503 research outputs found

    Criminal Procedure - United States v. Nordby

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    The Nordby court held that a finding of drug quantity under 21 U.S.C. § 841(b) by the district court at sentencing pursuant to a preponderance of the evidence violated the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment and the notice and jury-trial guarantees of the Sixth Amendment when drug quantity was used to increase the prescribed statutory maximum penalty. In requiring that drug quantity be submitted to the jury and proved beyond a reasonable doubt, the Ninth Circuit overruled nearly fifteen years of its own precedent

    Unconstitutional Exploitation Of Delegated Authority: How To Deter Prosecutors From Using Substantial Assistance To Defeat The Intent Of Federal Sentencing Laws

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    This Comment addresses whether the intent of the federal sentencing system is defeated when prosecutors reward high-level drug offenders with lenient sentences in exchange for testimony against less culpable co-conspirators. This Comment argues that prosecutors violate separation-of-powers principles when they move for downward departures on behalf of kingpins who provide substantial assistance in a case against less culpable co-defendants because Congress did not authorize such an exercise of prosecutorial discretion. In such instances where the intent of Congress is defeated, the prosecutor is essentially making law and thereby encroaching upon the law-making function of Congress. To cure this constitutional abuse of prosecutorial discretion, the trial court should suppress the testimony of high-level conspirators pursuant to the exclusionary rule

    Unconstitutional Exploitation Of Delegated Authority: How To Deter Prosecutors From Using Substantial Assistance To Defeat The Intent Of Federal Sentencing Laws

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    This Comment addresses whether the intent of the federal sentencing system is defeated when prosecutors reward high-level drug offenders with lenient sentences in exchange for testimony against less culpable co-conspirators. This Comment argues that prosecutors violate separation-of-powers principles when they move for downward departures on behalf of kingpins who provide substantial assistance in a case against less culpable co-defendants because Congress did not authorize such an exercise of prosecutorial discretion. In such instances where the intent of Congress is defeated, the prosecutor is essentially making law and thereby encroaching upon the law-making function of Congress. To cure this constitutional abuse of prosecutorial discretion, the trial court should suppress the testimony of high-level conspirators pursuant to the exclusionary rule

    Criminal Procedure - United States v. Nordby

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    The Nordby court held that a finding of drug quantity under 21 U.S.C. § 841(b) by the district court at sentencing pursuant to a preponderance of the evidence violated the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment and the notice and jury-trial guarantees of the Sixth Amendment when drug quantity was used to increase the prescribed statutory maximum penalty. In requiring that drug quantity be submitted to the jury and proved beyond a reasonable doubt, the Ninth Circuit overruled nearly fifteen years of its own precedent

    Surface Roughness and Land Use in Slovenia

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    The article describes characteristics of several relief indicators (surface height, surface slope, surface aspect, height coefficient of surface roughness, slope coefficient of surface roughness, and aspect coefficient of surface roughness) relative to various types of land use in Slovenia and establishes the con-nection between surface roughness and land use and between relief indicators and individual types of land use

    Stavovi menadžera hrvatskih hotela prema sustavima upravljanja okolišem: percipirane koristi i prepreke

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    Researchers have pointed out significant adverse environmental impacts of the hotels and suggested environmental management systems (EMS) as a solution for identifying, managing and mitigating those impacts. EMS are adopted by the top management members based on perceived benefits and implementation barriers. The purpose of this study is to explore the attitudes of general managers from Croatian hotels about perceived benefits of and barriers to EMS implementation. Data was collected with online questionnaires from April to June 2021. Sample included 32 general managers, representing hotels from Istria, Kvarner, North, Central and South Dalmatia. Collected data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Croatian hotel managers perceive improved reputation and sustainable resource governance, followed by cost reductions as the main benefits of EMS. Administrative burden, lack of human resources and lack of knowledge are perceived as the most significant barriers for managers of hotels with implemented EMS, while implementation costs, lack of human resources and infrastructure changes are perceived as considerable barriers by managers from hotels without EMS. The results of this study provide an insight about the perceived benefits and barriers of EMS in Croatian hospitality sector contributing to the field by testing the findings of previous research in different context.Literatura ukazuje na značajne negativne utjecaje hotela na okoliš i predlaže sustave upravljanja okolišem (EMS) kao rješenje za prepoznavanje, upravljanje i ublažavanje tih utjecaja. EMS usvajaju članovi najvišeg menadžmenta na temelju percipiranih prednosti i prepreka implementaciji. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je istražiti stavove generalnih direktora hrvatskih hotela o prednostima i preprekama implementacije EMS-a. Podaci su prikupljeni online upitnicima od travnja do lipnja 2021. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 32 generalna direktora, predstavnika hotela iz Istre, Kvarnera, sjeverne, srednje i južne Dalmacije. Prikupljeni podaci analizirani su deskriptivnom statistikom. Hrvatski hotelijeri kao glavne prednosti EMS-a vide poboljšanu reputaciju i održivo upravljanje resursima, a zatim i smanjenje troškova. Administrativni teret, nedostatak ljudskih resursa i nedostatak znanja percipiraju se kao najznačajnije barijere za menadžere hotela s implementiranim sustavom upravljanja okolišem, dok se troškovi implementacije, nedostatak ljudskih resursa i promjena infrastrukture percipiraju kao značajne barijere za menadžere hotela koji još nisu uspostavili takav sustav. Rezultati ove studije daju uvid u percipirane prednosti i prepreke sustava upravljanja okolišem u hrvatskom hotelskom sektoru pridonoseći ovom području testiranjem rezultata prethodnih istraživanja u različitom kontekstu