823 research outputs found

    Happiness of the younger, the older, and those in between

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    World Happiness Report 2024: Chapter 2

    Export production and its regulating factors in the West Antarctica Peninsula region of the Southern Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26 (2012): GB2005, doi:10.1029/2010GB004028.In connection with the Palmer LTER program, mixed layer water samples were collected during the cruise of the L.M. Gould in Jan., 2008 at 49 stations on a 20 × 100 km grid in the West Antarctica Peninsula (WAP) region of the Southern Ocean. In this study, [O2]/[Ar] ratios and the triple isotope composition of dissolved O2 were measured, and were used to estimate net community O2 production (NCP) and gross primary O2 production (GPP), respectively. These estimates are further converted to carbon export production, primary production and the f-ratio. Our measurements give NCP ranging from −3 to 76 mmol O2 m−2 day−1 (−25 to 650 mg C m−2 day−1), and GPP from 40 to 220 mmol O2 m−2 day−1 (180 to 1010 mg C m−2 day−1). The O2 NCP/GPP ratios range from −0.04 to 0.43, corresponding to f-ratios of −0.08 to 0.83. NCP and the NCP/GPP ratio are highest in the northern coastal areas, and decrease to lower values toward the southern coastal area and the open ocean. The inshore-offshore gradient appears to be regulated primarily by iron availability, as supported by the positive correlation between NCP and Fv/Fm ratios (r2 = 0.22, p < 0.05). Mixed layer depth (MLD) is inversely correlated with NCP (r2 = 0.21, p < 0.002) and NCP/GPP (r2 = 0.21, p < 0.02), and highest NCP occurred in the fresh water lenses probably formed from melted coastal glaciers. These results suggest that export production and the f-ratio increase where water stratification is intensified by input of fresh meltwater, and that mixed layer stratification is the major factor regulating NCP in the inner-shelf and coastal regions. Along-shelf variability of phytoplankton community composition is highly correlated with NCP, i.e., NCP increases when the diatom-dominated community in the south transitions to the cryptophyte-dominated one in the north. A high correlation is also observed between NCP and the logarithm of the surface chlorophyll concentration (r2 = 0.72, p < 0.0001) , which makes it possible to estimate carbon export as a function of Chl a concentration in this region.This research was supported by NSF-OPP grant 0823101 to Ducklow and NASA Earth and Space Sciences Fellowship to Huang.2012-10-2

    Cardiomyocyte ionic currents in intact young and aged murine Pgc-1β-/- atrial preparations.

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    INTRODUCTION: Recent studies reported that energetically deficient murine Pgc-1β-/- hearts replicate age-dependent atrial arrhythmic phenotypes associated with their corresponding clinical conditions, implicating action potential (AP) conduction slowing consequent upon reduced AP upstroke rates. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We tested a hypothesis implicating Na+ current alterations as a mechanism underlying these electrophysiological phenotypes. We applied loose patch-clamp techniques to intact young and aged, WT and Pgc-1β-/-, atrial cardiomyocyte preparations preserving their in vivo extracellular and intracellular conditions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Depolarising steps activated typical voltage-dependent activating and inactivating inward (Na+) currents whose amplitude increased or decreased with the amplitudes of the activating, or preceding inactivating, steps. Maximum values of peak Na+ current were independently influenced by genotype but not age or interacting effects of genotype and age on two-way ANOVA. Neither genotype, nor age, whether independently or interactively, influenced voltages at half-maximal current, or steepness factors, for current activation and inactivation, or time constants for recovery from inactivation following repolarisation. In contrast, delayed outward (K+) currents showed similar activation and rectification properties through all experimental groups. These findings directly demonstrate and implicate reduced Na+ in contrast to unchanged K+ current, as a mechanism for slowed conduction causing atrial arrhythmogenicity in Pgc-1β-/- hearts

    An ion trap design for a space-deployable strontium-ion optical clock

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    Optical atomic clocks demonstrate a better stability and lower systematic uncertainty than the highest performance microwave atomic clocks. However, the best performing optical clocks have a large footprint in a laboratory environment and require specialist skills to maintain continuous operation. Growing and evolving needs across several sectors are increasing the demand for compact robust and portable devices at this capability level. In this paper we discuss the design of a physics package for a compact laser-cooled 88Sr+ optical clock that would, with further development, be suitable for space deployment. We review the design parameters to target a relative frequency uncertainty at the low parts in 10^18 with this system. We then explain the results of finite element modelling to simulate the response of the ion trap and vacuum chamber to vibration, shock and thermal conditions expected during launch and space deployment. Additionally, an electrostatic model has been developed to investigate the relationship between the ion trap geometrical tolerances and the trapping efficiency. We present the results from these analyses that have led to the design of a more robust prototype ready for experimental testing.Comment: 21 Pages, 20 Figures, Approved for publication in "Proceedings of the Royal Society A

    Expert recommendation based on social drivers, social network analysis, and semantic data representation

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    ABSTRACT Knowledge networks and recommender systems are especially important for expert finding within organizations and scientific communities. Useful recommendation of experts, however, is not an easy task for many reasons: It requires reasoning about multiple complex networks from heterogeneous sources (such as collaboration networks of individuals, article citation networks, and concept networks) and depends significantly on the needs of individuals in seeking recommendations. Although over the past decade much effort has gone into developing techniques to increase and evaluate the quality of recommendations, personalizing recommendations according to individuals&apos; motivations has not received much attention. While previous work in the literature has focused primarily on identifying experts, our focus here is on personalizing the selection of an expert through a principled application of social science theories to model the user&apos;s motivation. In this paper, we present an expert recommender system capable of applying multiple theoretical mechanisms to the problem of personalized recommendations through profiling users&apos; motivations and their relations. To this end, we use the Multi-Theoretical Multi-Level (MTML) framework which investigates social drivers for network formation in the communities with diverse goals. This framework serves as the theoretical basis for mapping motivations to the appropriate domain data, heuristic, and objective functions for the personalized expert recommendation. As a proof of concept, we developed a prototype recommender grounded in social science theories, and utilizing computational techniques from social network analysis and representational techniques from the semantic web to facilitate combining and operating on data from heterogeneous sources. We evaluated the prototype&apos;s ability to predict collaborations for scientific research teams, using a simple off-line methodology. Preliminary results demonstrate encouraging success while offering significant personalization options and providing flexibility in customizing the recommendation heuristic based on users&apos; motivations. In particular, recommendation heuristics based on different motivation profiles result in different recommendations, and taken as a whole better capture the diversity of observed expert collaboration

    Finite element analysis predicts Ca 2+ microdomains within tubular-sarcoplasmic reticular junctions of amphibian skeletal muscle

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    Abstract: A finite element analysis modelled diffusional generation of steady-state Ca2+ microdomains within skeletal muscle transverse (T)-tubular-sarcoplasmic reticular (SR) junctions, sites of ryanodine receptor (RyR)-mediated SR Ca2+ release. It used established quantifications of sarcomere and T-SR anatomy (radial diameter d=220nm; axial distance w=12nm). Its boundary SR Ca2+ influx densities,Jinflux, reflected step impositions of influxes, Φinflux=Jinfluxπd24, deduced from previously measured Ca2+ signals following muscle fibre depolarization. Predicted steady-state T-SR junctional edge [Ca2+], [Ca2+]edge, matched reported corresponding experimental cytosolic [Ca2+] elevations given diffusional boundary effluxΦefflux=D[Ca2+]edgeλ(πdw), established cytosolic Ca2+ diffusion coefficients (D=4×107nm2/s) and exit length λ=9.2nm. Dependences of predicted [Ca2+]edge upon Jinflux then matched those of experimental [Ca2+] upon Ca2+ release through their entire test voltage range. The resulting model consistently predicted elevated steady-state T-SR junctional ~ µM-[Ca2+] elevations radially declining from maxima at the T-SR junction centre along the entire axial T-SR distance. These [Ca2+] heterogeneities persisted through 104- and fivefold, variations in D and w around, and fivefold reductions in d below, control values, and through reported resting muscle cytosolic [Ca2+] values, whilst preserving the flux conservation (Φinflux=Φefflux) condition, Ca2+edge=λdJinflux4Dw. Skeletal muscle thus potentially forms physiologically significant ~ µM-[Ca2+] T-SR microdomains that could regulate cytosolic and membrane signalling molecules including calmodulin and RyR, These findings directly fulfil recent experimental predictions invoking such Ca2+ microdomains in observed regulatory effects upon Na+ channel function, in a mechanism potentially occurring in similar restricted intracellular spaces in other cell types

    Sarcoplasmic reticular Ca 2+ -ATPase inhibition paradoxically upregulates murine skeletal muscle Na v 1.4 function

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    Abstract: Skeletal muscle Na+ channels possess Ca2+- and calmodulin-binding sites implicated in Nav1.4 current (INa) downregulation following ryanodine receptor (RyR1) activation produced by exchange protein directly activated by cyclic AMP or caffeine challenge, effects abrogated by the RyR1-antagonist dantrolene which itself increased INa. These findings were attributed to actions of consequently altered cytosolic Ca2+, [Ca2+]i, on Nav1.4. We extend the latter hypothesis employing cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) challenge, which similarly increases [Ca2+]i, but through contrastingly inhibiting sarcoplasmic reticular (SR) Ca2+-ATPase. Loose patch clamping determined Na+ current (INa) families in intact native murine gastrocnemius skeletal myocytes, minimising artefactual [Ca2+]i perturbations. A bespoke flow system permitted continuous INa comparisons through graded depolarizing steps in identical stable membrane patches before and following solution change. In contrast to the previous studies modifying RyR1 activity, and imposing control solution changes, CPA (0.1 and 1 µM) produced persistent increases in INa within 1–4 min of introduction. CPA pre-treatment additionally abrogated previously reported reductions in INa produced by 0.5 mM caffeine. Plots of peak current against voltage excursion demonstrated that 1 µM CPA increased maximum INa by ~ 30%. It only slightly decreased half-maximal activating voltages (V0.5) and steepness factors (k), by 2 mV and 0.7, in contrast to the V0.5 and k shifts reported with direct RyR1 modification. These paradoxical findings complement previously reported downregulatory effects on Nav1.4 of RyR1-agonist mediated increases in bulk cytosolic [Ca2+]. They implicate possible local tubule-sarcoplasmic triadic domains containing reduced [Ca2+]TSR in the observed upregulation of Nav1.4 function following CPA-induced SR Ca2+ depletion
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