18 research outputs found
Health-Related Concepts and Cognitive Linguistics
Human behavior is governed by concepts. Concepts are cognitive representations of reality. Cognitive linguistics suggests that there are cognitive models affecting the formation of concepts in human mind, such as cognitive metaphor and a prototype model. We used the example of an ancient procedure ā trepanation in order to show the connection between the procedure and the concept of the skull as a container, which is a metaphor. Most important concepts in medical systems are health and disease. There is no agreement about their exact definition, although there have been many studies focusing on that. Based on the previous research, we suggest possible benefits from approaching the disease as a prototype category. In all studies so far there have always been consistencies in rating entities qualifying as a disease which is a feature of a prototype category ā membership gradience. Entities perceived as diseases by respondents in studies so far have not been the same, but they share certain features. It is more likely for an entity to be considered a disease if it can lead to death, for example. In our opinion there are common core features determining disease as a cognitive category. Further cross-cultural studies could answer what features an entity needs to have in order to be considered a disease.Stressing such features could improve patientsācooperation when a new disease appears
Contribution to the topography of the territory of the colony Aelia Mursa within the daily movement zone (cotidianus excursus)
U radu se prikazuju rezultati dobiveni rekognosciranjima i analizom objavljenih podataka o prisutnosti rimskih ruralnih naselja u okolici Murse. Prilikom obrade novih podataka u obzir je uzet radijus od cca 14 km od srediÅ”ta Murse, a unutar agera. Odabrana zona istraživanja pokuÅ”ava utvrditi u kojoj mjeri se u suburbiju kolonije Elije Murse može utvrditi ideal antiÄkoga Äovjeka koji je pretežno živio na selu da može u jednome danu doÄi u grad i vratiti se kuÄi pjeÅ”ke ili prijevoznim sredstvom.The paper presents the results obtained by reconnaissance and analysis of published data on the presence of Roman rural settlements around Mursa. The processing of the new data took into account a radius of approximately 14 km from the centre of Mursa and within the ager. The zone of excavations was chosen to try to determine to what extent the suburbium of the colony Aelia Mursa matches the ideal of the man of antiquity who mostly lived in the countryside: to be able to travel to town and come back home on foot or by vehicle in a single day
Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Hemodialysis Patients
Chronic renal failure affects all organ systems. Senses are not exception and hearing impairment is common, particularly sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). The term Ā»SNOS of unknown originĀ« or Ā»uremic deafnessĀ« is related to only a smaller part of the cases with unclear etiology of the impairment. The study searched for SNOS in 66 chronic hemodialysis (HD) patients, mean age 51.50Ā±12.70 years. They were treated by HD for 69.70Ā±53.80 months. The relation between the severity of the impairment and the patientsā age, duration of HD treatment (months) and a set of laboratory parameters typical for chronic HD patients was examined. The aim of the study was to detect potential causes of the impairment. The increased hearing threshold (HT) of above 20 dB for all frequencies was found in 42 patients (mean HT 26Ā±10.50 dB), for speaking area frequencies in 22 patients (mean HT 19.70Ā±8.80 dB), and in 56 patients for high frequencies (mean HT 41.70Ā±19.70 dB). The significant positive correlation of HT was found only with the patientsā age (r=0.49, p<0.01). The patients older than 45 years had higher mean HT than those younger, and those older than 65 also had higher HT than the younger ones. Patients with pathological value of HT were significantly more common among the older subgroup of patients, when divided according to the age at both cutoff values of 45 and of 60 years. Mean HT did not differ significantly according to the duration of HD treatment (subgroups A- no longer than 60 months, B- from 61 to 120 months, and C- longer than 120 months). The patients with pathological HT did not differ significantly in frequency among those subgroups, and the subgroups were not different according to the mean age (A- 50.30Ā±13.20 years; B- 51.40Ā±12.75 years; C- 55.80Ā±10.55 years). In conclusion, our results along with other authorsā published data report on SNHL as very frequent finding among chronic HD patients and suggest multifactorial etiology. Accurate proportion of those with SNHL of unknown origin is not possible to determine. Those cases are probably not caused by uremic polyneuropathy and/or preterm vascular aging only, although those factors are likely to play crucial roles
Rural Roman settlements near Donji Miholjac
Donji Miholjac se Äesto spominje u kontekstu položaja mansio Maurianis, prema jeruzalemskom (Burdigalskom) itinerariju. Na prostru opÄine Donji Miholjac utvrÄen je manji broj rimskodobnih lokaliteta. U ovom radu se prikazuju rimskodobni lokaliteti poznati iz literature te dva nova lokaliteta koji su rezultati rekognosciranja u okolici Rakitovice južno od Donjeg Miholjca. Na poviÅ”enim položajima meandrirajuÄe rijeke KaraÅ”ice pronaÄena su dva rimskodobna lokaliteta koji se prema nalazima datiraju u drugu polovicu drugog i treÄe stoljeÄe.Donji Miholjac is often mentioned in the context of the site of mansio Maurianis, in accordance with Itinerarium Burdigalense. Several sites from the Roman period were ascertained on the territory of Donji Miholjac Municipality. This paper presents sites from the Roman period known from the literature, as well as two new sites as a result of a field survey in Rakitovica area, south of Donji Miholjac. Two sites from the Roman period which are dated by the finds to the second half of the second century and the third century were discovered at elevated positions of the meandering river of KaraÅ”ica
Hepatitis CāAssociated Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes type 2 mellitus (T2DM) is the most common extrahepatic association of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Substantial research has suggested that insulin resistance (IR) has crucial importance in development of type 2 diabetes in HCV-infected patients. Several pathophysiological mechanisms are proposed, such as direct effect of HCV proteins on inhibition of the insulin-signaling pathway inducing central insulin resistance (IR), while overproduction of inflammatory cytokines and increased lipolysis promote peripheral IR.Ā IR in HCV-infected patients is associated with impaired sustained virologic response (SVR) and higher incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Some, but not all, studies have shown improvements in achieving SVR in patients with interferon/ribavirin (RBV) therapy co-treated with metformin or pioglitazone as well as beneficiary effect on the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma. Recent studies indicate that response to the new direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatments is unaffected by insulin resistance thus diminishing importance of IR in the new era of DAA.Ā Additionally, viral eradication by DAAs has been shown to ameliorate insulin resistance, attenuating the risk of new-onset diabetes type 2. However, those metabolic improvements are sustainable long after the treatment remains unclear
Activities and results of the installation research project Life on the Roman Road (LRR) (HRZZ, UIP-05-2017-9768) in 2018
S poÄetkom 2018. godine, zapoÄeo je projekt Život na rimskoj cesti ā komunikacije, trgovina i identiteti na rimskim cestama u Hrvatskoj od 1. do 8. st. (UIP-05-2017-9768) (voditeljica Ivana OžaniÄ RoguljiÄ) kojeg financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost, a izvodi se pri Institututu za arheologiju u Zagrebu. U prvoj godini projekta provodile su se istraživaÄke, diseminacijske, popularizacijske i edukacijske aktivnosti. Prva aktivnost projekta bio je terenski pregled opÄine Äepin te prostora uz naselje Josipovac.The beginning of 2018 was the starting date of Life on the Roman Road: Communications, trade and identities on the Roman roads in Croatia from the 1st to the 8th century (UIP-05-2017-9768) (led by Ivana OžaniÄ RoguljiÄ), a project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation and executed at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb. The first year of the project was dedicated to research, dissemination, popularising and educational activities. The first activity of the project was the on-site inspection of the Äepin municipality and of the area next to the Josipovac
RiziÄni Äimbenici i koÅ”tana masa u bolesnika s recidivirajuÄom urolitijazom: presjeÄno istraživanje na 144 ispitanika
Patients with urolithiasis, particularly hypercalciuria, may have reduced bone mineral density (BMD). There are numerous risk factors contributing to reduction of BMD such as advanced age, sedentary life-style, smoking, low calcium intake, etc. The aim of our study was to investigate the association of lifestyle risk factors and daily intake of milk and dairy products with determinants of BMD in a group of recurrent calcium stone formers (RSF) compared with healthy subjects (HS). The study was carried out at the De-partment of Mineral Research, Faculty of Medicine in Osijek, Croatia. The study included 144 subjects, i.e. 56 RSF and 78 HS. BMD was assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. A standard self-reported questionnaire was used to collect data on lifestyle risk factors. Current dietary intake was assessed by personal interview that included questions about milk and dairy product intake. Low BMD was observed in 44.64% of RSF and 35.90% of HS. RSF consumed significantly less milk and dairy products than HS. Calcium restriction in dietary recommendations might be unnecessary due to the impact on bone mineral loss in RSF and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry should be included in the routine evaluation of RSF.Bolesnici s urolitijazom, osobito oni s hiperkalciurijom, imaju smanjenu koÅ”tanu mineralnu gustoÄu (bone mineral density, BMD). RiziÄni Äimbenici gubitka koÅ”tane mase su uznapredovala dob, sjedilaÄki naÄin života, puÅ”enje i smanjen unos kalcija. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja bio je ustanoviti povezanost riziÄnih Äimbenika i dnevnog unosa mlije-ka i mlijeÄnih preraÄevina s odrednicama BMD u bolesnika s recidivirajuÄom kalcijskom urolitijazom te ih usporedi-ti sa zdravim ispitanicima. Istraživanje je provedeno na Zavodu za mineralni metabolizam Medicinskog fakulteta u Osijeku. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 144 ispitanika, od Äega 56 bolesnika s recidivirajuÄom kalcijskom urolitija-zom i 78 zdravih ispitanika. BMD je odreÄen metodom dvoenergetske apsorpciometrije X zraka (DXA). Podatci o Äimbenicima rizika dobiveni su anketnim upitnikom, a unos hrane je ocijenjen osobnim intervjuom koji je ukljuÄi-vao pitanja o unosu mlijeka i mlijeÄnih proizvoda. Snižen BMD zabilježen je u 44,64% bolesnika s recidivirajuÄom urolitijazom i u 35,90% zdravih ispitanika. Bolesnici s recidivirajuÄom urolitijazom konzumirali su znatno manje mlijeka i mlijeÄnih proizvoda u odnosu na zdrave ispitanike. Nepotrebna je preporuka smanjenog unosa kalcija bolesnicima s recidivirajuÄom urolitijazom zbog utjecaja na gubitak koÅ”tane mase, a DXA treba biti dio rutinske procjene bolesnika s recidivirajuÄom urolitijazom