49 research outputs found

    Entangled collective-spin states of atomic ensembles under non-uniform atom-light interaction

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    We consider the optical generation and verification of entanglement in atomic ensembles under non-uniform interaction between the ensemble and an optical mode. We show that for a wide range of parameters a system of non-uniformly coupled atomic spins can be described as an ensemble of uniformly coupled spins with a reduced effective atom-light coupling and a reduced effective atom number, with a reduction factor of order unity given by the ensemble-mode geometry. This description is valid even for complex entangled states with arbitrary phase-space distribution functions as long as the detection does not resolve single spins. Furthermore, we derive an analytic formula for the observable entanglement in the case, of relevance in practice, where the ensemble-mode coupling differs between state generation and measurement.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Vacuum spin squeezing

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    We investigate the generation of entanglement (spin squeezing) in an optical-transition atomic clock through the coupling to a vacuum electromagnetic field that is enhanced by an optical cavity. We show that if each atom is prepared in a superposition of the ground state and a long-lived electronic excited state, and viewed as a spin-1/2 system, then the collective vacuum light shift entangles the atoms, resulting in a squeezed distribution of the ensemble collective spin. This scheme reveals that even a vacuum field can be a useful resource for entanglement and quantum manipulation. The method is simple and robust since it requires neither the application of light nor precise frequency control of the ultra-high-finesse cavity. Furthermore, the scheme can be used to implement two-axis twisting by rotating the spin direction while coupling to the vacuum, resulting in stronger squeezing

    Creation of a Bose-condensed gas of rubidium 87 by laser cooling

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    We demonstrate direct laser cooling of a gas of rubidium 87 atoms to quantum degeneracy. The method does not involve evaporative cooling, is fast, and induces little atom loss. The atoms are trapped in a two-dimensional optical lattice that enables cycles of cloud compression to increase the density, followed by degenerate Raman sideband cooling to decrease the temperature. Light-induced loss at high atomic density is substantially reduced by using far red detuned optical pumping light. Starting with 2000 atoms, we prepare 1400 atoms in 300 ms at quantum degeneracy, as confirmed by the appearance of a bimodal velocity distribution as the system crosses over from a classical gas to a Bose-condensed, interacting one-dimensional gas with a macroscopic population of the quantum ground state. The method should be broadly applicable to many bosonic and fermionic species, and to systems where evaporative cooling is not possible.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (main text

    Topological Waveguide Quantum Sensors

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    We present an efficient and robust protocol for quantum-enhanced sensing using a single-spin qubit in the topological waveguide system. Our method relies on the topological-paired bound states, which are localized near the spin and can be effectively regarded as a two-level system. Through the lens of Bayesian inference theory, we show the sensitivity can reach the Heisenberg limit across a large field range. Inheriting from the topological robustness of the waveguide, our sensing protocol is robust against local perturbations. The advantages of our protocol are multifold as it allows for sensing various parameters and uses a product initial state, which can be easily prepared in experiments. We expect this approach would pave the way towards robust topological quantum sensors based on near term quantum platforms such as topological photonics and Rydberg arrays.Comment: 4.5 + 3 pages, 3 + 3 figure

    Entanglement generation via single-qubit rotations in a teared Hilbert space

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    We propose an efficient yet simple protocol to generate arbitrary symmetric entangled states with only global single-qubit rotations in a teared Hilbert space. The system is based on spin-1/2 qubits in a resonator such as atoms in an optical cavity or superconducting qubits coupled to a metal microwave resonator. By sending light or microwave into the resonator, it induces AC Stark shifts on particular angular-momentum eigenstates (Dicke states) of qubits. Then we are able to generate barriers that hinder transitions between adjacent Dicke states and tear the original Hilbert space into pieces. Therefore, a simple global single-qubit rotation becomes highly non-trivial, and thus generates entanglement among the many-body system. By optimal control of energy shifts on Dicke states, we are able to generate arbitrary symmetric entangled states. We also exemplify that we can create varieties of useful states with near-unity fidelities in only one or very few steps, including W states, spin-squeezed states (SSS), and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states. Particularly, the SSS can be created by only one step with a squeezing parameter ξR21/N0.843\xi_R^2\sim1/N^{0.843} approaching the Heisenberg limit (HL). Our finding establishes a way for universal entanglement generations with only single-qubit drivings where all the multiple-qubit controls are integrated into simply switching on/off microwave. It has direct applications in the variational quantum optimizer which is available with existing technology.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Strictly nonclassical behavior of a mesoscopic system

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    We experimentally demonstrate the strictly nonclassical behavior in a many-atom system using a recently derived criterion [E. Kot et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 233601 (2012)] that explicitly does not make use of quantum mechanics. We thereby show that the magnetic moment distribution measured by McConnell et al. [R. McConnell et al., Nature 519, 439 (2015)] in a system with a total mass of 2.6×1052.6\times 10^5 atomic mass units is inconsistent with classical physics. Notably, the strictly nonclassical behavior affects an area in phase space 10310^3 times larger than the Planck quantum \hbar.Comment: 5 page