536 research outputs found

    Tribute - Howard J. Shaffer

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    A Strategic Approach to Agricultural Research Program Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Recent studies have shown that agricultural research can have high payoffs in Africa, but impact depends on how well technology fits with evolving needs and capacity in the agricultural sector and the rest of the economy. Structural adjustment policies (e.g., market liberalization, currency devaluation) and political change are transforming user demands for new technology and the economic environment in which technology must perform. The challenge is how to design agricultural research as a strategic input to promote broad-based economic growth, structural transformation, and food security in the increasingly market-driven, but fragile, economies of Africa.Food Security, Food Policy, Agricultural Research, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Downloads May 2008-July 2009: 44, Q18,

    A Strategic Approach to Agricultural Research Program Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Downloads May 2008-July 2009: 13,

    The Common Sense of Counseling Psychology: Introducing

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    The goal of therapy is typically to improve clients’ self-management of their problems, not only during the course of therapy but also after therapy ends. Although it seems obvious that therapists are interested in improving client’s self-management, the psychotherapy literature has little to say on the topic. This article introduces Leventhal’s Common-Sense Model of Self-Regulation, a theoretical model of the self-management of health, and applies the model to the therapeutic process. The Common-Sense Model proposes that people develop illness representations of health threats and these illness representations guide self-management. The model has primarily been used to understand how people self-manage physical health problems, we propose it may also be useful to understand self-management of mental health problems. The Common-Sense Model’s strengths-based perspective is a natural fit for the work of counseling psychologists. In particular, the model has important practical implicationsfor addressing how clients understand mental health problems over the course of treatment and self-manage these problems during and after treatment

    Une approche stratégique pour la planification du programme de recherche agricole en Afrique sub-saharienne

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    Des études récentes ont montré que la recherche agricole en Afrique peut avoir une rentabilité élevée, mais son impact dépend de l'adaptabilité des nouvelles technologies aux capacités et aux besoins changeants du secteur agricole et du reste de l'économie. Les politiques d'ajustement structurel (ex : la libéralisation des marchés et la dévaluation monétaire) et les changements politiques sont en train de transformer la demande de nouvelles technologies et l'environnement économique au sein duquel ces technologies doivent opérer. Le défi est de concevoir la recherche agricole comme un intrant stratégique qui encourage une croissance économique à base élargie, la transformation structurelle de l'économie et la sécurité alimentaire dans des économies africaines de plus de plus orientées vers la production pour la commercialisation mais qui restent encore fragiles.food security, food policy, agricultural research, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Downloads June 2008-June 2009: 11, Q18,

    Local structure and polar order in liquid N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP)

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    N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) is an exceptional solvent, widely used in industry and for nanomaterials processing. Yet despite its ubiquity, its liquid structure, which ultimately dictates its solvation properties, is not fully known. Here, neutron scattering is used to determine NMP’s structure in unprecedented detail. Two dominant nearest-neighbor arrangements are found, where rings are parallel or perpendicular. However, compared with related solvents, NMP has a relatively large population of parallel approaches, similar only to benzene, despite its nonaromaticity and the presence of the normally structure-reducing methyl group. This arrangement is underpinned by NMP’s dipole moment, which has a profound effect on its structure: nearest-neighbor molecules arrange in an antiparallel but offset fashion. This polar-induced order extends beyond the first solvation shell, resulting in ordered trimers that reach the nanometer range. The degree of order and balance of interactions rationalize NMP’s high boiling point and versatile capabilities to solvate both charged and uncharged species
