5 research outputs found

    Spatial Isolation of Carbon and Silica in a Single Janus Mesoporous Nanoparticle with Tunable Amphiphilicity

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    Like surfactants with tunable hydrocarbon chain length, Janus nanoparticles also possess the ability to stabilize emulsions. The volume ratio between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains in a single Janus nanoparticle is very important for the stabilization of emulsions, which is still a great challenge. Herein, dual-mesoporous Fe3O4@mC&mSiO2 Janus nanoparticles with spatial isolation of hydrophobic carbon and hydrophilic silica at the single-particle level have successfully been synthesized for the first time by using a novel surface-charge-mediated selective encapsulation approach. The obtained dual-mesoporous Fe3O4@mC&mSiO2 Janus nanoparticles are made up of a pure one-dimensional mesoporous SiO2 nanorod with tunable length (50-400 nm), 100 nm wide and 2.7 nm mesopores and a closely connected mesoporous Fe3O4@mC magnetic nanosphere (150 nm diameter, 10 nm mesopores). As a magnetic "solid amphiphilic surfactant", the hydrophilic/hydrophobic ratio can be precisely adjusted by varying the volume ratio between silica and carbon domains, endowing the Janus nanoparticles surfactant-like emulsion stabilization ability and recyclability under a magnetic field. Owing to the total spatial separation of carbon and silica, the Janus nanoparticles with an optimized hydrophilic/hydrophobic ratio show spectacular emulsion stabilizing ability, which is crucial for improving the biphasic catalysis efficiency. By selectively anchoring catalytic active sites into different domains, the fabricated Janus nanoparticles show outstanding performances in biphasic reduction of 4-nitroanisole with 100% conversion efficiency and 700 h-1 high turnover frequency for biphasic cascade synthesis of cinnamic acid. ? 2018 American Chemical Society.Acknowledgments The work was supported by the China National Key Basic Research Program (973 Project) (Nos. 2017YFA0207303, 2018YFA0209400 2013CB934100), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grant Nos. 21733003, 21701027), Key Basic Research Program of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (17JC1400100) Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (18ZR1404600), and Shanghai Sailing Program (17YF1401000). Deanship of Scientific Research at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University (Research Groups Program Grant Number: RGP-1438-0006)

    Global taxonomic and phylogenetic assembly of AM fungi

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are a ubiquitous group of plant symbionts, yet processes underlying their global assembly — in particular the roles of dispersal limitation and historical drivers — remain poorly understood. Because earlier studies have reported niche conservatism in AM fungi, we hypothesized that variation in taxonomic community composition (i.e., unweighted by taxon relatedness) should resemble variation in phylogenetic community composition (i.e., weighted by taxon relatedness) which reflects ancestral adaptations to historical habitat gradients. Because of the presumed strong dispersal ability of AM fungi, we also anticipated that the large-scale structure of AM fungal communities would track environmental conditions without regional discontinuity. We used recently published AM fungal sequence data (small‐subunit ribosomal RNA gene) from soil samples collected worldwide to reconstruct global patterns in taxonomic and phylogenetic community variation. The taxonomic structure of AM fungal communities was primarily driven by habitat conditions, with limited regional differentiation, and there were two well-supported clusters of communities — occurring in cold and warm conditions. Phylogenetic structure was driven by the same factors, though all relationships were markedly weaker. This suggests that niche conservatism with respect to habitat associations is weakly expressed in AM fungal communities. We conclude that the composition of AM fungal communities tracks major climatic and edaphic gradients, with the effects of dispersal limitation and historic factors considerably less apparent than those of climate and soil

    Dominance, diversity, and niche breadth in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities

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    Classical theory identifies resource competition as the major structuring force of biotic communities and predicts that (i) levels of dominance and richness in communities are inversely related, (ii) narrow niches allow dense “packing” in niche space and thus promote diversity, and (iii) dominants are generalists with wide niches, such that locally abundant taxa also exhibit wide distributions. Current empirical support, however, is mixed. We tested these expectations using published data on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal community composition worldwide. We recorded the expected negative relationship between dominance and richness and, to a degree, the positive association between local and global dominance. However, contrary to expectations, dominance was pronounced in communities where more specialists were present and, conversely, richness was higher in communities with more generalists. Thus, resource competition and niche packing appear to be of limited importance in AM fungal community assembly; rather, patterns of dominance and diversity seem more consistent with habitat filtering and stochastic processes

    Global soil microbiomes: A new frontline of biome‐ecology research

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    Aim Organisms on our planet form spatially congruent and functionally distinct communities, which at large geographical scales are called “biomes”. Understanding their pattern and function is vital for sustainable use and protection of biodiversity. Current global terrestrial biome classifications are based primarily on climate characteristics and functional aspects of plant community assembly. These and other existing biome schemes do not take account of soil organisms, including highly diverse and functionally important microbial groups. We aimed to define large-scale structure in the diversity of soil microbes (soil microbiomes), pinpoint the environmental drivers shaping it and identify resemblance and mismatch with existing terrestrial biome schemes. Location Global. Time period Current. Major taxa studied Soil eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Methods We collected soil samples from natural environments world-wide, incorporating most known terrestrial biomes. We used high-throughput sequencing to characterize soil biotic communities and k-means clustering to define soil microbiomes describing the diversity of microbial eukaryotic and prokaryotic groups. We used climatic data and soil variables measured in the field to identify the environmental variables shaping soil microbiome structure. Results We recorded strong correlations among fungal, bacterial, archaeal, plant and animal communities, defined a system of global soil microbiomes (producing seven biome types for microbial eukaryotes and six biome types for prokaryotes) and showed that these are typically structured by pH alongside temperature. None of the soil microbiomes are directly paralleled by any current terrestrial biome scheme, with mismatch most substantial for prokaryotes and for microbial eukaryotes in cold climates; nor do they consistently distinguish grassland and forest ecosystems. Main conclusions Existing terrestrial biome classifications represent a limited surrogate for the large-scale diversity patterns of microbial soil organisms. We show that empirically defined soil microbiomes are attainable using metabarcoding and statistical clustering approaches and suggest that they can have wide application in theoretical and applied biodiversity research

    Temperature and pH define the realised niche space of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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    The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are a globally distributed group of soil organisms that play critical roles in ecosystem function. However, the ecological niches of individual AM fungal taxa are poorly understood. We collected > 300 soil samples from natural ecosystems worldwide and modelled the realised niches of AM fungal virtual taxa (VT; approximately species‐level phylogroups). We found that environmental and spatial variables jointly explained VT distribution worldwide, with temperature and pH being the most important abiotic drivers, and spatial effects generally occurring at local to regional scales. While dispersal limitation could explain some variation in VT distribution, VT relative abundance was almost exclusively driven by environmental variables. Several environmental and spatial effects on VT distribution and relative abundance were correlated with phylogeny, indicating that closely related VT exhibit similar niche optima and widths. Major clades within the Glomeraceae exhibited distinct niche optima, Acaulosporaceae generally had niche optima in low pH and low temperature conditions, and Gigasporaceae generally had niche optima in high precipitation conditions. Identification of the realised niche space occupied by individual and phylogenetic groups of soil microbial taxa provides a basis for building detailed hypotheses about how soil communities respond to gradients and manipulation in ecosystems worldwide