - 8 keV, LpL_{\rm p}, represented by the power-law component in the spectral model, is found to be strongly correlated with the highest possible electric field strength in the polar gap, EpcE_{\rm pc}, of the pulsar. The spectral power index Γp\Gamma_{\rm p} of that power-law component is also found, for the first time in the literature, to strongly correlate with E˙\dot{E}, BlcB_{\rm lc} and EpcE_{\rm pc}, thanks to the large sample. In addition, we found that LpL_{\rm p} can be well described by LpT5.96±0.64R2.24±0.18L_{\rm p}\propto T^{5.96\pm 0.64}R^{2.24\pm 0.18}, where TT and RR are the surface temperature and the emitting-region radius of the surface thermal emission, represented by the black-body component in the spectral model. Γp\Gamma_{\rm p}, on the other hand, can be well described only when timing variables are included, and the relation is Γp=log(T5.8±1.93R2.29±0.85P1.19±0.88P˙0.94±0.44)\Gamma_{\rm p} = \log(T^{-5.8\pm 1.93}R^{-2.29\pm 0.85}P^{-1.19\pm 0.88}\dot{P}^{0.94\pm 0.44}) plus a constant. These relations strongly suggest the existence of connections between surface thermal emission and electron-positron pair production in pulsar magnetospheres.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Effect of Antrodia

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    Antrodia camphorata is a rare Taiwanese medicinal mushroom. Antrodia camphorata extract has been reported to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammation, antimetastasis, and anticancer activities and plays a role in liver fibrosis, vasorelaxation, and immunomodulation. Critical vascular inflammation leads to vascular dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases, including abdominal aortic aneurysms, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. Platelet activation plays a crucial role in intravascular thrombosis, which is involved in a wide variety of cardiovascular diseases. However, the effect of Antrodia camphorata on platelet activation remains unclear. We examined the effects of Antrodia camphorata on platelet activation. In the present study, Antrodia camphorata treatment (56–224 μg/mL) inhibited platelet aggregation induced by collagen, but not U46619, an analogue of thromboxane A2, thrombin, and arachidonic acid. Antrodia camphorata inhibited collagen-induced calcium (Ca2+) mobilization and phosphorylation of protein kinase C (PKC) and Akt. In addition, Antrodia camphorata significantly reduced the aggregation and phosphorylation of PKC in phorbol-12, 13-dibutyrate (PDBu) activated platelets. In conclusion, Antrodia camphorata may inhibit platelet activation by inhibiting of Ca2+ and PKC cascade and the Akt pathway. Our study suggests that Antrodia camphorata may be a potential therapeutic agent for preventing or treating thromboembolic disorders

    Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome: A Single-institution Experience

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    Background:Superior mesenteric artery syndrome (SMAS) is a rare disease in adult. SMAS is characterized by acute, or, more commonly, chronic nonspecific symptoms due to duodenal obstruction and severe malnutrition with reduced arterio-mesenteric angle and distance. Surgical treatment may be necessary in most cases with chronic symptoms or when conservative treatment fails in SMAS.Methods:A retrospective chart review was performed on patients who underwent operation for SMAS from January 2008 to August 2020 in Cardinal Tien Hospital. Patients’ clinical presentations, surgical intervention, and outcomes.Results:Data from a total of 14 patients diagnosed with SMAS were analyzed, of which seven were diagnosed with SMAS by abdominal computed tomography and upper gastrointestinal series with water-soluble barium contrast. Six of the confirmed cases underwent surgery, namely, gastric decompression using a nasogastric tube, andcorrection of electrolyte imbalance. The nasoduodenal tube was placed through the obstructed duodenum to provide a high-nutrient fluid supplement. After conservative treatment failure, the patients underwent surgery. Of the six patients, four underwent duodenojejunostomy, one underwent a mini-laparotomy duodenojejunostomy bypass, and the last one underwent Roux-en-Y duodenojejunal bypass with duodenal feeding tube insertion.Conclusion:Patients with SMAS should initially be treated conservative. Surgical intervention should be considered in patients in whom conservative treatments were not effective.Complete resolution of all symptoms may not always be guaranteed after surgical intervention. Laparoscopy is currently widely used. In well-selected patients, minimally invasive or mini-laparotomy duodenojejunostomy is a safe and effective treatment for SMAS. The main advantages of mini-laparotomy duodenojejunostomy over other surgical approaches include half-length surgical incision and a shorter operative time. Duodenojejunostomy is rapidly becoming the standard procedure of this condition, and it has excellent outcomes comparable with those of open surgery