16 research outputs found

    Application and validation of a new histologic staging and grading system for primary biliary cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND: We proposed a new grading and staging system for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), which takes into account the degree of both chronic cholangitis activity (CA) and hepatitic activity (HA) for grading disease activity and that of fibrosis, bile duct loss, and chronic cholestasis for staging. In this study, we validated our new system. METHODS: Using liver biopsy specimens from 166 cases of PBC, chronic cholangitis with mild periductal lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, including chronic nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis, and the combined activity of interface hepatitis and lobular hepatitis were categorized into 4 grades on the basis of their degree and distribution (CA0-3 and HA0-3, respectively). For staging, because orcein staining was not available in this study, 2 criteria (fibrosis and bile duct loss) were independently scored from 0 to 3 on the basis of their degrees, and a final stage score was created from the sum. RESULTS: Although there was a relatively uniform distribution of CA0/1/2/3 cases, the cases of HA0/1/2/3 were distributed as 21%, 64%, 13%, and 3%, respectively, with a prominent number of cases categorized as having none or mild HA. The distribution of stages 1 to 4 using our system was considerably different from that using the classic system and, importantly, showed a correlation with patient outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Our system revealed that the activities of chronic cholangitis and hepatitis did not correlate with each other in terms of degree and that our staging system properly reflected the outcome of PBC patients. The present study could validate the effectiveness of this new system for characterizing the pathologic condition of PBC. Copyright © 2013 by Lippincott Williams &Wilkins

    Notch1-Hes1 signalling axis in the tumourigenesis of biliary neuroendocrine tumours

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    Aims Biliary neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) are rare and mostly exist as a component of mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinomas (MANECs). Although the NET component in biliary MANECs is generally more malignant and clinically more important to the prognosis than the ordinary adenocarcinomatous component, the histogenesis of biliary NET has not been clarified. In this study, the role of the Notch1-Hes1 signalling axis in the histogenesis of biliary NETs was examined. Methods Immunohistochemistry for Notch1, its ligand Jagged1 and Hes1 was performed using surgical specimens from 11 patients with biliary MANEC. Moreover, after the knock-down of Notch1 mRNA expression in a cholangiocarcinoma cell line, the expression of chromogranin A (a neuroendocrine marker) and Ascl1 (a neuroendocrine-inducing molecule inhibited by activated Hes1) was examined by quantitative PCR. Results Histological examination revealed that the adenocarcinomatous components were predominately located at the luminal surface of the MANEC and the majority of stromal invasion involved NET components. Ordinary adenocarcinomas and non-neoplastic biliary epithelium constantly expressed Notch1, Jagged1 and Hes1, but the expression of Notch1 and Hes1 was decreased or absent in NET components, suggesting interference with the Notch1-Hes1 signalling axis in biliary NET. Moreover, in the cholangiocarcinoma cell line in which the expression of Notch1 mRNA was knocked down, the mRNA expression of Ascl1 and chromogranin A was increased. Conclusions The Notch1-Hes1 signalling axis suppresses neuroendocrine differentiation and maintains tubular/acinar features in adenocarcinoma and nonneoplastic epithelium in the biliary tree. Moreover, a disruption of this signalling axis may be associated with the tumourigenesis of NETs in biliary MANEC

    Clinicopathologic study of mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinomas of hepatobiliary organs.

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    Neuroendocrine neoplasms in hepatobiliary organs are very rare, but several cases of mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC) have been reported. In this study, we characterized the neuroendocrine component of biliary MANEC. A total of 274 cases of biliary cancer including 17 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas (CCs), 15 hepatic hilar CCs without preceding hepatobiliary disease, 55 hepatic hilar CCs with hepatolithiasis, 49 gallbladder cancers, 53 extrahepatic CCs, and 85 hepatocellular carcinomas were examined for a neuroendocrine component using immunohistochemistry with neuroendocrine markers (chromogranin A and synaptophysin). In the MANEC cases, in addition to a close histological examination, the proliferative activity and the expression of somatostatin receptor 2A were also evaluated. In addition to an ordinary adenocarcinoma, a neuroendocrine component occupying more than 30% of the entire tumor was also found in 4% (2/55 cases) of hepatic hilar cholangiocarcinomas with hepatolithiasis, 10% (5/49 cases) of gallbladder cancers, and 4% (2/53 cases) of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas, but not in the intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas, hilar cholangiocarcinomas without preceding hepatobiliary disease, and hepatocellular carcinomas. Two cases were positive for somatostatin receptor 2A. The adenocarcinoma components were predominately located at the surface of the tumors, and the majority of stromal and vascular invasion and lymph node metastasis involved neuroendocrine components, showing the features of neuroendocrine tumor G2 or neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs). NEC components showed higher proliferative activity on Ki67 immunostaining, compared to the adenocarcinoma components. Biliary MANECs are found in hepatic hilar cholangiocarcinomas with hepatolithiasis, gallbladder cancers, and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas and show a characteristic histology. Since the neuroendocrine component in biliary MANEC defines the prognosis, it is important to identify it and consider the indications for adjunctive therapy with somatostatin analogues

    Case of telangiectatic/inflammatory hepatocellular adenoma arising in a patient with primary sclerosing cholangitis

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    Hepatocellular adenomas (HCA) have been recently identified as a heterogeneous group, differing based on genotypic as well as morphological characteristics. HCA are most frequently found in women on oral contraception. A type of HCA, inflammatory HCA, is also known as telangiectatic HCA and was previously referred to as telangiectatic focal nodular hyperplasia. We present the first case of HCA arising from the liver with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). This case is a 30-year-old man with a past medical history of PSC, ulcerative colitis and diabetes mellitus. A routine ultrasonography for PSC detected the gradually enlarged intrahepatic mass. Liver biopsy could reveal the diagnosis of telangiectatic/ inflammatory HCA by morphological and immunohistochemical analyses. Partial hepatectomy was performed and the resected liver was pathologically diagnosed as the telangiectatic/inflammatory HCA arising in PSC. This is the first case report of such an association and here we review the current developments and published work of this rare tumor and the association with an activated inflammatory related tumorogenic pathway and PSC. © 2012 The Japan Society of Hepatology

    Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 derived from biliary innate immunity contributes to hepatic fibrogenesis

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Aims: Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) is a major chemotactic factor for hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) associated with hepatic fibrosis. In this study, among several fibrogenetic factors derived from biliary epithelial cells (BECs), MCP-1 produced by the biliary innate immune system was found to be most critical in the histogenesis of hepatic fibrogenesis. Methods: Using cultured human BECs, the expression of five fibrogenetic factors including MCP-1 on stimulation with Toll-like receptor ligands, inflammatory cytokines or bile acids was examined. Moreover, in situ detection of MCP-1 and α-smooth muscle actin proteins was performed using sections from normal and diseased livers by immunohistochemistry. Results: All fibrogenetic factors were detected in BECs, but only MCP-1 expression was upregulated, by all the Toll-like receptor ligands, IL-1β, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha. Proliferating bile ductules in interface areas expressed MCP-1 in diseased livers accompanying α-smooth muscle actin-positive activated HSCs. Conclusions: Bile ductules proliferate in various hepatobiliary diseases, and its significance is still unknown. This study demonstrated that BECs in bile ductules could produce MCP-1, particularly, via biliary innate immunity, suggesting that MCP-1 derived from BECs plays an important role in the recruitment of HSCs to interface areas and the activation of HSCs resulting in the progression of periportal fibrosis. Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2011

    Invasive aspergillosis related to ibrutinib therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    We report a case of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a patient taking ibrutinib, a Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor used to treat refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia. We hypothesize that ibrutinib promoted this infection by suppressing innate immune responses against Aspergillus. Clinicians should be aware of potential Aspergillus infections in patients treated with this drug