140 research outputs found

    Filozofija i rod: uz temu

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    Vom Lebensbegriff bis zu einer Ethik des Lebens

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    When discussing the concept of life, there is neither a single concept of life, nor absolute consensus about a conceptual barycentre, so that consideration of the notion of life is a precondition for establishing and developing an ethics of life, i.e. bioethics. This paper tries to sketch the path(s) leading from the notion(s) of life to an ethics of life by recalling some remarkable (proto)bioethical conceptions: Hans Jonas’s integrative philosophy of life (philosophical biology and ethics of responsibility), Fritz Jahr’s bio-ethics, Albert Schweitzer’s ethics of reverence for life, and Arne Naess’s deep ecology (ecosophy).Nema jednog i jedinstvenog pojma života, a nema ni apsolutnog konsenzusa oko konceptualnog težišta u raspravama o pojmu života, tako da je razmatranje pojma života preduvjet utemeljenja i razvijanja etike života, tj. bioetike. U ovom radu nastojimo ocrtati put koji vodi od pojma života do etike života, uzimajući u obzir nekoliko upečatljivih (proto)bioetičkih koncepcija: integrativnu filozofiju života (filozofijsku biologiju i etiku odgovornosti) Hansa Jonasa, bio-etiku Fritza Jahra, etiku strahopoštovanja prema životu Alberta Schweitzera te dubinsku ekologiju (ekozofiju) Arnea Naessa.Il n’y a pas un seul et unique concept de vie, et il n’y a pas non plus de consensus absolu autour du noyau conceptuel dans les débats sur le concept de vie, de telle manière que l’examen de ce concept est une précondition pour fonder et développer une éthique de vie, à savoir une bioéthique. Nous nous appliquons dans ce travail à tracer le chemin qui mène du concept de vie au concept éthique de vie, en prenant en considération quelques conceptions sensibles de (proto)bioéthique: la philosophie intégrative de la vie (la biologie philosophique et l’éthique de responsabilité) de Hans Jonas, la bioéthique de Fritz Jahr, l’éthique du respect de la vie d’Albert Schweitzer et l’écologie profonde (l’écosophie) d’Arne Naess.Es gibt keinen einen und einzigartigen Lebensbegriff, und es gibt keinen absoluten Konsens über den konzeptuellen Schwerpunkt in den Abhandlungen über den Lebensbegriff, sodass die Betrachtung des Lebensbegriffs eine Vorbedingung zur Grundlegung und Entwicklung einer Ethik des Lebens bzw. Bioethik ist. In dieser Arbeit streben wir an, den Weg vom Lebensbegriff bis zu einer Lebensethik auszumalen, indem wir etliche einprägsame (proto)bioethische Konzeptionen berücksichtigen: integrative Philosophie des Lebens (philosophische Biologie und Verantwortungsethik) Hans Jonas’, Bio-Ethik Fritz Jahrs, Ethik der Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben Albert Schweitzers sowie Tiefenökologie (Ökosophie) Arne Naess’

    Škola za životarenje ili Pedagoška poema 2.0

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    In addition to medical and public health issues, the 2020 coronavirus pandemic raised some serious philosophical, (bio)ethical, social, political and legal questions that are essentially not new, although they appear under a new light. Among them is also the issue of education, because the coronavirus pandemic has accentuated the digitalisation and alienation trends in the field of education, urging us to consider not only the problems of education during the pandemic, but also the systemic problems in education, science and knowledge in the era of technoscience and neoliberal economy and politics.Uz medicinska i javnozdravstvena pitanja, pandemija koronavirusa 2020. godine izazvala je neka ozbiljna filozofijska, (bio)etička, socijalna, politička i pravna pitanja koja nisu u bitnome nova, premda se pojavljuju u novome svjetlu. Među njima su i pitanja obrazovanja jer je pandemija koronavirusa potencirala trendove digitalizacije i alijenacije u sferi obrazovanja, što nas upućuje ne samo na razmatranje problematike obrazovanja u doba pandemije nego i sistemskih problema obrazovanja, znanosti i znanja u epohi tehnoznanosti te neoliberalne ekonomije i politike

    Fritz Jahr, European Bioethics, and Integrative Bioethics

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    Analiza regulatornih odredbi koje uređuju zaštitu maloljetnika u audiovizualnim medijskim uslugama i elektroničkim publikacijama u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Development of information and communication technologies and their convergence have served as the basis for the introduction of novel forms of dissemination of media content in digital form. This has led to many positive developments, but has also created some new challenges. Protection of minors is one such challenge which requires adequate regulation by the legislators both on the national and supra-national level. This paper analyzes the regulatory framework for electronic media in the context of protection of minors in the Republic of Croatia. Authors approach this issue by analyzing the rules applicable to harmful content and those which regulate the protection of privacy and personal data of minors against the freedom of expression and media. It is argued that the current regulatory framework generally provides sufficient protection against harmful content; however, certain changes could prove useful and would improve the level of protection. Regarding the protection of privacy and personal data, authors argue that current rules contained in the Media Act and the Electronic Media Act provide for an adequate regulation on the normative level, and stress the importance of their interpretation according to the standards developed in the case law of the ECtHR.Razvoj informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija i njihova konvergencija osnova su za pojavu novih oblika medijskih usluga i emitiranja sadržaja u digitalnom obliku. To dovodi do brojnih pozitivnih pomaka, ali istovremeno i nameće nove izazove. Zaštita maloljetnika jedan je od tih izazova. Nameće se potreba za primjerenom regulacijom na nacionalnim i nadnacionalnim razinama. Ovim radom analiziramo regulatorni okvir za elektroničke medije u kontekstu zaštite maloljetnika u Republici Hrvatskoj. Autori analiziraju odredbe koje reguliraju emitiranje štetnog sadržaja za maloljetnike te zaštitu privatnosti i osobnih podataka maloljetnika u odnosu na slobodu izražavanja u medijima. Iako je zauzet stav da sadašnji regulatorni okvir pruža dostatnu razinu zaštite maloljetnika, predlažu se određene izmjene radi bolje zaštite maloljetnika od štetnih sadržaja. U pogledu zaštite privatnosti i osobnih podataka maloljetnika autori tvrde da sadašnje odredbe sadržane u Zakonu o medijima i Zakonu o elektroničkim medijima pružaju primjerenu zaštitu na normativnoj razini te naglašavaju važnost njihove interpretacije prema standardima uspostavljenima sudskom praksom Europskog suda za ljudska prava

    Arrival time from the general theory of quantum time distributions

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    We further develop the general theory of quantum time distributions introduced in arXiv:2010.07575 and apply it to find the distribution of arrival times at the detector. Even though the Hamiltonian in the absence of detector is hermitian, the time evolution of the system before detection involves dealing with a non-hermitian operator obtained from the projection of the hermitian Hamiltonian onto the region in front of the detector. Such a formalism eventually gives rise to a simple and physically sensible analytical expression for the arrival time distribution, for arbitrary wave packet moving in one spatial dimension with negligible distortion.Comment: 10 pages, improved version accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J. Plu

    Passive quantum measurement: Arrival time, quantum Zeno effect and gambler's fallacy

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    Classical measurements are passive, in the sense that they do not affect the physical properties of the measured system. Normally, quantum measurements are not passive in that sense. In the infinite dimensional Hilbert space, however, we find that quantum projective measurement can be passive in a way which is impossible in finite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Specifically, we find that expectation value of a hermitian Hamiltonian can have an imaginary part in the infinite dimensional Hilbert space and that such an imaginary part implies a possibility to avoid quantum Zeno effect, which can physically be realized in quantum arrival experiments. The avoidance of quantum Zeno effect can also be understood as avoidance of a quantum version of gambler's fallacy, leading to the notion of passive quantum measurement that updates information about the physical system without affecting its physical properties. The arrival time probability distribution of a particle is found to be given by the flux of the probability current. Possible negative fluxes correspond to regimes at which there is no arrival at all, physically understood as regimes at which the particle departs rather than arrives.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, version accepted for publication in Fortschr. Phy

    WORLD AS SELF-WILL AND PREJUDICE: Schopenhauer on Sexuality and Women

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    U članku se daje prikaz Schopenhauerovih razmišljanja o ljudskoj spolnosti i homoseksualnosti, te o ženama, koja je ovaj znameniti filozof iznio u svojim djelima Svijet kao volja i predodžba i Parerga i paralipomena. U prikaz je uključena i kritika Schopenhauerovih stavova, a postavlja se i načelno pitanje: može li se i u kojem smislu jedna filozofija smatrati »velikom« ukoliko su ne samo uz nju, nego i u njoj prisutni stavovi koji su obilježeni krajnjom proizvoljnošću i negativnim predrasudama?This paper presents Schopenhauer’s views on human sexuality (particularly on homosexuality) and women that were brought out in his works Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung and Parerga und Paralipomena. The article contains a critique of his attitudes and it attempts to answer a principal question: is it possible (and if so, in what sense) to consider a philosophy as being »major« if it contains, and not only incidentally, attitudes of extreme arbitrariness and negative prejudices