108,532 research outputs found

    Thermal And Mechanical Analysis of High-power Light-emitting Diodes with Ceramic Packages

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    In this paper we present the thermal and mechanical analysis of high-power light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with ceramic packages. Transient thermal measurements and thermo-mechanical simulation were performed to study the thermal and mechanical characteristics of ceramic packages. Thermal resistance from the junction to the ambient was decreased from 76.1 oC/W to 45.3 oC/W by replacing plastic mould to ceramic mould for LED packages. Higher level of thermo-mechanical stresses in the chip were found for LEDs with ceramic packages despite of less mismatching coefficients of thermal expansion comparing with plastic packages. The results suggest that the thermal performance of LEDs can be improved by using ceramic packages, but the mounting process of the high power LEDs with ceramic packages is critically important and should be in charge of delaminating interface layers in the packages.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Phenological response of vegetation to upstream river flow in the Heihe Rive basin by time series analysis of MODIS data

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    Liquid and solid precipitation is abundant in the high elevation, upper reach of the Heihe River basin in northwestern China. The development of modern irrigation schemes in the middle reach of the basin is taking up an increasing share of fresh water resources, endangering the oasis and traditional irrigation systems in the lower reach. In this study, the response of vegetation in the Ejina Oasis in the lower reach of the Heihe River to the water yield of the upper catchment was analyzed by time series analysis of monthly observations of precipitation in the upper and lower catchment, river streamflow downstream of the modern irrigation schemes and satellite observations of vegetation index. Firstly, remotely sensed NDVI data acquired by Terra-MODIS are used to monitor the vegetation dynamic for a seven years period between 2000 and 2006. Due to cloud-contamination, atmospheric influence and different solar and viewing angles, however, the quality and consistence of time series of remotely sensed NDVI data are degraded. A Fourier Transform method – the Harmonic Analysis of Time Series (HANTS) algorithm – is used to reconstruct cloud- and noise-free NDVI time series data from the Terra-MODIS NDVI dataset. Modification is made on HANTS by adding additional parameters to deal with large data gaps in yearly time series in combination with a Temporal-Similarity-Statistics (TSS) method developed in this study to seek for initial values for the large gap periods. Secondly, the same Fourier Transform method is used to model time series of the vegetation phenology. The reconstructed cloud-free NDVI time series data are used to study the relationship between the water availability (i.e. the local precipitation and upstream water yield) and the evolution of vegetation conditions in Ejina Oasis from 2000 to 2006. Anomalies in precipitation, streamflow, and vegetation index are detected by comparing each year with the average year. The results showed that: the previous year total runoff had a significant relationship with the vegetation growth in Ejina Oasis and that anomalies in the spring monthly runoff of the Heihe River influenced the phenology of vegetation in the entire oasis. Warmer climate expressed by the degree-days showed positive influence on the vegetation phenology in particular during drier years. The time of maximum green-up is uniform throughout the oasis during wetter years, but showed a clear S-N gradient (downstream) during drier years

    Downlink Steered Space-Time Spreading Assisted Generalised Multicarrier DS-CDMA Using Sphere-Packing-Aided Multilevel Coding

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    This paper presents a novel generalised Multi-Carrier Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (MC DS-CDMA) system invoking smart antennas for improving the achievable performance in the downlink, as well as employing multi-dimensional Sphere Packing (SP) modulation for increasing the achievable diversity product. In this contribution, the MC DS-CDMA transmitter considered employs multiple Antenna Arrays (AA) and each of the AAs consists of several antenna elements. Furthermore, the proposed system employs both time- and frequency- (TF) domain spreading for extending the achievable capacity, when combined with a novel user-grouping technique for reducing the effects of Multiuser Interference (MUI). Moreover, in order to further enhance the system’s performance, we invoke a MultiLevel Coding (MLC) scheme, whose component codes are determined using the so-called equivalent capacity based constituent-code rate-calculation procedure invoking a 4-dimensional bit-to-SP-symbol mapping scheme. Our results demonstrate an approximately 3.8 dB Eb/N0 gain over an identical throughput scheme dispensing with SP modulation at a BER of 10?5

    Faintest Galaxy Morphologies from HSTHST WFPC2 Imaging of the Hawaii Survey Fields

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    We present very deep HSTHST WFPC2 images in the F814W filter of two Hawaii Survey fields, SSA13 and SSA22. Using these data with previous ground-based imaging and spectroscopy, we compare the colors, star-forming properties and morphologies of the faintest galaxies with a reference sample of bright nearby galaxies and analyze the changes in field galaxy morphology with magnitude. Our principal result is the identification of a new morphological class of ``chain'' galaxies at the faintest magnitudes. Based on limited spectroscopy, we tentatively conclude that these are linearly organized giant star-forming regions at z=0.53z = 0.5-3 and, if this is correct, that these are large galaxies in the process of formation.Comment: 18 pages + 1 table of text as 1 LaTeX file (uses aastex style macros: aaspp.sty, flushrt.sty) plus 1 uuencoded compressed tar file of 12 PostScript figures (Figs. 3-9, 16-17, and 21-23). The remaining gray-scale plots are available by anonymous ftp at ftp://hubble.ifa.hawaii.edu/pub/preprints/plates To appear in the October 1995 Astronomical Journa

    CMB Lensing Reconstruction on the Full Sky

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    Gravitational lensing of the microwave background by the intervening dark matter mainly arises from large-angle fluctuations in the projected gravitational potential and hence offers a unique opportunity to study the physics of the dark sector at large scales. Studies with surveys that cover greater than a percent of the sky will require techniques that incorporate the curvature of the sky. We lay the groundwork for these studies by deriving the full sky minimum variance quadratic estimators of the lensing potential from the CMB temperature and polarization fields. We also present a general technique for constructing these estimators, with harmonic space convolutions replaced by real space products, that is appropriate for both the full sky limit and the flat sky approximation. This also extends previous treatments to include estimators involving the temperature-polarization cross-correlation and should be useful for next generation experiments in which most of the additional information from polarization comes from this channel due to sensitivity limitations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D; typos correcte

    Gluon GPDs and Exclusive Photoproduction of a Quarkonium in Forward Region

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    Forward photoproduction of J/ψJ/\psi can be used to extract Generalized Parton Distributions(GPD's) of gluons. We analyze the process at twist-3 level and study relevant classifications of twist-3 gluon GPD's. At leading power or twist-2 level the produced J/ψJ/\psi is transversely polarized. We find that at twist-3 the produced J/ψJ/\psi is longitudinally polarized. Our study shows that in high energy limit the twist-3 amplitude is only suppressed by the inverse power of the heavy quark mass relatively to the twist-2 amplitude. This indicates that the power correction to the cross-section of unpolarized J/ψJ/\psi can have a sizeable effect. We have also derived the amplitude of the production of hch_c at twist-3, but the result contains end-point singularities. The production of other quarkonia has been briefly discussed.Comment: Discussions of results are adde

    An Extremely Luminous Galaxy at z=5.74

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    We report the discovery of an extremely luminous galaxy lying at a redshift of z=5.74, SSA22-HCM1. The object was found in narrowband imaging of the SSA22 field using a 105 Angstrom bandpass filter centered at 8185 Angstroms during the course of the Hawaii narrowband survey using LRIS on the 10 m Keck II Telescope, and was identified by the equivalent width of the emission W_lambda(observed)=175 Angstroms, flux = 1.7 x 10^{-17} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}). Comparison with broadband colors shows the presence of an extremely strong break (> 4.2 at the 2 sigma level) between the Z band above the line, where the AB magnitude is 25.5, and the R band below, where the object is no longer visible at a 2 sigma upper limit of 27.1 (AB mags). These properties are only consistent with this object's being a high-z Ly alpha emitter. A 10,800 s spectrum obtained with LRIS yields a redshift of 5.74. The object is similar in its continuum shape, line properties, and observed equivalent width to the z=5.60 galaxy, HDF 4-473.0, as recently described by Weymann et al. (1998), but is 2-3 times more luminous in the line and in the red continuum. For H_0 = 65 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1} and q_0 = (0.02, 0.5) we would require star formation rates of around (40, 7) solar masses per year to produce the UV continuum in the absence of extinction.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Latex with emulateapj style file; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal (Letters

    Fluctuations of the vacuum energy density of quantum fields in curved spacetime via generalized zeta functions

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    For quantum fields on a curved spacetime with an Euclidean section, we derive a general expression for the stress energy tensor two-point function in terms of the effective action. The renormalized two-point function is given in terms of the second variation of the Mellin transform of the trace of the heat kernel for the quantum fields. For systems for which a spectral decomposition of the wave opearator is possible, we give an exact expression for this two-point function. Explicit examples of the variance to the mean ratio Δ=(2)/(2)\Delta' = (-^2)/(^2) of the vacuum energy density ρ\rho of a massless scalar field are computed for the spatial topologies of Rd×S1R^d\times S^1 and S3S^3, with results of Δ(Rd×S1)=(d+1)(d+2)/2\Delta'(R^d\times S^1) =(d+1)(d+2)/2, and Δ(S3)=111\Delta'(S^3) = 111 respectively. The large variance signifies the importance of quantum fluctuations and has important implications for the validity of semiclassical gravity theories at sub-Planckian scales. The method presented here can facilitate the calculation of stress-energy fluctuations for quantum fields useful for the analysis of fluctuation effects and critical phenomena in problems ranging from atom optics and mesoscopic physics to early universe and black hole physics.Comment: Uses revte