3,057 research outputs found

    Worship as Mystagogy

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    (Excerpt) God is the Great Mystagogue. That is inevitable because God is the Primal Mystery. Therefore the Basic Mystagogy is God\u27s Self -revelation in time. And, when moved by God\u27s inciting and quickening Spirit, we worship, we exert a Personal Mystagogy

    Homily at the Opening Service

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    (Excerpt) No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, Jesus Christ. It is a measure of the experience of faith when we echo Thomas, My Lord and my God. It is a measure of the experience of faith when we acknowledge The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner; when we exclaim, This is the Lord\u27s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes ; when we say with Thomas, My Lord and my God

    Many-Body Dynamics and Exciton Formation Studied by Time-Resolved Photoluminescence

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    The dynamics of exciton and electron-hole plasma populations is studied via time-resolved photoluminescence after nonresonant excitation. By comparing the peak emission at the exciton resonance with the emission of the continuum, it is possible to experimentally identify regimes where the emission originates predominantly from exciton and/or plasma populations. The results are supported by a microscopic theory which allows one to extract the fraction of bright excitons as a function of time.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure


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    Homiletical Helps for 1969-70 The Worship Supplemen


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    Homiletics: Worship Supplemen

    Simulating Quantum Dynamics On A Quantum Computer

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    We present efficient quantum algorithms for simulating time-dependent Hamiltonian evolution of general input states using an oracular model of a quantum computer. Our algorithms use either constant or adaptively chosen time steps and are significant because they are the first to have time-complexities that are comparable to the best known methods for simulating time-independent Hamiltonian evolution, given appropriate smoothness criteria on the Hamiltonian are satisfied. We provide a thorough cost analysis of these algorithms that considers discretizion errors in both the time and the representation of the Hamiltonian. In addition, we provide the first upper bounds for the error in Lie-Trotter-Suzuki approximations to unitary evolution operators, that use adaptively chosen time steps.Comment: Paper modified from previous version to enhance clarity. Comments are welcom


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    This issue of CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY exhibits one aspect of a continuing effort on the part of the seminary to deepen the spiritual environment in which its students grow. It contains the presentations made to the students and faculty during the Easter Quarter of 1970 on various aspects of spirituality by a group of distinguished theologians and pastors

    The Spirit of Man: The Subject as Seen by Theologians

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    The National Catholic Reporter, which, like jokes about the Model T, is doing more to sell its product than the reverent sober sell could ever hope to do, has a column on the front page called Cry Pax. Just to look at the title is to rejoice in the spirit of man. There\u27s the feel of A plague o\u27 both your houses! the sobering sound, Peace, peace when there is no peace!” and at the same time the sense of the kiss of peace, or the Pax Domini, The peace of the Lord be with you always, to which the faithful respond, And with thy spirit. The column carries the sharp weapon of ridicule that works for renewal in the church like a scalpel, and it delights in that best-of-all humor when a group laughs at itself