39 research outputs found

    Application of Swept-Sine Excitation for Acoustic Impedance Education

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    The NASA Langley Normal Incidence Tube (NIT) and Grazing Flow Impedance Tube (GFIT) are regularly employed to characterize the frequency response of acoustic liners through the eduction of their specific acoustic impedance. Both test rigs typically use an acoustic source that produces sine wave signals at discrete frequencies (Stepped-Sine) to educe the impedance. The current work details a novel approach using frequency-swept sine waveforms normalized to a constant sound pressure level for excitation. Determination of the sound pressure level and phase from microphone measurements acquired using swept-sine excitation is performed using a modified Vold-Kalman order tracking filter. Four acoustic liners are evaluated in the NIT and GFIT with both stepped-sine and swept-sine sources. Using these two methods, the educed impedance spectra are shown to compare favorably. However, the new (Swept-Sine) approach provides much greater frequency resolution in less time, allowing the acoustic liner properties to be studied in much greater detail

    Validation of an Acoustic Impedance Prediction Model for Skewed Resonators

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    An impedance prediction model was validated experimentally to determine the composite impedance of a series of high-aspect ratio slot resonators incorporating channel skew and sharp bends. Such structures are useful for packaging acoustic liners into constrained spaces for turbofan noise control applications. A formulation of the Zwikker-Kosten Transmission Line (ZKTL) model, incorporating the Richards correction for rectangular channels, is used to calculate the composite normalized impedance of a series of six multi-slot resonator arrays with constant channel length. Experimentally, acoustic data was acquired in the NASA Langley Normal Incidence Tube over the frequency range of 500 to 3500 Hz at 120 and 140 dB OASPL. Normalized impedance was reduced using the Two-Microphone Method for the various combinations of channel skew and sharp 90o and 180o bends. Results show that the presence of skew and/or sharp bends does not significantly alter the impedance of a slot resonator as compared to a straight resonator of the same total channel length. ZKTL predicts the impedance of such resonators very well over the frequency range of interest. The model can be used to design arrays of slot resonators that can be packaged into complex geometries heretofore unsuitable for effective acoustic treatment

    Graphical Acoustic Liner Design and Analysis Tool

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    An interactive liner design and impedance modeling tool comprises software utilized to design acoustic liners for use in constrained spaces, both regularly and irregularly shaped. A graphical user interface allows the acoustic channel geometry to be drawn in a liner volume while the surface impedance calculations are updated and displayed in real-time. A one-dimensional transmission line model may be used as the basis for the impedance calculations

    A Conventional Liner Acoustic/Drag Interaction Benchmark Database

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    The aerodynamic drag of acoustic liners has become a significant topic in the design of such for aircraft noise applications. In order to evaluate the benefits of concepts designed to reduce liner drag, it is necessary to establish the baseline performance of liners employing the typical design features of conventional configurations. This paper details a set of experiments in the NASA Langley Grazing Flow Impedance Tube to quantify the relative drag of a number of perforate-over-honeycomb liner configurations at flow speeds of M=0.3 and 0.5. These conventional liners are investigated to determine their resistance factors using a static pressure drop approach. Comparison of the resistance factors gives a relative measurement of liner drag. For these same flow conditions, acoustic measurements are performed with tonal excitation from 400 to 3000 Hz at source sound pressure levels of 140 and 150 dB. Educed impedance and attenuation spectra are used to determine the interaction between acoustic performance and drag

    Acoustic Liner Drag: A Parametric Study of Conventional Configurations

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    Interest in the characterization of the aerodynamic drag performance of acoustic liners has increased in the past several years. This paper details experiments in NASA Langley's Grazing Flow Impedance Tube to quantify the relative drag of several conventional perforate-over-honeycomb liner configurations. For a fixed porosity, facesheet hole diameter and cavity depth are varied to study the effect of each. These configurations are selected to span the range of conventional liner geometries used in commercial aircraft engines. Detailed static pressure and acoustic measurements are made for grazing flows up to M=0.5 at 140 dB SPL for tones between 400 and 2800 Hz. These measurements are used to calculate a resistance factor () for each configuration. Analysis shows a correlation between perforate hole size and the resistance factor but cavity depth seems to have little influence. Acoustic effects on liner drag are observed to be limited to the lower Mach numbers included in this investigation

    Acoustic Liner Drag: Measurements on Novel Facesheet Perforate Geometries

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    Interest in characterization of the aerodynamic drag of acoustic liners has increased in the past several years. This paper details experiments in the NASA Langley Grazing Flow Impedance Tube to quantify the relative drag of several perforate-over-honeycomb liner configurations at flow speeds of centerline flow Mach number equals 0.3 and 0.5. Various perforate geometries and orientations are investigated to determine their resistance factors using a static pressure drop approach. Comparison of these resistance factors gives a relative measurement of liner drag. For these same flow conditions, acoustic measurements are performed with tonal excitation from 400 to 3000 hertz at source sound pressure levels of 140 and 150 decibels. Educed impedance and attenuation spectra are used to determine the impact of variations in perforate geometry on acoustic performance

    Over-the-Rotor Liner Investigation via the NASA Langley Normal Incidence Tube

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    NASA Langley and Glenn Research Centers have collaborated on the usage of acoustic liners mounted very near or directly over the rotor of turbofan aircraft engines. This collaboration began over a decade ago with the investigation of a metallic foam liner. Similar to conventional acoustic liner applications, this liner was designed to absorb sound generated by the rotor-alone and rotor-stator interaction sources within the fan duct. Given its proximity to the rotor tips, the expectation was that the liner would also serve as a pressure release and thereby inhibit the amount of noise generated. Initial acoustic results were promising, but there was concern regarding potential aerodynamic penalties. Nevertheless, there were sufficient positive results to warrant further investigation. To that end, the current report presents results obtained in the NASA Langley Normal Incidence Tube for 20 acoustic liner candidates for the OTR application. The majority contain grooves at their surface, designed to minimize aerodynamic penalties caused by placing the liner in close proximity to the fan rotor tips. The intent is to assess the acoustic properties of each liner configuration, and in particular to assess the effects of including the grooves on the overall acoustic performance. An additional intent of this paper is to provide documentation regarding recent enhancements to the NASA Langley Normal Incidence Tube

    Evaluation of Parallel-Element, Variable-Impedance, Broadband Acoustic Liner Concepts

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    Recent trends in aircraft engine design have highlighted the need for acoustic liners that provide broadband sound absorption with reduced liner thickness. Three such liner concepts are evaluated using the NASA normal incidence tube. Two concepts employ additive manufacturing techniques to fabricate liners with variable chamber depths. The first relies on scrubbing losses within narrow chambers to provide acoustic resistance necessary for sound absorption. The second employs wide chambers that provide minimal resistance, and relies on a perforated sheet to provide acoustic resistance. The variable-depth chambers used in both concepts result in reactance spectra near zero. The third liner concept employs mesh-caps (resistive sheets) embedded at variable depths within adjacent honeycomb chambers to achieve a desired impedance spectrum. Each of these liner concepts is suitable for use as a broadband sound absorber design, and a transmission line model is presented that provides good comparison with their respective acoustic impedance spectra. This model can therefore be used to design acoustic liners to accurately achieve selected impedance spectra. Finally, the effects of increasing the perforated facesheet thickness are demonstrated, and the validity of prediction models based on lumped element and wave propagation approaches is investigated. The lumped element model compares favorably with measured results for liners with thin facesheets, but the wave propagation model provides good comparisons for a wide range of facesheet thicknesses

    CFD Analysis of an Installation Used to Measure the Skin-Friction Penalty of Acoustic Treatments

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    There is a drive to devise acoustic treatments with reduced skin-friction and therefore fuel-burn penalty for engine nacelles on commercial airplanes. The studies have been experimental, and the effects on skin-friction are deduced from measurements of the pressure drop along a duct. We conduct a detailed CFD analysis of the installation, for two purposes. The first is to predict the effects of the finite size of the rig, including its near-square cross-section and the moderate length of the treated patch; this introduces transient and blockage effects, which have not been included so far in the analysis. In addition, the flow is compressible, so that even with homogeneous surface conditions, it is not homogeneous in the streamwise direction. The second purpose is to extract an effective sand-grain roughness size for a particular liner, which in turn can be used in a CFD analysis of the aircraft, leading to actual predictions of the effect of acoustic treatments on fuel burn in service. The study is entirely based on classical turbulence models, with an appropriate modification for effective roughness effects, rather than directly modeling the liners

    Acoustic Liner Drag: Further Measurements on Novel Facesheet Perforate Geometries

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    Over the past several years, the NASA Langley Liner Physics Team has worked to develop methods capable of characterizing the aerodynamic drag of acoustic liners in addition to their acoustic performance. For a given liner, one can compute its resistance factor, , based on static pressure drop measurements. The current study details experiments in the NASA Langley Grazing Flow Impedance Tube to quantify the relative drag of several perforate-over-honeycomb liner configurations at flow speeds of Mach 0.3 and 0.5. The liner facesheets incorporate novel perforate geometries rather than the conventional, round hole designs typically used. Measurements of the resistance factor for each liner are made with and without acoustic excitation. A tonal acoustic source is used at sound pressure levels of 140 and 150 dB over a frequency range of 400 to 3000 Hz when performing acoustic measurements. Educed impedance spectra are calculated to determine the impact of variations in perforate geometry on acoustic performance and the relationship between acoustic and drag performance