7,134 research outputs found

    Pole expansion of self-energy and interaction effect on topological insulators

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    We study effect of interactions on time-reversal-invariant topological insulators. Their topological indices are expressed by interacting Green's functions. Under the local self-energy approximation, we connect topological index and surface states of an interacting system to an auxiliary noninteracting system, whose Hamiltonian is related to the pole-expansions of the local self-energy. This finding greatly simplifies the calculation of interacting topological indices and gives an noninteracting pictorial description of interaction driven topological phase transitions. Our results also bridge studies of the correlated topological insulating materials with the practical dynamical-mean-field-theory calculations.Comment: 4.2 pages, 3 figures, reference added, typos correcte

    Floquet Majorana fermions in driven hexagonal lattice systems

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    We propose Floquet chiral topological superconducting systems hosting Floquet Majorana fermions, which consist of hexagonal lattices in proximity to superconductors with shining circularly polarized light. Specially for bilayer graphene system, we demonstrate that there exist three topological phases determined by certain parameters, namely, the amplitude and frequency of the induced light. The number of chiral Floquet Majorana edge states is confirmed by calculating Chern number analytically and energy spectrum in ribbon geometry. Moreover, this proposal is generalized to other hexagonal lattice systems, such as monolayer graphene and silicene. Notably, the parameter range of induced light to achieve the chiral Floquet Majorana edge states is experimentally feasible, and the corresponding Floquet Majorana fermions can be probed based on differential conductance using scanning tunneling spectroscopy.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Building topological device through emerging robust helical surface states

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    We propose a nonlocal manipulation method to build topological devices through emerging robust helical surface states in Z_2=0 topological systems. Specifically, in a ribbon of Z_2=0 Bernevig- Hughes-Zhang (BHZ) model with finite-size effect, if magnetic impurities are doped on the top (bottom) edge, the edge states on the bottom (top) edge can be altered according to the strengths and directions of these magnetic impurities. Consequently, the backscattering between the emerging robust helical edge states and gapped normal edge states due to finite-size confinement is also changed, which makes the system alternate between a perfect one-channel conductor and a perfect insulator. This effect allows us to fabricate topological devices with high on-off ratio. Moreover, it can also be generalized to 3D model and more realistic Cd3As2 type Dirac semimetals.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Power-Partible Reduction and Congruences

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    Based on the polynomial reduction, a holonomic (or, P-recursive) sequence F(k)F(k) can be decomposed into a summable part and a reduced part. In this paper, we show that when F(k)F(k) has a certain kind of symmetry, the reduced part contains only odd or even powers. The reduction in this case is called a power-partible reduction, which is then applied to obtain new series of congruences for Ap\'ery numbers AkA_k and central Delannoy polynomials Dk(z)D_k(z). In particular, when p>3p>3 is a prime, we prove that for each r\in\bN, there is a pp-adic integer crc_r such that \begin{equation*} \sum_{k=0}^{p-1}(2k+1)^{2r+1}A_k\equiv c_r p \pmod {p^3}. \end{equation*

    Spin current through an ESR quantum dot: A real-time study

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    The spin transport in a strongly interacting spin-pump nano-device is studied using the time-dependent variational-matrix-product-state (VMPS) approach. The precession magnetic field generates a dissipationless spin current through the quantum dot. We compute the real time spin current away from the equilibrium condition. Both transient and stationary states are reached in the simulation. The essentially exact results are compared with those from the Hartree-Fock approximation (HFA). It is found that correlation effect on the physical quantities at quasi-steady state are captured well by the HFA for small interaction strength. However the HFA misses many features in the real time dynamics. Results reported here may shed light on the understanding of the ultra-fast processes as well as the interplay of the non-equilibrium and strongly correlated effect in the transport properties.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Disorder and metal-insulator transitions in Weyl semimetals

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    The Weyl semimetal (WSM) is a newly proposed quantum state of matter. It has Weyl nodes in bulk excitations and Fermi arcs surface states. We study the effects of disorder and localization in WSMs and find three exotic phase transitions. (I) Two Weyl nodes near the Brillouin zone boundary can be annihilated pairwise by disorder scattering, resulting in the opening of a topologically nontrivial gap and a transition from a WSM to a three-dimensional (3D) quantum anomalous Hall state. (II) When the two Weyl nodes are well separated in momentum space, the emergent bulk extended states can give rise to a direct transition from a WSM to a 3D diffusive anomalous Hall metal. (III) Two Weyl nodes can emerge near the zone center when an insulating gap closes with increasing disorder, enabling a direct transition from a normal band insulator to a WSM. We determine the phase diagram by numerically computing the localization length and the Hall conductivity, and propose that the exotic phase transitions can be realized on a photonic lattice.Comment: 7 pages with appendix, 6 figure
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