17 research outputs found


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    U današnjem izrazito dinamičnom i turbulentnom okružju u kojemu posluju poduzeća i u kojemu se svakodnevno vodi borba za zadržavanje tržišnih pozicija i ostvarivanje konkurentske prednosti, marketing ima snažnu ulogu u kreiranju proizvoda ali i usluga koje se nude na tržištu. Za razliku od eksternoga marketinga, interni je marketing još uvijek područje koje je premalo istraženo i primjenjivano u hrvatskim poduzećima. Interni marketing obuhvaća marketinška znanja, vještine, alate, metode i tehnike koje se primjenjuju na internome tržištu, dakle unutar poduzeća, radi postizanja sinergijskog djelovanja svih zaposlenih u skladu sa temeljnim ciljevima, misijom i strategijama poduzeća. Autori su u ovom radu istražili obilježja internoga marketinga poduzeća koja posluju na hrvatskome tržištu. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi preliminarnim istraživanjem, primjenu načela i koncepcije internoga marketinga u Hrvatskoj i njegovu zastupljenost unutar hrvatskih poduzeća. Dosadašnji radovi i iskustva objavljeni u stranoj literaturu upućuju na prednosti primjene ove koncepcije unutar poduzeća te na snažan utjecaj u stvaranju konkurentskih prednosti osobito glede pruženih usluga i zadovoljstva kupaca te ostvarene lojalnosti kako kupaca tako i vlastitih zaposlenika

    Gender-Dependent Quality of Shade Matching of Dental Professionals and Students

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    Svrha istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati sposobnost procjene boje stomatoloških profesionalaca i studenata dentalne medicine uporabom ključa za boje Vita 3D. Materijal i postupci: Stotinu i dvadeset ispitanika raspodijeljeno je u jednu od četiriju skupina: za specijaliste stomatološke protetike (SP), specijalizante stomatološke protetike (RP), dentalne tehničare (DT) i studente dentalne medicine (DS). Korišten je Toothguide Training Box (TTB) za testiranje sposobnosti procjene boje ispitivača koji se sastojao od triju vježbi i završnog testa. Pogreške su bile zabilježene. Tijekom vježbi svakom je ispitaniku zabilježen broj pogrešaka na temelju kojih su izračunati omjeri pogreške (OP). Također su zabilježeni vrijeme i rezultati završnog testa te je izračunata vrijednost razlika boje (DE). Pri analizi razlika korišten je jednosmjerni test ANOVA, a za procjenu utjecaja prosječnih OP-a, vremena i rezultata na vrijednosti DE među skupinama multipla regresijska analiza. Rezultati: Ispitanici su potrošili znatno više vremena za završni test od ispitanica (P < 0,05). Muški SP-i ostvarili su značajno niži postotak omjera pogreške u drugoj vježbi u usporedbi s RP-ima (P < 0,05) i trebali su znatno manje vremena nego DS-i da obave završni test te postignu značajno više rezultate od RP-a (P < 0,05). Ženski SP-i pri određivanju boje postigli su najviše, a DS-i i RP-i najniže razlike u boji (P < 0,05). Rezultati dobiveni iz vježbi i završnih testova izrazito su utjecali na iznos procijenjene razlike boje u objema muškim i ženskim skupinama (78 % i 80 %). Zaključci: Unutar testirane populacije spol ispitanika pokazao je značajan utjecaj na kvalitetu procjene boje stomatoloških profesionalaca i studenata dentalne medicine.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate shade matching ability of dental professionals and students using the VITA 3D-Master shade guide. Materials and methods: A hundred and twenty participants have been assigned to one of four groups as follows: specialists in prosthodontics (SPs), residents in prosthodontics (RPs), dental technicians (DTs) and dental students (DSs). The Tooth-guide Training Box (TTB) was used to test the participants’ shade-matching ability based on using 3 exercises and a final test. The mistakes were recorded during the exercises and mistake ratios (MR) were calculated. Time, scores, and color difference values (ΔE) were recorded and calculated. The one-way ANOVA was used to analyze the differences, and multiple regression analyses were used to evaluate the relationship in mean MRs, time, score and ΔE values between the groups. Results: Male participants needed significantly greater amount of time than females to complete the final test (P<0.05). Male SPs achieved a significantly lower percentage of mistake ratios in second exercise than RPs (P<0.05), needed significantly less time than DSs to complete the final test and achieved significantly higher scores than RPs (P<0.05). Female SPs assessed the highest and DSs and RPs the lowest color differences (P<0.05). The results obtained from the exercises and final tests highly affected the amount of estimated color difference in both male and female groups (by 78% and 76%, respectively). Conclusions: Within the population tested, gender of the participants showed a significant impact on quality of shade matching of dental professionals and students

    Implant-Retained Maxillary and Mandibular Overdentures - A Solution for Completely Edentulous Patients

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    The main goal of modern removable prosthodontics is to restore the normal appearance, function, esthetics and speech in each completely edentulous patient. However, if all teeth are missing in a patient, it becomes very complicated to achieve it using traditional protocols. Therefore, implants were introduced into removable prosthodontics to ensure better retention and stability of the conventional dentures. In case of a large amount of bone missing in the jaw it is necessary to ensure the functioning of the dentures constructing various additional stabilizing and retentive prosthodontic solutions on the osseointegrated implants. Numerous types of attachment systems have been used recently for relating implant-retained overdentures to underlying implants: basically splinting (various bar shape designs) and non-splinting attachments (various ball type attachment, magnet attachment, telescopic coping systems). Indications for their use depend on the surgical and prosthodontic factors such as the number and position of the implants, the amount of free intermaxillary space and the type and size of the overdentures. Different indications, types of the overdentures and the attachment systems will be discussed in this chapter

    The Relationship between Dental Occlusion and “Prosthetic Occlusion” of Prosthetic Restorations Supported by Natural Teeth and Osseointegrated Dental Implants

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    The concept of human dental occlusion represents much more than the mere physical contact of the biting surfaces of opposing teeth. It is not a static, unchanging, structural relationship, but rather a dynamic, real, physiological relationship between different tissue systems. It is best defined as the functional relationship between the components of the masticatory system, which includes the teeth, the periodontium, the neuromuscular system, the temporomandibular joints and the craniofacial skeleton. Biologically, occlusion represents a coordinated functional interaction between different cell populations of the masticatory tissue systems that differentiate, model, remodel, destroy and regenerate. When the functional balance of the masticatory system is disturbed or when occlusion is restored by various types of prosthetic restorations, specific goals of occlusal treatment become important, especially today with the rapid insertion of dental implants. The aim of this chapter is to highlight the characteristics of dental occlusion in relation to the characteristics and requirements of ‘prosthetic occlusion’ for different types of prosthetic restorations supported by natural teeth, gingiva, alveolar ridges and dental implants. A particular focus in writing the chapter is the analysis of the scientific literature on the interrelationship between the so-called occlusion concepts and the biomechanical aspects of different types of implant prosthetic restorations

    Differences in Movement of Temporomandibular Joints in Athletes With and Without Orofacial Injuries

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    All sporting activities have an associated risk of orofacial injuries due to falls, collisions with players, devices, and hard surfaces. The purpose of this investigation was to determine is there alteration of condylar path and frontal guidance values in athletes with and without orofacial injuries. The sample consists of 34 athletes who were divided into two groups (Control and Examines group). "Control group" consists of 11 athletes without data of macrotrauma of the stomatognatic system (athletes who didn’t get blow to the face). The second group is "Examines group" witch consists of 23 athletes with macrotrauma (athletes who get blow to the face), 11 of them were athletes with macrotrauma on the right side of jaw and 12 of them were athletes with macrotrauma on the left side of jaw. Athletes with anamnestic blow to the jaws, immediately after injury, have had stiffness/pain of masticatory muscles, pain in region of TMJ, and limitation of jaw movements. But all symptoms diminished and finally were gone after some days or weeks after injury. In time of investigation all of them were completely without any symptom of temporomandibular dysfunction according to RDC/TMD protocol, and were completely satisfied with function of their stomatognathic system. Athletes with macrotrauma have limitation of Bennett angle on the one side while on the opposite side Bennett angle is larger than the average values given in literature. As conclusion, if athletes with macrotrauma need prosthetic therapy, without individual articulator adjustment, prosthodontics work can cause iatrogenic interference. That interference during time may cause temporomandibular dysfunction. All patients need individual approach to their stomatognatic system, and only in that way damage to the system can be avoided

    Patients’ general satisfaction wi th the appearance of anterior maxillary teeth

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    Background/Aim. Dental appearance plays an important role in practically all personal social interactions. The main factors that define the dental appearance are tooth colour, shape and position, quality of restoration, and the general position of the teeth in arch, especially in the anterior region. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of dental status (tooth shape, fracture, dental and prosthetic restorations and presence of plaque) on patient's satisfaction with the dental appearance, controlling for the age and gender. Methods . A total of 700 Caucasian subjects (439 women) aged 18–86 (median 45 years) participated in the cross-sectiona l study. Study included clinical examination and self-administrat ed questionnaire based on self- perceived aesthetics and satisfaction with the appearance of their maxillary anterior teeth. Results. A regression analysis demonstrated that presence of dental plaque, tooth fracture, composite fillings and crowns had significant independent con- tribution and were negative predic tors of satisfaction with teeth appearance. Participants with presence of plaque on upper teeth ( p < 0.001), fractures ( p = 0.005), composite fillings ( p < 0.001) and crowns ( p = 0.032) were less satisfied than those without it. Model explains 12% or variance of general satisfaction with the appearance of maxillary frontal teeth ( p < 0.001) and the major contributors are composite fillings (5.3%) and plaque (3.2%). Tooth shape, age and gender were not significant predictors of satisfaction. Conclusion. Satisfac- tion with the teeth appearance is under the influence of many factors with significant negative influence of presence of dental plaque, fractures, composit e restorations, and crowns

    Identification of key factors in the supply chain management of strategic groups in dental medicine

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    Ova doktorska disertacija usmjerena je na istraživanje trendova organiziranja rada poduzeća u dentalnoj industriji. Naime, brzi razvoj medicinskih znanja, tehnike i tehnologije u području dentalne medicine izmijenio je izgled i snagu te industrije, kvantitativno, kvalitativno i financijski na način da je ona postala privlačna i eminentnim investitorima. Kao posljedica toga, evidentan je trend rasta strateških udruživanja poduzeća u upravljane opskrbne lance, kako bi se postigli što bolji sinergijski učinci koji proizlaze iz međusobne kooperacije poduzeća. Takve, dramatične promjene u organizaciji i kooperaciji rada poduzeća u dentalnoj medicini dovele su do situacije da se danas tržišna utakmica odvija između opskrbnih lanaca, za razliku od prethodnog stanja, gdje su međusobno konkurirale male, dentalne ordinacije s ograničenim resursima. Aktualni trendovi potakli su i ovo istraživanje koje nastoji odgovoriti na pitanje, zašto poduzeća formiraju strateške saveze i na koji način se provodi njihova suradnja? U cilju dobivanja odgovora na ta, i mnoga druga pitanja izveden je model koji empirijski istražuje odnose između subjekata u dentalnoj industriji Republike Hrvatske. Kako bi se utvrdila priroda odnosa između poduzeća, ali i krajnjih korisnika usluga dentalne industrije analizirana je primjena koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca u tvrtkama koje pružaju usluge liječenja zubi u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje se temelji na spoznaji da implementacija koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca, a posebice čimbenika menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca u dentalnoj industriji nije u dovoljnoj mjeri istražena. Upravo iz tog razloga nameće se potreba da se najprije identificiraju, a zatim dublje i šire analiziraju čimbenici menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca koji pozitivno doprinose organizacijskim performansama i zadovoljstvu krajnjeg korisnika. U teorijskom modelu testirani su odnosi čimbenika opskrbnog lanca: stvaranje vrijednosti, tehnologije, informacijske tehnologije i digitalizacije, dostupnosti izvora financiranja na performanse opskrbnog lanca i organizacijske performanse. Nakon testiranja predloženog modela utvrđeno je da tehnologija izvedbe i odnosi među sudionicima u opskrbnom lancu snažno i pozitivno utječu na performanse opskrbnoga lanca. Nadalje, stvaranje vrijednosti, informacijska tehnologija i digitalizacija procesa samo djelomično pozitivno utječu na performanse opskrbnoga lanca poduzeća. Potvrđeno je da dostupnost izvora financiranja statistički ne utječe na performanse opskrbnog lanca. U posljednjoj fazi testiranja modela dokazano je da performanse opskrbnog lanca samo djelomično utječu na zadovoljstvo korisnika, dok zadovoljstvo korisnika ne doprinosi organizacijskim performansama. Provedeno istraživanje predstavlja temelj za naredna istraživanja u dentalnoj industriji kako bi se identificirao utjecaj i drugih čimbenika koji doprinose uspješnosti opskrbnih lanaca. Navedenom ide u prilog da je ovim istraživačkim radom dokazano kako ne utječu svi faktori opskrbnog lanca na njegovu uspješnost, ali i da je dentalna medicina podložna dinamičnim promjenama kojima se potrebno kontinuirano prilagođavati.This doctoral dissertation is focused on the research of trends in work organization of companies in the dental industry. Namely, the rapid development of medical knowledge, technique, and technology in the field of dental medicine has changed the appearance and strength of that industry, quantitatively, qualitatively, and financially, in such a way that it has become attractive to eminent investors. Consequently, there is an evident trend of growth of strategic company associations in managed supply chains, in order to achieve the best possible synergistic effects resulting from mutual cooperation of companies. Such dramatic changes in the organization and cooperation of the work of companies in dental medicine have led to the situation that today the market competition takes place between supply chains, in contrast to the previous situation, where small, dental offices with limited resources competed with each other. Current trends also inspired this research, which tries to answer the question, why do companies form strategic alliances and how is their cooperation carried out? In order to get answers to these and many other questions, a model was developed that empirically investigates the relationships between entities in the dental industry of the Republic of Croatia. To determine the nature of the relationship between companies and end users of dental industry services, the application of the concept of supply chain management in companies that provide dental treatment services in the Republic of Croatia was analysed. The research is based on the knowledge that the implementation of the concept of supply chain management, and especially the factors of supply chain management in the dental industry, has not been sufficiently investigated. Precisely for this reason, there is a need to first identify and then analyse more deeply and widely the supply chain management factors that contribute positively to organizational performance and end user satisfaction. In the theoretical model, the relationships of supply chain factors: value creation, technology, information technology and digitization, availability of financing sources on supply chain performance and organizational performance were tested. After test of the proposed model, it was determined that performance technology and relationships between participants in the supply chain strongly and positively influence the performance of the supply chain. Furthermore, value creation, information technology and digitization of processes only partially positively affect the performance of the company's supply chain. It has been confirmed that the availability of financing sources does not statistically affect the performance of the supply chain. In the last stage of model testing, it was proven that supply chain performance only partially affects customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction does not contributes to organizational performance. The conducted research is the basis for further research in the dental industry in order to identify the influence of other factors that contribute to the success of supply chains. This is supported by the fact that this research has proven that not all factors of the supply chain affect its success, but also that dental medicine is subject to dynamic changes that need to be continuously adapted

    Identification of key factors in the supply chain management of strategic groups in dental medicine

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    Ova doktorska disertacija usmjerena je na istraživanje trendova organiziranja rada poduzeća u dentalnoj industriji. Naime, brzi razvoj medicinskih znanja, tehnike i tehnologije u području dentalne medicine izmijenio je izgled i snagu te industrije, kvantitativno, kvalitativno i financijski na način da je ona postala privlačna i eminentnim investitorima. Kao posljedica toga, evidentan je trend rasta strateških udruživanja poduzeća u upravljane opskrbne lance, kako bi se postigli što bolji sinergijski učinci koji proizlaze iz međusobne kooperacije poduzeća. Takve, dramatične promjene u organizaciji i kooperaciji rada poduzeća u dentalnoj medicini dovele su do situacije da se danas tržišna utakmica odvija između opskrbnih lanaca, za razliku od prethodnog stanja, gdje su međusobno konkurirale male, dentalne ordinacije s ograničenim resursima. Aktualni trendovi potakli su i ovo istraživanje koje nastoji odgovoriti na pitanje, zašto poduzeća formiraju strateške saveze i na koji način se provodi njihova suradnja? U cilju dobivanja odgovora na ta, i mnoga druga pitanja izveden je model koji empirijski istražuje odnose između subjekata u dentalnoj industriji Republike Hrvatske. Kako bi se utvrdila priroda odnosa između poduzeća, ali i krajnjih korisnika usluga dentalne industrije analizirana je primjena koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca u tvrtkama koje pružaju usluge liječenja zubi u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje se temelji na spoznaji da implementacija koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca, a posebice čimbenika menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca u dentalnoj industriji nije u dovoljnoj mjeri istražena. Upravo iz tog razloga nameće se potreba da se najprije identificiraju, a zatim dublje i šire analiziraju čimbenici menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca koji pozitivno doprinose organizacijskim performansama i zadovoljstvu krajnjeg korisnika. U teorijskom modelu testirani su odnosi čimbenika opskrbnog lanca: stvaranje vrijednosti, tehnologije, informacijske tehnologije i digitalizacije, dostupnosti izvora financiranja na performanse opskrbnog lanca i organizacijske performanse. Nakon testiranja predloženog modela utvrđeno je da tehnologija izvedbe i odnosi među sudionicima u opskrbnom lancu snažno i pozitivno utječu na performanse opskrbnoga lanca. Nadalje, stvaranje vrijednosti, informacijska tehnologija i digitalizacija procesa samo djelomično pozitivno utječu na performanse opskrbnoga lanca poduzeća. Potvrđeno je da dostupnost izvora financiranja statistički ne utječe na performanse opskrbnog lanca. U posljednjoj fazi testiranja modela dokazano je da performanse opskrbnog lanca samo djelomično utječu na zadovoljstvo korisnika, dok zadovoljstvo korisnika ne doprinosi organizacijskim performansama. Provedeno istraživanje predstavlja temelj za naredna istraživanja u dentalnoj industriji kako bi se identificirao utjecaj i drugih čimbenika koji doprinose uspješnosti opskrbnih lanaca. Navedenom ide u prilog da je ovim istraživačkim radom dokazano kako ne utječu svi faktori opskrbnog lanca na njegovu uspješnost, ali i da je dentalna medicina podložna dinamičnim promjenama kojima se potrebno kontinuirano prilagođavati.This doctoral dissertation is focused on the research of trends in work organization of companies in the dental industry. Namely, the rapid development of medical knowledge, technique, and technology in the field of dental medicine has changed the appearance and strength of that industry, quantitatively, qualitatively, and financially, in such a way that it has become attractive to eminent investors. Consequently, there is an evident trend of growth of strategic company associations in managed supply chains, in order to achieve the best possible synergistic effects resulting from mutual cooperation of companies. Such dramatic changes in the organization and cooperation of the work of companies in dental medicine have led to the situation that today the market competition takes place between supply chains, in contrast to the previous situation, where small, dental offices with limited resources competed with each other. Current trends also inspired this research, which tries to answer the question, why do companies form strategic alliances and how is their cooperation carried out? In order to get answers to these and many other questions, a model was developed that empirically investigates the relationships between entities in the dental industry of the Republic of Croatia. To determine the nature of the relationship between companies and end users of dental industry services, the application of the concept of supply chain management in companies that provide dental treatment services in the Republic of Croatia was analysed. The research is based on the knowledge that the implementation of the concept of supply chain management, and especially the factors of supply chain management in the dental industry, has not been sufficiently investigated. Precisely for this reason, there is a need to first identify and then analyse more deeply and widely the supply chain management factors that contribute positively to organizational performance and end user satisfaction. In the theoretical model, the relationships of supply chain factors: value creation, technology, information technology and digitization, availability of financing sources on supply chain performance and organizational performance were tested. After test of the proposed model, it was determined that performance technology and relationships between participants in the supply chain strongly and positively influence the performance of the supply chain. Furthermore, value creation, information technology and digitization of processes only partially positively affect the performance of the company's supply chain. It has been confirmed that the availability of financing sources does not statistically affect the performance of the supply chain. In the last stage of model testing, it was proven that supply chain performance only partially affects customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction does not contributes to organizational performance. The conducted research is the basis for further research in the dental industry in order to identify the influence of other factors that contribute to the success of supply chains. This is supported by the fact that this research has proven that not all factors of the supply chain affect its success, but also that dental medicine is subject to dynamic changes that need to be continuously adapted

    Identification of key factors in the supply chain management of strategic groups in dental medicine

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    Ova doktorska disertacija usmjerena je na istraživanje trendova organiziranja rada poduzeća u dentalnoj industriji. Naime, brzi razvoj medicinskih znanja, tehnike i tehnologije u području dentalne medicine izmijenio je izgled i snagu te industrije, kvantitativno, kvalitativno i financijski na način da je ona postala privlačna i eminentnim investitorima. Kao posljedica toga, evidentan je trend rasta strateških udruživanja poduzeća u upravljane opskrbne lance, kako bi se postigli što bolji sinergijski učinci koji proizlaze iz međusobne kooperacije poduzeća. Takve, dramatične promjene u organizaciji i kooperaciji rada poduzeća u dentalnoj medicini dovele su do situacije da se danas tržišna utakmica odvija između opskrbnih lanaca, za razliku od prethodnog stanja, gdje su međusobno konkurirale male, dentalne ordinacije s ograničenim resursima. Aktualni trendovi potakli su i ovo istraživanje koje nastoji odgovoriti na pitanje, zašto poduzeća formiraju strateške saveze i na koji način se provodi njihova suradnja? U cilju dobivanja odgovora na ta, i mnoga druga pitanja izveden je model koji empirijski istražuje odnose između subjekata u dentalnoj industriji Republike Hrvatske. Kako bi se utvrdila priroda odnosa između poduzeća, ali i krajnjih korisnika usluga dentalne industrije analizirana je primjena koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca u tvrtkama koje pružaju usluge liječenja zubi u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje se temelji na spoznaji da implementacija koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca, a posebice čimbenika menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca u dentalnoj industriji nije u dovoljnoj mjeri istražena. Upravo iz tog razloga nameće se potreba da se najprije identificiraju, a zatim dublje i šire analiziraju čimbenici menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca koji pozitivno doprinose organizacijskim performansama i zadovoljstvu krajnjeg korisnika. U teorijskom modelu testirani su odnosi čimbenika opskrbnog lanca: stvaranje vrijednosti, tehnologije, informacijske tehnologije i digitalizacije, dostupnosti izvora financiranja na performanse opskrbnog lanca i organizacijske performanse. Nakon testiranja predloženog modela utvrđeno je da tehnologija izvedbe i odnosi među sudionicima u opskrbnom lancu snažno i pozitivno utječu na performanse opskrbnoga lanca. Nadalje, stvaranje vrijednosti, informacijska tehnologija i digitalizacija procesa samo djelomično pozitivno utječu na performanse opskrbnoga lanca poduzeća. Potvrđeno je da dostupnost izvora financiranja statistički ne utječe na performanse opskrbnog lanca. U posljednjoj fazi testiranja modela dokazano je da performanse opskrbnog lanca samo djelomično utječu na zadovoljstvo korisnika, dok zadovoljstvo korisnika ne doprinosi organizacijskim performansama. Provedeno istraživanje predstavlja temelj za naredna istraživanja u dentalnoj industriji kako bi se identificirao utjecaj i drugih čimbenika koji doprinose uspješnosti opskrbnih lanaca. Navedenom ide u prilog da je ovim istraživačkim radom dokazano kako ne utječu svi faktori opskrbnog lanca na njegovu uspješnost, ali i da je dentalna medicina podložna dinamičnim promjenama kojima se potrebno kontinuirano prilagođavati.This doctoral dissertation is focused on the research of trends in work organization of companies in the dental industry. Namely, the rapid development of medical knowledge, technique, and technology in the field of dental medicine has changed the appearance and strength of that industry, quantitatively, qualitatively, and financially, in such a way that it has become attractive to eminent investors. Consequently, there is an evident trend of growth of strategic company associations in managed supply chains, in order to achieve the best possible synergistic effects resulting from mutual cooperation of companies. Such dramatic changes in the organization and cooperation of the work of companies in dental medicine have led to the situation that today the market competition takes place between supply chains, in contrast to the previous situation, where small, dental offices with limited resources competed with each other. Current trends also inspired this research, which tries to answer the question, why do companies form strategic alliances and how is their cooperation carried out? In order to get answers to these and many other questions, a model was developed that empirically investigates the relationships between entities in the dental industry of the Republic of Croatia. To determine the nature of the relationship between companies and end users of dental industry services, the application of the concept of supply chain management in companies that provide dental treatment services in the Republic of Croatia was analysed. The research is based on the knowledge that the implementation of the concept of supply chain management, and especially the factors of supply chain management in the dental industry, has not been sufficiently investigated. Precisely for this reason, there is a need to first identify and then analyse more deeply and widely the supply chain management factors that contribute positively to organizational performance and end user satisfaction. In the theoretical model, the relationships of supply chain factors: value creation, technology, information technology and digitization, availability of financing sources on supply chain performance and organizational performance were tested. After test of the proposed model, it was determined that performance technology and relationships between participants in the supply chain strongly and positively influence the performance of the supply chain. Furthermore, value creation, information technology and digitization of processes only partially positively affect the performance of the company's supply chain. It has been confirmed that the availability of financing sources does not statistically affect the performance of the supply chain. In the last stage of model testing, it was proven that supply chain performance only partially affects customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction does not contributes to organizational performance. The conducted research is the basis for further research in the dental industry in order to identify the influence of other factors that contribute to the success of supply chains. This is supported by the fact that this research has proven that not all factors of the supply chain affect its success, but also that dental medicine is subject to dynamic changes that need to be continuously adapted