23,026 research outputs found

    Method and device for detecting voids in low density material Patent

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    Method and photodetector device for locating abnormal voids in low density material

    Simultaneous optical and radio observations of NP 0532

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    Simultaneous optical and radio observations of Crab Nebula pulsar NP 0532 and time delay analysi

    Brittle extension of the continental crust along a rooted system of low-angle normal faults: Colorado River extensional corridor

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    A transect across the 100 km wide Colorado River extensional corridor of mid-Tertiary age shows that the upper 10 to 15 km of crystalline crust extended along an imbricate system of brittle low-angle normal faults. The faults cut gently down a section in the NE-direction of tectonic transport from a headwall breakaway in the Old Woman Mountains, California. Successively higher allochthons above a basal detachment fault are futher displaced from the headwall, some as much as tens of kilometers. Allochthonous blocks are tilted toward the headwall as evidenced by the dip of the cappoing Tertiary strata and originally horizontal Proterozoic diabase sheets. On the down-dip side of the corridor in Arizona, the faults root under the unbroken Hualapai Mountains and the Colorado Plateau. Slip on faults at all exposed levels of the crust was unidirectional. Brittle thinning above these faults affected the entire upper crust, and wholly removed it locally along the central corridor or core complex region. Isostatic uplift exposed metamorphic core complexes in the domed footwall. These data support a model that the crust in California moved out from under Arizona along an asymmetric, rooted normal-slip shear system. Ductile deformation must have accompanied mid-Tertiary crustal extension at deeper structural levels in Arizona

    Management of Phytophthora cinnamomi for biodiversity conservation in Australia: Part 2. National best practice guidelines

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    Disease in natural ecosystems of Australia, caused by the introduced plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi, is listed as a key threatening process under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The Act requires the Australian Government to prepare and implement a threat abatement plan for nationally coordinated action to mitigate the harm caused by P. cinnamomi to Australian species, particularly threatened flora, fauna and ecological communities. The .National Threat Abatement Plan for Dieback Caused by the Root-Rot Fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi. (NTAP) was released in 2001 (Environment Australia, 2001). The NTAP is designed to promote a common understanding of the national threat P. cinnamomi poses to biodiversity in Australia. This project, funded by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage (DEH), is one of the most significant actions to be implemented from the NTAP to date. The project has two major components: * to review current management approaches and identify benchmarks for best practice * the development of risk assessment criteria and a system for prioritising management of assets that are or could be threatened by P. cinnamomi. The project outputs are presented in a four-part document entitled Management of Phytophthora cinnamomi for Biodiversity Conservation in Australia: Part 1 - A Review of Current Management Part 2 - National Best Practice Guidelines Part 3 - Risk Assessment for Threats to Ecosystems, Species and Communities: A Review Part 4 - Risk Assessment Models for Species, Ecological Communities and Areas. A model of best practice was developed which encompasses all the components necessary for an informed and integrated approach to P. cinnamomi management, from strategic through to on-ground management. The current document (Part 1 . A Review of Current Management) thoroughly reviews the approaches to P. cinnamomi management in Australia within the context of the best practice model

    Multi-filter spectrophotometry of quasar environments

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    A many-filter photometric technique for determining redshifts and morphological types, by fitting spectral templates to spectral energy distributions, has good potential for application in surveys. Despite success in studies performed on simulated data, the results have not been fully reliable when applied to real, low signal-to-noise data. We are investigating techniques to improve the fitting process

    Fluctuations and correlations in population models with age structure

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    We study the population profile in a simple discrete time model of population dynamics. Our model, which is closely related to certain ``bit-string'' models of evolution, incorporates competition for resources via a population dependent death probability, as well as a variable reproduction probability for each individual as a function of age. We first solve for the steady-state of the model in mean field theory, before developing analytic techniques to compute Gaussian fluctuation corrections around the mean field fixed point. Our computations are found to be in good agreement with Monte-Carlo simulations. Finally we discuss how similar methods may be applied to fluctuations in continuous time population models.Comment: 4 page

    Whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the western North Atlantic: a guide to their identification

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    This is an identification guide for cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises). It was designed to assist laypersons in identifying cetaceans encountered in the western North Atlantic Ocean and was intended for use by ongoing cetacean observer programs. This publication includes sections on identifying cetaceans at sea as well as stranded animals on shore. Species accounts are divided by body size and presence or lack of a dorsal fin. Appendices cover tags used on cetacean species; how to record and report cetacean observations at see and for stranded cetaceans; and a list of contacts for reporting cetacean strandings. (Document pdf contains 183 pages - file takes considerable time to open

    Optical characterization of LDEF contaminant film

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    Dark brown molecular film deposits were found at numerous locations on the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) and have been documented in great detail by several investigators. The exact deposition mechanism for these deposits is as yet unknown, although direct and scattered atomic oxygen, and solar radiation interacting with materials outgassing products have all been implicated in the formation process. Specimens of the brown molecular film were taken from below the flange of the experimental tray located at position D10 on the LDEF. The tray was one of two, comprising the same experiment, the other being located on the wake facing side of the LDEF satellite at position B4. Having access to both trays, we were able to directly compare the effect that orientation with respect to the atomic oxygen flux vector had on the formation of the brown molecular film deposits. The film is thickest on surfaces facing toward the exterior, i.e. the tray corner, as can be seen by comparing the lee and wake aspects of the rivets. The patterns appear to be aligned not with the velocity vector but with the corner of the tray suggesting that flux to the surface is due to scattered atomic oxygen rather than direct ram impingement. The role of scattered flux is further supported by more faint plume patterns on the sides of the tray. The angle of these plumes is strongly aligned with the ram direction but the outline of the deposit implies that incident atoms are scattered by collisions with the edges of the opening resulting in a directed, but diffuse, flux of atomic oxygen to the surface. Spectral reflectance measurements in the 2 to 10 micron (4000 to 1000 wavenumbers) spectral range are presented for the film in the 'as deposited' condition and for the free standing film. The material was analyzed by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) microspectroscopy using gold as the reference standard. The 'as deposited' specimen was on an aluminum rivet taken from beneath the tray flange while the free film was obtained by chipping some of the material from the rivet. The transmission spectrum over the 2 to 10 micron range for the free film is presented. This spectrum appears to be essentially the same as that presented by Crutcher et.al. for films formed at vent sites which faced into the ram direction and suggested to originate from urethanes and silicones used on the LDEF. Banks et. al. state that silicones, when exposed to atomic oxygen, release polymeric scission fragments which deposit on surfaces and form a glassy, dark contaminant layer upon further atomic oxygen exposure and solar irradiation

    Seasonal Movements, Migratory Behavior, and Site Fidelity of West Indian Manatees along the Atlantic Coast of the United States as Determined by Radio-telemetry

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    The study area encompassed the eastern coasts of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, including inland waterways such as the St. Johns River (Fig. 1). Manatees inhabited the relatively narrow band of water that lies between the barrier beaches and the mainland, occasionally venturing into the ocean close to shore. Between Miami and Fernandina Beach, Florida, 19 inlets provided manatees with corridors between the intracoastal waters and the Atlantic Ocean; the distance between adjacent inlets averaged 32 km(SD = 24 km) and varied from 3 to 88 km. Habitats used by manatees along this 900-km stretch ofcoastline varied widely and included estuaries, lagoons, rivers and creeks, shallow bays and sounds, and ocean inlets. Salinities in most areas were brackish, but ranged from completely fresh to completely marine. The predominant communities of aquatic vegetation also varied geographically and with salinity: seagrass meadows and mangrove swamps in brackish and marine waters along the southern half of peninsular Florida; salt marshes in northeastern Florida and Georgia; benthic macroalgae in estuarine and marine habitats; and a variety of submerged, floating, and emergent vegetation in freshwater rivers, canals, and streams throughout the region. Radio-telemetry has been used successfully to track manatees in other regions ofFlorida (Bengtson 1981, Powell and Rathbun 1984, Lefebvre and Frohlich 1986, Rathbun et al. 1990) and Georgia (Zoodsma 1991), but these early studies relied primarily on conventional VHF (very high frequency) transmitters and were limited in their spatial and temporal scope (see O'Shea and Kochman 1990 for overview). Typically, manatees were tagged at a thermal refuge in the winter and then tracked until the tag detached, usually sometime between the spring and fall of the same year. Our study differs from previous research on manatee movements in several important respects. First, we relied heavily on data from satellite-monitored transmitters using the Argos system, which yielded a substantially greater number of locations and more systematic collection of data compared to previous VHF tracking studies (Deutsch et al. 1998). Second, our tagging and tracking efforts encompassed the entire range of manatees along the Atlantic coast, from the Florida Keys to South Carolina, so inferences were not limited to a small geographic area. Third, we often used freshwater to lure manatees to capture sites, which allowed tagging in all months of the year; this provided more information about summer movement patterns than had previous studies which emphasized capture and tracking at winter aggregations. Finally, the study spanned a decade, and success in retagging animals and in replacing transmitters allowed long-term tracking ofmany individuals. This provided the opportunity to investigate variation in seasonal movements, migratory behavior, and site fidelity across years for individual manatees. (254 page document.