299 research outputs found

    Optimal Clustering with Noisy Queries via Multi-Armed Bandit

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    Motivated by many applications, we study clustering with a faulty oracle. In this problem, there are nn items belonging to kk unknown clusters, and the algorithm is allowed to ask the oracle whether two items belong to the same cluster or not. However, the answer from the oracle is correct only with probability 12+δ2\frac{1}{2}+\frac{\delta}{2}. The goal is to recover the hidden clusters with minimum number of noisy queries. Previous works have shown that the problem can be solved with O(nklognδ2+poly(k,1δ,logn))O(\frac{nk\log n}{\delta^2} + \text{poly}(k,\frac{1}{\delta}, \log n)) queries, while Ω(nkδ2)\Omega(\frac{nk}{\delta^2}) queries is known to be necessary. So, for any values of kk and δ\delta, there is still a non-trivial gap between upper and lower bounds. In this work, we obtain the first matching upper and lower bounds for a wide range of parameters. In particular, a new polynomial time algorithm with O(n(k+logn)δ2+poly(k,1δ,logn))O(\frac{n(k+\log n)}{\delta^2} + \text{poly}(k,\frac{1}{\delta}, \log n)) queries is proposed. Moreover, we prove a new lower bound of Ω(nlognδ2)\Omega(\frac{n\log n}{\delta^2}), which, combined with the existing Ω(nkδ2)\Omega(\frac{nk}{\delta^2}) bound, matches our upper bound up to an additive poly(k,1δ,logn)\text{poly}(k,\frac{1}{\delta},\log n) term. To obtain the new results, our main ingredient is an interesting connection between our problem and multi-armed bandit, which might provide useful insights for other similar problems.Comment: ICML 202

    Methods for Comparing a DNA Sequence with a Protein Sequence

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    We describe two methods for constructing an optimal global alignment of, and an optimal local alignment between, a DNA sequence and a protein sequence. The alignment model of the methods addresses the problems of frameshifts and introns in the DNA sequence. The methods require computer memory proportional to the sequence lengths, so they can rigorously process very huge sequences. The simplified versions of the methods were implemented as computer programs named NAP and LAP. The experimental results demonstrate that the programs are sensitive and powerful tools for finding genes by DNA-protein sequence homology

    Semantically Enhanced Software Traceability Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    In most safety-critical domains the need for traceability is prescribed by certifying bodies. Trace links are generally created among requirements, design, source code, test cases and other artifacts, however, creating such links manually is time consuming and error prone. Automated solutions use information retrieval and machine learning techniques to generate trace links, however, current techniques fail to understand semantics of the software artifacts or to integrate domain knowledge into the tracing process and therefore tend to deliver imprecise and inaccurate results. In this paper, we present a solution that uses deep learning to incorporate requirements artifact semantics and domain knowledge into the tracing solution. We propose a tracing network architecture that utilizes Word Embedding and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) models to generate trace links. Word embedding learns word vectors that represent knowledge of the domain corpus and RNN uses these word vectors to learn the sentence semantics of requirements artifacts. We trained 360 different configurations of the tracing network using existing trace links in the Positive Train Control domain and identified the Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BI-GRU) as the best model for the tracing task. BI-GRU significantly out-performed state-of-the-art tracing methods including the Vector Space Model and Latent Semantic Indexing.Comment: 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE

    SUR-adapter: Enhancing Text-to-Image Pre-trained Diffusion Models with Large Language Models

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    Diffusion models, which have emerged to become popular text-to-image generation models, can produce high-quality and content-rich images guided by textual prompts. However, there are limitations to semantic understanding and commonsense reasoning in existing models when the input prompts are concise narrative, resulting in low-quality image generation. To improve the capacities for narrative prompts, we propose a simple-yet-effective parameter-efficient fine-tuning approach called the Semantic Understanding and Reasoning adapter (SUR-adapter) for pre-trained diffusion models. To reach this goal, we first collect and annotate a new dataset SURD which consists of more than 57,000 semantically corrected multi-modal samples. Each sample contains a simple narrative prompt, a complex keyword-based prompt, and a high-quality image. Then, we align the semantic representation of narrative prompts to the complex prompts and transfer knowledge of large language models (LLMs) to our SUR-adapter via knowledge distillation so that it can acquire the powerful semantic understanding and reasoning capabilities to build a high-quality textual semantic representation for text-to-image generation. We conduct experiments by integrating multiple LLMs and popular pre-trained diffusion models to show the effectiveness of our approach in enabling diffusion models to understand and reason concise natural language without image quality degradation. Our approach can make text-to-image diffusion models easier to use with better user experience, which demonstrates our approach has the potential for further advancing the development of user-friendly text-to-image generation models by bridging the semantic gap between simple narrative prompts and complex keyword-based prompts. The code is released at https://github.com/Qrange-group/SUR-adapter.Comment: accepted by ACM MM 202

    ASR: Attention-alike Structural Re-parameterization

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    The structural re-parameterization (SRP) technique is a novel deep learning technique that achieves interconversion between different network architectures through equivalent parameter transformations. This technique enables the mitigation of the extra costs for performance improvement during training, such as parameter size and inference time, through these transformations during inference, and therefore SRP has great potential for industrial and practical applications. The existing SRP methods have successfully considered many commonly used architectures, such as normalizations, pooling methods, multi-branch convolution. However, the widely used self-attention modules cannot be directly implemented by SRP due to these modules usually act on the backbone network in a multiplicative manner and the modules' output is input-dependent during inference, which limits the application scenarios of SRP. In this paper, we conduct extensive experiments from a statistical perspective and discover an interesting phenomenon Stripe Observation, which reveals that channel attention values quickly approach some constant vectors during training. This observation inspires us to propose a simple-yet-effective attention-alike structural re-parameterization (ASR) that allows us to achieve SRP for a given network while enjoying the effectiveness of the self-attention mechanism. Extensive experiments conducted on several standard benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of ASR in generally improving the performance of existing backbone networks, self-attention modules, and SRP methods without any elaborated model crafting. We also analyze the limitations and provide experimental or theoretical evidence for the strong robustness of the proposed ASR.Comment: Technical repor

    PaDeLLM-NER: Parallel Decoding in Large Language Models for Named Entity Recognition

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    In this study, we aim to reduce generation latency for Named Entity Recognition (NER) with Large Language Models (LLMs). The main cause of high latency in LLMs is the sequential decoding process, which autoregressively generates all labels and mentions for NER, significantly increase the sequence length. To this end, we introduce Parallel Decoding in LLM for NE} (PaDeLLM-NER), a approach that integrates seamlessly into existing generative model frameworks without necessitating additional modules or architectural modifications. PaDeLLM-NER allows for the simultaneous decoding of all mentions, thereby reducing generation latency. Experiments reveal that PaDeLLM-NER significantly increases inference speed that is 1.76 to 10.22 times faster than the autoregressive approach for both English and Chinese. Simultaneously it maintains the quality of predictions as evidenced by the performance that is on par with the state-of-the-art across various datasets

    Endophytic bacterium Pseudomonas protegens suppresses mycelial growth of Botryosphaeria dothidea and decreases its pathogenicity to postharvest fruits

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    Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.), one of the most economically important fruits widely consumed worldwide, has been suffering from apple ring rot caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea, which dramatically affects its quality and yield. In the present study, we demonstrated that Pseudomonas protegens, isolated from Chinese leek (Allium tuberosum), significantly suppressed the mycelial growth and propagation of B. dothidea, respectively, further displayed a considerably inhibitory effect on the apple ring rot of postharvest fruits. In addition, P. protegens significantly improved the total soluble solid/titrable acidity (TSS/TA) ratio and soluble sugar/titrable acidity (SS/TA) ratio and drastically maintained the fruit firmness. Further analysis manifested that P. protegens substantially induced the defense-related genes such as MdGLU, MdPAL, MdPOD, MdCAL, and transcription factors related to the resistance to B. dothidea, including MdWRKY15, MdPUB29, MdMyb73, and MdERF11 in apple fruits. Meanwhile, P. protegens considerably restrained the expressions of the pathogenicity-related genes in B. dothidea, including the BdCYP450, BdADH, BdGHY, BdATS, Bdα/β-HY, and BdSTR. By inference, P. protegens inhibited the apple ring rot on postharvest fruits by activating the defense system of apple fruit and repressing the pathogenic factor of B. dothidea. The study provided a theoretical basis and a potential alternative to manage the apple ring rot on postharvest fruits

    UniDoc: A Universal Large Multimodal Model for Simultaneous Text Detection, Recognition, Spotting and Understanding

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    In the era of Large Language Models (LLMs), tremendous strides have been made in the field of multimodal understanding. However, existing advanced algorithms are limited to effectively utilizing the immense representation capabilities and rich world knowledge inherent to these large pre-trained models, and the beneficial connections among tasks within the context of text-rich scenarios have not been sufficiently explored. In this work, we introduce UniDoc, a novel multimodal model equipped with text detection and recognition capabilities, which are deficient in existing approaches. Moreover, UniDoc capitalizes on the beneficial interactions among tasks to enhance the performance of each individual task. To implement UniDoc, we perform unified multimodal instruct tuning on the contributed large-scale instruction following datasets. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show that UniDoc sets state-of-the-art scores across multiple challenging benchmarks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first large multimodal model capable of simultaneous text detection, recognition, spotting, and understanding

    Cdc42-mediated supracellular cytoskeleton induced cancer cell migration under low shear stress

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    Tumor microenvironment is composed of biological, chemical and physical factors. Mechanical factors are more and more focused these years. Therefore, mimicking mechanical factors' contribution to cancer cell malignancy will greatly improve the advance in this field. Although the induced malignant behaviors are present under many stimuli such as growth or inflammatory factors, the cell key physical migration mechanisms are still missing. In this study, we identify that low shear stress significantly promotes the formation of needle-shaped membrane protrusions, which is called filopodia and important for the sense and interact of a cell with extracellular matrix in the tumor microenvironment. Under low shear stress, the migration is promoted while it is inhibited in the presence of ROCK inhibitor Y27632, which could abolish the F-actin network. Using cell imaging, we further unravel that key to these protrusions is Cell division cycle 42 (Cdc42) dependent. After Cdc42 activation, the filopodia is more and longer, acting as massagers to pass the information from a cell to the microenvironment for its malignant phenotype. In the Cdc42 inhibition, the filopodia is greatly reduced. Moreover, small GTPases Cdc42 rather than Rac1 and Rho directly controls the filopodia formation. Our work highlights that low shear stress and Cdc42 activation are sufficient to promote filopodia formation, it not only points out the novel structure for cancer progression but also provides the experimental physical basis for the efficient drug anti-cancer strategies