4 research outputs found

    Patološka anatomija jabuke Virginia Crab inficirane virusom ižljebljenosti stabla

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    Infolge der Einwirkung des Stammnarben-Virus des Apfels (apple stem pitting virus) entstehen längs des Holzzylinders des Virginia Crab- indikators kleine rillenartige Vertiefungen, die mit den gleichgestalteten Vorsprüngen des Phloems übereinstimmen. Es scheint, dass das Virus den Kambiumbereich besonders beschädigt, indem es die normale Differenzierung der Kambiumzellen stört. Als Folge dieser Viruswirkung kommt es im Phloem des Vertiefungsbereichs zum Absterben der Siebröhren, zur Erhöhung der Anzahl der Phloemparenchymzellen und Oxalatkristalle und zur Störung im Bauen von Markstrahlen und in der Differenzierung der Phloemfasern. Im Bereich der Vertiefung können anstatt der Kambiuminitialen andere Parenchymzellen Vorkommen. In denselben Radien, wo die anatomischen Veränderungen im Phloem erkennbar werden, werden diese auch im Holz anwesend. Anomales Holz ist haupsächlich aus veränderten Holzparenchymzellen, vergrösserten Markstrahlen und verkrümmten Libriformfasern ausgebaut. In derartigem Holz sind die Tracheen meistens abwesend oder sind sie seltener.Pod utjecajem virusa ižljebljenosti stabla jabuke (apple stem pitting virus) nastaju u drvu indikatora Virginia Crab male žljebaste udubine koje se podudaraju s odgovarajućim izbočinama floema. Čini se da virus osobito oštećuje područje kambija i poremećuje normalno diferenciranje kambijskih stanica. Pod utjecajem virusa dolazi u floemu u području žljebastih udubina do kolabiranja sitastih cijevi, povećanja broja stanica floemskog parenhima, nakupljanja oksalatnih kristala te do poremećaja u građi trakova srčike i u diferenciranju likovnica. Inicijalne stanice kambija mogu biti u području udubine zamijenjene drugim parenhimskim stanicama. U istim radij ušima u kojima nalazimo promjene u floemu dolazi do promjena i u drvu. Anomalno drvo izgrađeno je uglavnom od izmijenjenih stanica drvnog parenhima, povećanih trakova srčike, iskrivljenih vlakanaca libriforma, a traheje su malobrojne ili čak izostaju

    Medical ethnobotany of the Albanian Alps in Kosovo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ethnobotanical studies are crucial in South-Eastern Europe for fostering local development and also for investigating the dynamics of Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK) related to plants in one of the most crucial European hotspots for biocultural diversity. The current medico-ethnobotanical survey was conducted in rural alpine communities in Kosovo. The aims of the study were twofold: 1) to document the state of TEK of medicinal plants in these communities; 2) to compare these findings with that of similar field studies previously conducted among local populations inhabiting the Montenegrin and Albanian side of the same Alpine range.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Field research was conducted in 36 villages on the Kosovar side of the Albanian Alps. Snowball sampling techniques were used to recruit 91 elderly informants (≥ 50 years-old) for participation in semi-structured interviews and structured surveys regarding the use of the local flora for medicinal and food purposes. Standard ethnobotanical methods were employed and prior informed consent was obtained for all study participants.</p> <p>Results and Conclusion</p> <p>The uses of 98 plants species belonging to 39 families were recorded; the most quoted botanical families were Rosaceae, Asteraceae, and Lamiaceae. Mainly decoctions and infusions were quoted as folk medicinal preparations and the most common uses referred to gastrointestinal and respiratory disorders, as well as illnesses of the uro-genital system. Among the most uncommon medicinal taxa quoted by the informants, C<it>arduus nutans </it>L., <it>Echinops bannaticus </it>Rochel ex Schrad., and <it>Orlaya grandiflora </it>Hoffm. may merit phytochemical and phytopharmacological investigations.</p> <p>Comparison of the data with other ethnobotanical field studies recently conducted on the Albanian and Montenegrin sides of the same Alps has shown a remarkable link between the medical ethnobotany of Montenegrin and Kosovar side of the Albanian Alps. Moreover, folk uses of the most quoted wild medicinal taxa recorded in Kosovo often include those recorded both in Albania and in Montenegro, thus suggesting a hybrid character of the Kosovar local plant knowledge. This may be also explained with the fact that Montenegro and Kosovo, despite their differences in the ethnic composition, have shared a common history during the last Century.</p

    The 6th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

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    After a three-year quarantine from the deadliest global pandemic of the last century, ASTES is organizing to gather all health professionals in Tirana, The 6th Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery(ACTES 2022) on 11-12 November 2022, with the topic Trauma & Emergency Surgery and not only...with the aim of providing high quality, the best standards, and the best results, for our patients ...ACTES 2022 is the largest event that ASTES (Albanian Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery) has organized so far with 230 presentations, and 67 foreign lecturers with enviable geography, making it the largest national and wider scientific event.The scientific program is as strong as ever, thanks to the inclusiveness, where all the participants with a mix of foreign and local lecturers, select the best of the moment in medical science, innovation, and observation.The scientific committee has selected all the presentations so that the participants of each medical discipline will have something to learn, discuss, debate, and agree with updated methods, techniques, and protocols.I hope you will join us on Friday morning, and continue the journey of our two-day event together