695 research outputs found

    First-principles method of propagation of tightly bound excitons: exciton band structure of LiF and verification with inelastic x-ray scattering

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    We propose a simple first-principles method to describe propagation of tightly bound excitons. By viewing the exciton as a composite object (an effective Frenkel exciton in Wannier orbitals), we define an exciton kinetic kernel to encapsulate the exciton propagation and decay for all binding energy. Applied to prototypical LiF, our approach produces three exciton bands, which we verified quantitatively via inelastic x-ray scattering. The proposed real-space picture is computationally inexpensive and thus enables study of the full exciton dynamics, even in the presence of surfaces and impurity scattering. It also provides intuitive understanding to facilitate practical exciton engineering in semiconductors, strongly correlated oxides, and their nanostructures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted by PR

    Stability of Solid State Reaction Fronts

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    We analyze the stability of a planar solid-solid interface at which a chemical reaction occurs. Examples include oxidation, nitridation, or silicide formation. Using a continuum model, including a general formula for the stress-dependence of the reaction rate, we show that stress effects can render a planar interface dynamically unstable with respect to perturbations of intermediate wavelength

    Normal-state magnetic susceptibility in a bilayer cuprate

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    The magnetic susceptibility of high-T_c superconductors is investigated in the normal state using a coupled bilayer model. While this model describes in a natural way the normal-state pseudogaps seen in c-axis optical conductivity on underdoped samples, it predicts a weakly increasing susceptibility with decreasing temperature and cannot explain the magnetic pseudogaps exhibited in NMR measurements. Our result, together with some experimental evidence suggest that the mechanism governing the c-axis optical pseudogap is different from that for the a−ba-b plane magnetic pseudogap.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Effects of heat treatment on the catalytic activity and methanol tolerance of carbon-supported platinum alloys

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    This work studies the effect of heat treatment of carbon-dispersed platinum and platinum alloys on its methanol tolerance and catalytic activity as gas diffusion electrodes for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in acid medium. The catalyst powders were subjected to heat treatments at three different temperatures for a fixed period at controlled atmospheres. Differences in catalyst morphology were characterized using X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and transmission electron microscope techniques. The electrochemical characteristics and activity of the electro-catalysts were evaluated for ORR and methanol tolerance using cyclic voltammetry, in the form of gas diffusion electrodes. The optimum heat-treatment temperature is found to be strongly dependent on the individual catalyst. The maximum ORR activity and better methanol tolerance for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) was observed in Pt-Fe/C and Pt-Cu/C catalysts subjected to heat treatment at 350 °C.A trend of catalytic activity for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) was obtained: Pt-Cu/C (350°C)>Pt-Fe/C (350°C) > Pt-Ni/C (350°C) > Pt-Co/C (250°C) > Pt/C (350°C), showing that Pt-Cu/C-type catalysts had a higher catalytic activity with reasonable methanol tolerance

    The pseudogap in high-temperature superconductors: an experimental survey

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    We present an experimental review of the nature of the pseudogap in the cuprate superconductors. Evidence from various experimental techniques points to a common phenomenology. The pseudogap is seen in all high temperature superconductors and there is general agreement on the temperature and doping range where it exists. It is also becoming clear that the superconducting gap emerges from the normal state pseudogap. The d-wave nature of the order parameter holds for both the superconducting gap and the pseudogap. Although an extensive body of evidence is reviewed, a consensus on the origin of the pseudogap is as lacking as it is for the mechanism underlying high temperature superconductivity.Comment: review article, 54 pages, 50 figure

    Semileptonic decay constants of octet baryons in the chiral quark-soliton model

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    Based on the recent study of the magnetic moments and axial constants within the framework of the chiral quark-soliton model, we investigate the baryon semileptonic decay constants (f1,f2)(f_1,f_2) and (g1,g2)(g_1, g_2). Employing the relations between the diagonal transition matrix elements and off-diagonal ones in the vector and axial-vector channels, we obtain the ratios of baryon semileptonic decay constants f2/f1f_2/f_1 and g1/f1g_1/f_1. The F/DF/D ratio is also discussed and found that the value predicted by the present model naturally lies between that of the Skyrme model and that of the nonrelativistic quark model. The singlet axial constant gA(0)g^{(0)}_A can be expressed in terms of the F/DF/D ratio and gA(3)g^{(3)}_A in the present model and turns out to be small. The results are compared with available experimental data and found to be in good agreement with them. In addition, the induced pseudotensor coupling constants g2/f1g_2/f_1 are calculated, the SU(3) symmetry breaking being considered. The results indicate that the effect of SU(3) symmetry breaking might play an important role for some decay modes in hyperon semileptonic decay.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX is used. No figure. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    On the Nucleon Distribution Amplitude: The Heterotic Solution

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    We present a new nucleon distribution amplitude which amalgamates features of the Chernyak-Ogloblin-Zhitnitsky model with those of the Gari-Stefanis model. This "heterotic" solution provides the possibility to have asymptotically a small ratio \hbox{∣GMn∣/GMp≤0.1\vert G_{M}^{n}\vert/G_{M}^{p}\le 0.1}, while fulfilling most of the sum-rule requirements up to the third order. Using this nucleon distribution amplitude we calculate the electromagnetic and weak nucleon form factors, the transition form factor γpΔ+\gamma p \Delta^{+} and the decay widths of the charmonium levels 3S1^3S_{1}, 3P1^3P_{1}, and 3P2^3P_{2} into ppˉp\bar p. The agreement with the available data is remarkable in all cases.Comment: 15 pages, RUB-TPII-21/92 Preprin

    First-in-class humanized FSH blocking antibody targets bone and fat

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    Blocking the action of FSH genetically or pharmacologically in mice reduces body fat, lowers serum cholesterol, and increases bone mass, making an anti-FSH agent a potential therapeutic for three global epidemics: obesity, osteoporosis, and hypercholesterolemia. Here, we report the generation, structure, and function of a first-in-class, fully humanized, epitope-specific FSH blocking antibody with a KD of 7 nM. Protein thermal shift, molecular dynamics, and fine mapping of the FSH-FSH receptor interface confirm stable binding of the Fab domain to two of five receptor-interacting residues of the FSHβ subunit, which is sufficient to block its interaction with the FSH receptor. In doing so, the humanized antibody profoundly inhibited FSH action in cell-based assays, a prelude to further preclinical and clinical testing

    Functional expression of NF1 tumor suppressor protein: association with keratin intermediate filaments during the early development of human epidermis

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    BACKGROUND: NF1 refers to type 1 neurofibromatosis syndrome, which has been linked with mutations of the large NF1 gene. NF1 tumor suppressor protein, neurofibromin, has been shown to regulate ras: the NF1 protein contains a GTPase activating protein (GAP) related domain which functions as p21rasGAP. Our studies have previously demonstrated that the NF1 protein forms a high affinity association with cytokeratin 14 during the formation of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes in cultured keratinocytes. METHODS: The expression of NF1 protein was studied in developing human epidermis using western transfer analysis, indirect immunofluorescence, confocal laser scanning microscopy, immunoelectron microscopy, and in situ hybridization. RESULTS: The expression of NF1 protein was noted to be highly elevated in the periderm at 8 weeks estimated gestational age (EGA) and in the basal cells at 8–14 weeks EGA. During this period, NF1 protein was associated with cytokeratin filaments terminating to desmosomes and hemidesmosomes. NF1 protein did not display colocalization with α-tubulin or actin of the cytoskeleton, or with adherens junction proteins. CONCLUSIONS: These results depict an early fetal period when the NF1 tumor suppressor is abundantly expressed in epidermis and associated with cytokeratin filaments. This period is characterized by the initiation of differentiation of the basal cells, maturation of the basement membrane zone as well as accentuated formation of selected cellular junctions. NF1 tumor suppressor may function in the regulation of epidermal histogenesis via controlling the organization of the keratin cytoskeleton during the assembly of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes
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