2,741 research outputs found

    New Osmosis Law and Theory: the New Formula that Replaces van't Hoff Osmotic Pressure Equation

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    This article derived a new abstract concept from the osmotic process and concluded it via "osmotic force" with a new law -- "osmotic law". The "osmotic law" describes that, in an osmotic system, osmolyte moves osmotically from the side with higher "osmotic force" to the side with lower "osmotic force". In addition, it was proved mathematically that the osmotic process could be explained perfectly via "osmotic force" and "osmotic laws", which can prevent the difficulties in using current "osmotic pressure" concept to explain the osmotic process and phenomenon. A theory and equation to describe the curve of osmotic pressure vs. different ideal solution concentrations are also derived, which can overcome the limitedness and incompleteness of van't Hoff osmotic pressure formula (a linear equation) which is applicable to ideal dilute solution only

    Continued Evolution of Automated Manufacturing – Cloud-Enabled Digital Manufacturing

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    In contrast to conventional manufacturing, digital manufacturing is not affected by marginal costs; that is, the cost for producing a single prototype is not different from producing several thousand ones. Digital manufacturing consequently eliminates the requirement for large sums of capital necessary for conventional manufacturing. Digital manufacturing combined with cloud platforms and cloud-enabled databases will allow large-quantity virtual product development while minimizing costs, which will consequently reflect on the efficient manufacturing of physical products

    Classification of Genes and Putative Biomarker Identification Using Distribution Metrics on Expression Profiles

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    BACKGROUND: Identification of genes with switch-like properties will facilitate discovery of regulatory mechanisms that underlie these properties, and will provide knowledge for the appropriate application of Boolean networks in gene regulatory models. As switch-like behavior is likely associated with tissue-specific expression, these gene products are expected to be plausible candidates as tissue-specific biomarkers. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In a systematic classification of genes and search for biomarkers, gene expression profiles (GEPs) of more than 16,000 genes from 2,145 mouse array samples were analyzed. Four distribution metrics (mean, standard deviation, kurtosis and skewness) were used to classify GEPs into four categories: predominantly-off, predominantly-on, graded (rheostatic), and switch-like genes. The arrays under study were also grouped and examined by tissue type. For example, arrays were categorized as 'brain group' and 'non-brain group'; the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance and Pearson correlation coefficient were then used to compare GEPs between brain and non-brain for each gene. We were thus able to identify tissue-specific biomarker candidate genes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The methodology employed here may be used to facilitate disease-specific biomarker discovery

    Collaborative Integration between IT Industry and Logistics Industry in Taiwan: A Case Study on T Company\u27s E-Logistics Plan

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    The IT industry is Taiwan’s most thoroughly globalized industry. In the IT industry, suppliers and customers are spread all over the world, so making logistics management more efficient is very important. With government’s sponsorship, Taiwan’s IT industry has introduced e-Procurement (Plans A and B) to make the whole procurement process among enterprises an electronic one. Thus e-Procurement became the fundamentals of e-SCM. In order to extend the benefits of e-procurement, Taiwan government continuously promote the IT industry to introduce e-Logistics (Plan D). The objectives of this paper are to study the collaborative integration between IT industry and logistics industry in Taiwan, and to investigate the progress of introducing e-Logistics into the IT industry. A PC manufacturer, T Company was selected for use in the case study. It was found that the logistics visibility elevation through “Track and Trace” and the achievement of VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) are the objectives of e-Logistics implementation. IT manufacturers worked out common business models. Then each supply chain can follow the common specification and implement their e-Logistics individually. This study found that not only the IT manufacturers gain the competitive advantages, but LSPs (Logistics service providers) also learn from collaborative commerce and provide better service for customers with the implementation of e-Logistics. Then eight guidelines were induced as the reference for other industries to implement e-Logistics afterward. Besides, some suggestions were proposed to IT industry, logistics industry, and government

    Ontology-based Fuzzy Markup Language Agent for Student and Robot Co-Learning

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    An intelligent robot agent based on domain ontology, machine learning mechanism, and Fuzzy Markup Language (FML) for students and robot co-learning is presented in this paper. The machine-human co-learning model is established to help various students learn the mathematical concepts based on their learning ability and performance. Meanwhile, the robot acts as a teacher's assistant to co-learn with children in the class. The FML-based knowledge base and rule base are embedded in the robot so that the teachers can get feedback from the robot on whether students make progress or not. Next, we inferred students' learning performance based on learning content's difficulty and students' ability, concentration level, as well as teamwork sprit in the class. Experimental results show that learning with the robot is helpful for disadvantaged and below-basic children. Moreover, the accuracy of the intelligent FML-based agent for student learning is increased after machine learning mechanism.Comment: This paper is submitted to IEEE WCCI 2018 Conference for revie

    A modified LLCL-filter with the reduced conducted EMI noise

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