125,658 research outputs found

    Pion Form Factor in the kTk_T Factorization Formalism

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    Based on the light-cone (LC) framework and the kTk_T factorization formalism, the transverse momentum effects and the different helicity components' contributions to the pion form factor Fπ(Q2)F_{\pi}(Q^2) are recalculated. In particular, the contribution to the pion form factor from the higher helicity components (λ1+λ2=±1\lambda_1+\lambda_2=\pm 1), which come from the spin-space Wigner rotation, are analyzed in the soft and hard energy regions respectively. Our results show that the right power behavior of the hard contribution from the higher helicity components can only be obtained by fully keeping the kTk_T dependence in the hard amplitude, and that the kTk_T dependence in LC wave function affects the hard and soft contributions substantially. As an example, we employ a model LC wave function to calculate the pion form factor and then compare the numerical predictions with the experimental data. It is shown that the soft contribution is less important at the intermediate energy region.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Semileptonic B(Bs,Bc)B(B_s, B_c) decays in the light-cone QCD sum rules

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    Semileptonic BB(Bs,BcB_s, B_c) decays are investigated systematically in the light-cone QCD sum rules. Special emphasis is put on the LCSR calculation on weak form factors with an adequate chiral current correlator, which turns out to be particularly effective to control the pollution by higher twist components of spectator mesons. The result for each channel depends on the distribution amplitude of the the producing meson. The leading twist distribution amplitudes of the related heavy mesons and charmonium are worked out by a model approach in the reasonable way. A practical scenario is suggested to understand the behavior of weak form factors in the whole kinematically accessible ranges. The decay widths and branching ratios are estimated for several BB(BcB_c) decay modes of current interest.Comment: 8 pages, talk given by the first arthur at 4th International Conference on Flavor Physics (ICFP 2007), Beijing, China, Sept 24-28, 200

    A Model of Low-lying States in Strongly Interacting Electroweak Symmetry-Breaking Sector

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    It is proposed that, in a strongly-interacting electroweak sector, besides the Goldstone bosons, the coexistence of a scalar state (HH) and vector resonances such as A1A_1 [IG(JP)=1−(1+I^G(J^P)=1^-(1^+)], VV [1+(1−)1^+(1^-)] and ωH\omega_H^{} [0−(1−)0^-(1^-)] is required by the proper Regge behavior of the forward scattering amplitudes. This is a consequence of the following well-motivated assumptions: (a). Adler-Weisberger-type sum rules and the superconvergence relations for scattering amplitudes hold in this strongly interacting sector; (b). the sum rules at t=0t=0 are saturated by a minimal set of low-lying states with appropriate quantum numbers. It therefore suggests that a complete description should include all these resonances. These states may lead to distinctive experimental signatures at future colliders.Comment: revised version, to appear in Modern Physics Letters A; file also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://ucdhep.ucdavis.edu/han/sews/lowlying.p

    Perturbative and non-perturbative QCD corrections to wide-angle Compton scattering

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    We investigate corrections to the handbag approach for wide-angle Compton scattering off protons at moderately large momentum transfer: the photon-parton subprocess is calculated to next-to-leading order QCD and contributions from the generalized parton distribution E} are taken into account. Photon and proton helicity flip amplitudes are non-zero due to these corrections which leads to a wealth of polarization phenomena in Compton scattering. Thus, for instance, the incoming photon asymmetry or the transverse polarization of the proton are non-zero although small.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures (using LATEX with epsfig

    Assessment of closure coefficients for compressible-flow turbulence models

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    A critical assessment is made of the closure coefficients used for turbulence length scale in existing models of the transport equation, with reference to the extension of these models to compressible flow. It is shown that to satisfy the compressible 'law of the wall', the model coefficients must actually be functions of density gradients. The magnitude of the errors that result from neglecting this dependence on density varies with the variable used to specify the length scale. Among the models investigated, the k-omega model yields the best performance, although it is not completely free from errors associated with density terms. Models designed to reduce the density-gradient effect to an insignificant level are proposed

    Heavy-to-light transition form factors and their relations in light-cone QCD sum rules

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    The improved light-cone QCD sum rules by using chiral current correlator is systematically reviewed and applied to the calculation of all the heavy-to-light form factors, including all the semileptonic and penguin ones. By choosing suitable chiral currents, the light-cone sum rules for all the form factors are greatly simplified and depend mainly on one leading twist distribution amplitude of the light meson. As a result, relations between these form factors arise naturally. At the considered accuracy these relations reproduce the results obtained in the literature. Moreover, since the explicit dependence on the leading twist distribution amplitudes is preserved, these relations may be more useful to simulate the experimental data and extract the information on the distribution amplitude.Comment: 1+16 pages, no figure

    Negative refraction and plano-concave lens focusing in one-dimensional photonic crystals

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    Negative refraction is demonstrated in one-dimensional (1D) dielectric photonic crystals (PCs) at microwave frequencies. Focusing by plano-concave lens made of 1D PC due to negative refraction is also demonstrated. The frequency-dependent negative refractive indices, calculated from the experimental data matches very well with those determined from band structure calculations. The easy fabrication of one-dimensional photonic crystals may open the door for new applications.Comment: 3 pages and 5 figure

    Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the superconducting gap symmetry in Fe-based superconductors

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    The superconducting gap is the fundamental parameter that characterizes the superconducting state, and its symmetry is a direct consequence of the mechanism responsible for Cooper pairing. Here we discuss about angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements of the superconducting gap in the Fe-based high-temperature superconductors. We show that the superconducting gap is Fermi surface dependent and nodeless with small anisotropy, or more precisely, a function of momentum. We show that while this observation is inconsistent with weak coupling approaches for superconductivity in these materials, it is well supported by strong coupling models and global superconducting gaps. We also suggest that the strong anisotropies measured by other probes sensitive to the residual density of states are not related to the pairing interaction itself, but rather emerge naturally from the smaller lifetime of the superconducting Cooper pairs that is a direct consequence of the momentum dependent interband scattering inherent to these materials.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Transition Temperature of a Uniform Imperfect Bose Gas

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    We calculate the transition temperature of a uniform dilute Bose gas with repulsive interactions, using a known virial expansion of the equation of state. We find that the transition temperature is higher than that of an ideal gas, with a fractional increase K_0(na^3)^{1/6}, where n is the density and a is the S-wave scattering length, and K_0 is a constant given in the paper. This disagrees with all existing results, analytical or numerical. It agrees exactly in magnitude with a result due to Toyoda, but has the opposite sign.Comment: Email correspondence to [email protected] ; 2 pages using REVTe
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