106 research outputs found

    Near degeneracy and pseudo Jahn-Teller effects in mixed-valence ladders: the phase transition in NaV2_2O5_5

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    We analyze the electronic structure of a mixed-valence ladder system. We find that structural anisotropy and complex electron correlations lead to on-rung charge localization and insulating character. Charge fluctuations within the rung of the ladder interact strongly to the lattice degrees of freedom, which gives rise to large pseudo Jahn--Teller effects. The phase transition in NaV2_2O5_5 should be driven by this kind of mechanism.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, submitted to PR

    Correlation-induced corrections to the band structure of boron nitride: a wave-function-based approach

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    We present a systematic study of the correlation-induced corrections to the electronic band structure of zinc-blende BN. Our investigation employs an ab initio wave-function-based local Hamiltonian formalism which offers a rigorous approach to the calculation of the polarization and local charge redistribution effects around an extra electron or hole placed into the conduction or valence bands of semiconducting and insulating materials. Moreover, electron correlations beyond relaxation and polarization can be readily incorporated. The electron correlation treatment is performed on finite clusters. In conducting our study, we make use of localized Wannier functions and embedding potentials derived explicitly from prior periodic Hartree-Fock calculations. The on-site and nearest-neighbor charge relaxation bring corrections of several eV to the Hartree-Fock band gap. Additional corrections are caused by long-range polarization effects. In contrast, the dispersion of the Hartree-Fock bands is marginally affected by electron correlations. Our final result for the fundamental gap of zinc-blende BN compares well with that derived from soft x-ray experiments at the B and N K-edges.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; the following article has been submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Analysis of side writing asymmetry

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    The side writing asymmetry of a recording head was investigated using an overwrite configuration that enhances the edge effects. The track profiles of the overwrite patterns were measured for analyzing the side writing performance of the head. Magnetic force microscope (MFM) images of the overwrite patterns were studied using fast Fourier transforms (FFT), and they confirmed the profiling results. We measured weak edge effects at good pole alignment. The experiments were performed with metal evaporated (ME) and metal particle (MP) tapes having magnetic layers between 50 and 300 nm

    Ferromagnetic ordering of linearly coordinated Co ions in LiSr2_2[CoN2_2]

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    LiSr2_2[CoN2_2] single crystals were successfully grown out of Li-rich flux. Temperature- and field-dependent measurements of the magnetization in the range of T=2300T = 2 - 300 K and up to μ0H=7\mu_{0}\textit{H} = 7 T as well as measurements of the heat capacity are presented. Ferromagnetic ordering emerges below TC=44T_C = 44 K and comparatively large coercivity fields of μ0H=0.3\mu_0H = 0.3 T as well as pronounced anisotropy are observed upon cooling. Polycrystalline samples of the Ca analog LiCa2_2[CoN2_2] were obtained and investigated in a similar way. In both compounds Co manifests orbital contributions to the magnetic moment and large single-ion anisotropy that is caused by second-order Spin-orbit coupling. Quantum chemistry calculations reveal a magnetic anisotropy energy of 7 meV, twice as large as the values reported for similar Co d8d^{8} systems.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    Electron correlations and bond-length fluctuations in copper oxides: from Zhang--Rice singlets to correlation bags

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    We perform first principles, multiconfiguration calculations on clusters including several CuO6_6 octahedra and study the ground-state electron distribution and electron--lattice couplings when holes are added to the undoped d9p6d^9 p^6 configuration. We find that the so-called Zhang--Rice state on a single CuO4_4 plaquette is nearly degenerate with a state whose leading configuration is of the form Cu d9d^9-- O p5p^5-- Cu d9d^9. A strong coupling between the electronic and nuclear motion gives rise to large inter-site charge transfer effects for half-breathing displacements of the oxygen ions. Under the assumption of charge segregation into alternating hole-free and hole-rich stripes of Goodenough \cite{jbg_02,jbg_03}, our results seem to support the vibronic mechanism and the traveling charge-density wave model from Refs.\cite{jbg_02,jbg_03} for the superconductivity in copper oxides.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ab initio computation of d-d excitation energies in low-dimensional Ti and V oxychlorides

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    Using a quantum chemical cluster-in-solid computational scheme, we calculate the local d-d excitation energies for two strongly correlated Mott insulators, the oxychlorides TiOCl and VOCl. TiOCl harbors quasi-one-dimensional spin chains made out of S = 1/2 Ti3+ ions while the electronic structure of VOCl displays a more two-dimensional character. We find in both cases that the lowest-energy d-d excitations are within the t2g subshell, starting at 0.34 eV and indicating that orbital degeneracies are significantly lifted. In the vanadium oxychloride, spin triplet to singlet excitations are calculated to be 1 eV higher in energy. For TiOCl, the computed d-level electronic structure and the symmetries of the wavefunctions are in very good agreement with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering results and optical absorption data. For VOCl, future resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments will constitute a direct test of the symmetry and energy of about a dozen of different d-d excitations that we predict here

    Ab initio calculation of d-d excitations in quasi-one-dimensional Cu d9 correlated materials

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    With wavefunction-based electronic-structure calculations we determine the Cu d-d excitation energies in quasi-one-dimensional spin-chain and ladder copper oxides. A complete set of local excitations has been calculated for cuprates with corner-sharing (Sr2CuO3 and SrCuO2) and edge-sharing (LiVCuO4, CuGeO3, LiCu2O2 and Li2CuO2) CuO4 plaquettes, with corner-sharing CuF6 octahedra (KCuF3), for the ladder system CaCu2O3, and for multiferroic cupric oxide CuO. Our data compare well with available results of optical absorption measurements on KCuF3 and the excitation energies found by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments for CuO. The ab initio results we report for the other materials should be helpful for the interpretation of future resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments on those highly anisotropic compounds

    Novel Profiling Model and Side Effects of Helical Scan Silicon Heads

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    Partial erasure of track edges was directly measured from triple-track patterns using a novel model to interpret the output profiles. The model is based on representing the read head as the sum of a reference width, wavelength independent, and two side reading effective widths that are wavelength dependent. We applied this technique to measure erase bands and side read widths of an advanced helical scan silicon head with 3.5-/spl mu/m pole width, in combination with metal particle tape with coercivity H/sub c/ = 135 kA/m. The good pole alignment of the head minimizes side effects and we report an erase band of 0.3 /spl mu/m for a 0.5-/spl mu/m wavelength track overwriting the edge of a track having the same wavelength

    CaIrO3 post-perovskite, a j = 1/2 quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet

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    The 5d5 iridate CaIrO3 is isostructural with the post-perovskite phase of MgSiO3, recently shown to occur under extreme pressure in the lower Earth's mantle. It therefore serves as an analogue of post-perovskite MgSiO3 for a wide variety of measurements at ambient conditions or achievable with conventional multianvile pressure modules. By multireference configuration-interaction calculations we here provide essential information on the chemical bonding and magnetic interactions in CaIrO3. We predict a large antiferromagnetic superexchange of 120 meV along the c axis, the same size with the interactions in the cuprate superconductors, and ferromagnetic couplings smaller by an order of magnitude along a. CaIrO3 can thus be regarded as a j = 1/2 quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet. While this qualitatively agrees with the stripy magnetic structure proposed by resonant x-ray diffraction, the detailed microscopic picture emerging from our study, in particular, the highly uneven admixture of t2g components, provides a clear prediction for resonant inelastic x-ray scattering experiments