2 research outputs found

    Crisis phenomena as an incentive to intensify ecommerce of the enterprise

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    The latest global crisis has negatively affected the global economy as a whole, but it has had a stimulating effect on e-commerce. Electronic commerce around the world has intensified with a breakthrough in sales and transactions. While virtually the entire world has imposed restrictions to contain the spread of the pandemic, Internet technology and e-commerce have helped many enterprises stay afloat and the impetus for a massive transition to online. Today, global digitalization allows you to make purchases without leaving your home. At the same time, customers get a complete picture of the product using modern IT technologies, such as AR & Video Consultations, Voice robots and Assistants, make payments using new payment systems, and receive the goods as soon as possible. At the same time, e-commerce faced several challenges. The article examines the trends in the development of e-commerce in the world and the correction of the share of e-commerce in total retail sales in connection with the crisis. Changes in the structure of the ecommerce market of enterprises under the influence of the crisis phenomena are noted. The article identifies the main problems that e-commerce enterprises faced during the last global crisis and the ways to solve them. Technological trends in the global e-commerce market are noted, such as chatbots, blockchain, artificial intelligence, mobile commerce, etc. The article also indicates the main trends in the development of ecommerce under the influence of the crisis. These tendencies are aimed at creating conditions that will quickly or even automatically close the questions and doubts of the user regarding the purchase of goods in the online store and at attracting the most "hot" visitors. The surge in e-commerce due to the crisis has led to increased online businesses and increased competition. Each salesperson fights for a customer, and searching for solutions to win customers generates new trends in online sales. The article highlights the following trends that are necessary to maintain positions in e-commerce: process automation; focus on m-commerce; the use of voice assistants and robots; the use of new different payment methods, including new ones; organization of fast delivery, etc

    Господарське право України : підручник : частина 1

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    Господарське право України : підручник : у 2 ч. : Ч. 1 / [Андрєєва О. Б., Жорнокуй Ю. М., Гетманець О. П. та ін.]. – Харків : Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, 2014. – 340 с.Підручник містить найбільш важливі положення господарського права. На підставі аналізу правової доктрини, чинного законодавства і практики його застосування розглядаються правові аспекти господарської діяльності та теорії господарського права. Призначено для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, викладачів, аспірантів і практичних працівників, які цікавляться питаннями господарської діяльності.The manual contains the most important provisions of economic law. On the basis of legal doctrine of the current legislation and the practice of its application legal aspects of economic activity and theory of economic law are considered. Intended for the students of higher educational establishments, teachers, post graduate students and practitioners, who are interested in the issues of economic activity.Учебник содержит наиболее важные положения хозяйственного права. На основании анализа правовой доктрины, действующего законодательства и практики его применения рассматриваются правовые аспекты хозяйственной деятельности и теории права. Предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений, преподавателей, аспирантов и практических работников, интересующихся вопросами хозяйственной деятельности