683 research outputs found
Static Potential and Local Color Fields in Unquenched Three-Dimensional Lattice QCD
String breaking by dynamical quarks in (2+1)-d lattice QCD is demonstrated in
this project, by measuring the static potential and the local color-electric
field strength between a heavy quark and antiquark pair at large separations.
Simulations are done for unquenched SU(2) color with two flavors of staggered
quarks. An improved gluon action is used which allows simulations to be done on
coarse lattices, providing an extremely efficient means to access the quark
separations and propagation times at which string breaking occurs. The static
quark potential is extracted using only Wilson loop operators and hence no
valence quarks are present in the trial states. Results give unambiguous
evidence for string breaking as the static quark potential completely saturates
at twice the heavy-light meson mass at large separations. It is also shown that
the local color-electric field strength between the quark pair tends toward
vacuum values at large separations. Implications of these results for
unquenched simulations of QCD in 4-d are drawn.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to Lattice 2002 proceedings (Confinement
On the screening of the potential between adjoint sources in
We calculate the potential between adjoint sources in pure gauge
theory in three dimensions. We investigate whether the potential saturates at
large separations due to the creation of a pair of gluelumps, colour-singlet
states formed when glue binds to an adjoint source.Comment: 3 pages, uuencoded Z-compressed postscript file, contribution to
Lattice '9
Perturbative coefficients for improved actions by Monte Carlo at large
Perturbative estimates of operator coefficients for improved lattice actions
are becoming increasingly important for precision simulations of many hadronic
observables. Following previous work by Dimm, Lepage, and Mackenzie, we
consider the feasibility of computing operator coefficients from numerical
simulations deep in the perturbative region of lattice theories. Here we
introduce a background field technique that may allow for the computation of
the coefficients of clover-field operators in a variety of theories. This
method is tested by calculations of the renormalized quark mass in lattice
NRQCD, and of the clover coefficient for Sheikholeslami-Wohlert
fermions. First results for the coefficient of the magnetic moment operator in
NRQCD are also presented.Comment: 3 Pages, LaTeX (espcrc2.sty, uses \psfig), 3 Postscript figures, Talk
presented at LATTICE'97, Edinburg
Mean link versus average plaquette tadpoles in lattice NRQCD
We compare mean-link and average plaquette tadpole renormalization schemes in
the context of the quarkonium hyperfine splittings in lattice NRQCD.
Simulations are done for the three quarkonium systems , , and
. The hyperfine splittings are computed both at leading and at
next-to-leading order in the relativistic expansion. Results are obtained at a
large number of lattice spacings. A number of features emerge, all of which
favor tadpole renormalization using mean links. This includes much better
scaling of the hyperfine splittings in the three quarkonium systems. We also
find that relativistic corrections to the spin splittings are smaller with
mean-link tadpoles, particularly for the and systems. We
also see signs of a breakdown in the NRQCD expansion when the bare quark mass
falls below about one in lattice units (with the bare quark masses turning out
to be much larger with mean-link tadpoles).Comment: LATTICE(heavyqk) 3 pages, 2 figure
Perturbative Wilson loops from unquenched Monte Carlo simulations at weak couplings
Perturbative expansions of several small Wilson loops are computed through
next-to-next-to-leading order in unquenched lattice QCD, from Monte Carlo
simulations at weak couplings. This approach provides a much simpler
alternative to conventional diagrammatic perturbation theory, and is applied
here for the first time to full QCD. Two different sets of lattice actions are
considered: one set uses the unimproved plaquette gluon action together with
the unimproved staggered-quark action; the other set uses the one-loop-improved
Symanzik gauge-field action together with the so-called ``asqtad''
improved-staggered quark action. Simulations are also done with different
numbers of dynamical fermions. An extensive study of the systematic
uncertainties is presented, which demonstrates that the small third-order
perturbative component of the observables can be reliably extracted from
simulation data. We also investigate the use of the rational hybrid Monte Carlo
algorithm for unquenched simulations with unimproved-staggered fermions. Our
results are in excellent agreement with diagrammatic perturbation theory, and
provide an important cross-check of the perturbation theory input to a recent
determination of the strong coupling by the HPQCD
collaboration.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure
Improvement, dynamical fermions, and heavy quark screening in QCD_3
First results from simulations of improved actions for both gauge fields and
staggered fermion fields in three dimensional QCD are presented. This work
provides insight into some issues of relevance to lattice theories in four
dimensions. In particular, the renormalization of the bare lattice coupling is
dramatically reduced when the tree-level improved action is used. Naik
improvement of the staggered fermion action produces little reduction in
scaling violations of the rho meson mass. String breaking in the heavy quark
potential in the unquenched theory is also clearly resolved, using Wilson loops
to bound the ground state energy.Comment: LATTICE98(improvement), 3 pages, 3 figures (psfig format
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