16,458 research outputs found

    Device for directionally controlling electromagnetic radiation Patent

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    Concentrator device for controlling direction of solar energy onto energy converter

    Directional control of radiant heat

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    Surface with grooves having flat bases gives directional emissivities and absorptivities that can be made to approximate a perfect directional surface. Radiant energy can then be transferred in desired directions

    Hydrogen production econometric studies

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    The current assessments of fossil fuel resources in the United States were examined, and predictions of the maximum and minimum lifetimes of recoverable resources according to these assessments are presented. In addition, current rates of production in quads/year for the fossil fuels were determined from the literature. Where possible, costs of energy, location of reserves, and remaining time before these reserves are exhausted are given. Limitations that appear to hinder complete development of each energy source are outlined

    Fringe Science: Defringing CCD Images with Neon Lamp Flat Fields

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    Fringing in CCD images is troublesome from the aspect of photometric quality and image flatness in the final reduced product. Additionally, defringing during calibration requires the inefficient use of time during the night to collect and produce a "supersky" fringe frame. The fringe pattern observed in a CCD image for a given near-IR filter is dominated by small thickness variations across the detector with a second order effect caused by the wavelength extent of the emission lines within the bandpass which produce the interference pattern. We show that essentially any set of emission lines which generally match the wavelength coverage of the night sky emission lines within a bandpass will produce an identical fringe pattern. We present an easy, inexpensive, and efficient method which uses a neon lamp as a flat field source and produces high S/N fringe frames to use for defringing an image during the calibration process.Comment: accepted to PAS

    Conceptual design of a Manned-Unmanned Lunar Explorer /MULE/

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    Manned-unmanned lunar explorer systems desig

    Directional thermal-radiative properties of conical cavities

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    Monte Carlo technique for finding directional thermal-radiative reflectance, absorptance, and emittance of right circular conical cavity with diffusely reflecting internal surfac

    Modelling foam drainage

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    Foaming occurs in many distillation and absorption processes. In this paper, two basic building blocks that are needed to model foam drainage and hence foam stability are discussed. The first concerns the flow of liquid from the lamellae to the Plateau borders and the second describes the drainage flows that occur within the borders. The mathematical modelling involves a balance between gravity, diffusion, viscous forces, and varying surface tension effects with or without the presence of monolayers of surfactant. In some cases, mass transfer through the gas-liquid interface also causes foam stabilisation, and must be included. Our model allows us to clarify which mechanisms are most likely to dominate in both the lamellae and Plateau borders and hence to determine their evolution. The model provides a theoretical framework for the prediction of foam drainage and collapse rates. The analysis shows that significant foam stability can arise from small surface tension variations

    Space shuttle external tank performance improvements: The challenge

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    The external tank (ET) has been actively involved in performance improvements since the inception of the space shuttle program, primarily by weight savings. Weight savings were realized on the first block of flight articles (standard weight tank). With a need for further performance improvements, the ET Program Office was requested to develop a program to reduce tank weight an additional 6000 lb and schedule delivery of the first lightweight ET (LWT) for June 1982. The weight savings program was accomplished by: (1) a unique approach to use of factors of safety; (2) design optimization; and (3) redesign of structures with large margins of safety which resulted in an actual weight savings of 7294 lb. Additional studies have identified further weight savings which are to be implemented at appropriate times in production flow. Examples are an improved thermal protection system for the LH2 tank aft dome and reduction of slosh baffles in the LO2 tank based on flight data. All performance improvements were compared and selected based on non-recurring and recurring cost and technical risk

    The effect of surfactants on expanding free surfaces

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    This paper develops a systematic theory for the flow observed in the so-called ``overflowing cylinder'' experiment. The basic phenomenon to be explained is the order of magnitude increase in the surface velocity of a slowly overflowing beaker of water that is caused by the addition of a small amount of soluble surfactant. We perform analyses of (i) an inviscid bulk flow in which diffusion is negligible, (ii) a hydrodynamic boundary layer in which viscous effects become important, (iii) a diffusive boundary layer where diffusion is significant, and by matching these together arrive at a coupled problem for the liquid velocity and surfactant concentration. Our model predicts a relation between surface velocity and surface concentration which is in good agreement with experiment. However a degeneracy in the boundary conditions leaves one free parameter which must be taken from experimental data. We suggest an investigation that may resolve this indeterminacy

    A theoretical model for single molecule incoherent scanning tunneling spectroscopy

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    Single molecule scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), with dephasing due to elastic and inelastic scattering, is of some current interest. Motivated by this, we report an extended Huckel theory (EHT) based mean-field Non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) transport model with electron-phonon scattering treated within the self-consistent Born approximation (SCBA). Furthermore, a procedure based on EHT basis set modification is described. We use this model to study the effect of the temperature dependent dephasing, due to low lying modes in far-infrared range for which hw<<kT, on the resonant conduction through highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) level of a phenyl dithiol molecule sandwiched between two fcc-Au(111) contacts. Furthermore, we propose to include dephasing in room temperature molecular resonant conduction calculations.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure