3,127 research outputs found

    African American Parents’ Perceptions of Public School: African American Parents’ Involvement in Their Childrens’ Educations

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    The goals for public schools are to educate all students so that they may attend colleges and/or develop relevant job and citizenship skills. African American students enrolled in American public schools struggle to keep up academically, revealing a so called “achievement gap.” Consequently, many African American children are unable to realize their potential and participate as successful contributing citizens. This study examined how African American parents might engage in their children’s schooling and how schools might support this participation to better meet the needs of these students. The segregation and racism historically practiced in public schools has led to negative perceptions between educators and African American families and communities. The gap in traditional measures of academic achievement between Black and White children has been debated and analyzed by scholars, legislators, and practitioners for decades. School based issues associated with this trend are lower teacher expectations for students of color, lack of curriculum rigor, effective teacher development and training, inadequate resources, tracking of African American students into less demanding programs, a lack of appreciation for Black cultures and inappropriate/misguided school administration. This study examines African American parents’ perceptions of public education and how it impacts Black student success and offers a synopsis of significant events that may have shaped some of these perceptions. Findings include evidence that African American parents perceive that schools do not reach out to them to foster a partnership or encourage participation, but most often engage them when behavior or academic issues arise with their children. Additional areas for investigation surface by the findings include evidence that the disconnect perhaps does not come from a lack of engagement, but from a lack of active participation and partnership. Parents are left feeling as if they have no influence on school culture. Recommendations for improving school and family interactions that may improve African American student outcomes include teacher led parent-school partnerships, communication outside the classroom and school setting, and consideration for cultural differences

    Three-dimensional flows in slowly-varying planar geometries

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    We consider laminar flow in channels constrained geometrically to remain between two parallel planes; this geometry is typical of microchannels obtained with a single step by current microfabrication techniques. For pressure-driven Stokes flow in this geometry and assuming that the channel dimensions change slowly in the streamwise direction, we show that the velocity component perpendicular to the constraint plane cannot be zero unless the channel has both constant curvature and constant cross-sectional width. This result implies that it is, in principle, possible to design "planar mixers", i.e. passive mixers for channels that are constrained to lie in a flat layer using only streamwise variations of their in-plane dimensions. Numerical results are presented for the case of a channel with sinusoidally varying width

    Making the Case for Exploratory World Language Instruction in Catholic Elementary Schools through University Partnerships

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    As a result of a university partnership, elementary students at two midwest Catholic elementary schools have been provided with exploratory world language instruction (FLEX) from pre-service teachers. To investigate students’ attitudes and learning of Spanish, researchers interviewed second and fourth graders. The students’ parents and pre-service teachers answered open-ended questionnaires. The research questions for this qualitative study were: 1) How does exploratory world language instruction (FLEX) affect children’s attitudes about learning world languages and cultures? 2) How does exploratory world language instruction (FLEX) affect children’s learning of a world language? The results showed that students possessed positive attitudes about world language instruction, and they learned numbers, colors, cultural information, and food and animal vocabulary, as well as how to communicate at the novice level. Universities should consider engaging in service-learning partnerships with Catholic elementary schools so students learn to open their minds and hearts to diverse languages and cultures. Como resultado de una colaboración con una universidad, se les ofreció a estudiantes de dos escuelas elementales católicas del medio oeste la enseñanza exploratoria de lenguas extranjeras (FLEX) por parte de docentes en prácticas. Para investigar las actitudes de los estudiantes y su aprendizaje de español, los investigadores entrevistaron a estudiantes de segundo y cuarto curso. Los padres de los estudiantes y los docentes en prácticas contestaron cuestionarios abiertos. Las preguntas de investigación para este estudio cualitativo fueron: (a) ¿Cómo afecta la enseñanza exploratoria de lenguas extranjeras (FLEX) a las actitudes de los niños frente al aprendizaje de lenguas y culturas del mundo? (b) ¿Cómo afecta la enseñanza exploratoria de lenguas extranjeras (FLEX) al aprendizaje por parte de los niños de una lengua del mundo? Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes disponían de una actitud positiva sobre la enseñanza de lenguas del mundo, y aprendieron números, colores, información cultural, vocabulario de comida y animales, así como a comunicarse a un nivel básico. Las universidades deberían considerar participar en colaboraciones de aprendizaje-servicio con escuelas elementales católicas para que los estudiantes puedan abrir sus mentes y corazones a las diversas lenguas y culturas. Palabras clave: escuelas elementales, FLEX, aprendizaje-servicio, aprendizaje a través del servicio, lenguas del mund

    Spatial regression modeling via the R2D2 framework

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    Spatially dependent data arises in many applications, and Gaussian processes are a popular modelling choice for these scenarios. While Bayesian analyses of these problems have proven to be successful, selecting prior distributions for these complex models remains a difficult task. In this work, we propose a principled approach for setting prior distributions on model variance components by placing a prior distribution on a measure of model fit. In particular, we derive the distribution of the prior coefficient of determination. Placing a beta prior distribution on this measure induces a generalized beta prime prior distribution on the global variance of the linear predictor in the model. This method can also be thought of as shrinking the fit towards the intercept-only (null) model. We derive an efficient Gibbs sampler for the majority of the parameters and use Metropolis-Hasting updates for the others. Finally, the method is applied to a marine protection area data set. We estimate the effect of marine policies on biodiversity and conclude that no-take restrictions lead to a slight increase in biodiversity and that the majority of the variance in the linear predictor comes from the spatial effect.\vspace{12pt

    Leading a business school

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    Business schools are critical players in higher education, educating current and future leaders to make a difference in the world. Yet we know surprisingly little about the leaders of business schools. Leading a Business School demystifies this complex and dynamic role, offering international insights into deans’ dilemmas in different contexts and situations. It highlights the importance of deans creating challenging and supportive learning cultures to enhance business and management education, organizations and society more broadly. Written by renowned experts on the role of the dean, Julie Davies, Howard Thomas, Eric Cornuel and Rolf D. Cremer, the book traces the historical evolution of the business school deanship, the current challenges and future sources of disruption. The leadership characteristics and styles of business school deans are presented based on an examination of different dimensions of their roles. These include issues of strategic positioning, such as financial viability, prestige, size, mission, age, location and programme portfolios, as well as the influences of rankings, sector accreditations, governance structures, networks and national policies on strategy implementation. Drawing on international case studies and deans’ development programmes globally, the authors explore constraints on deans’ autonomy, university and external relations, and how business school deans add value over the period of their tenures. This candid and well-researched book is essential reading for aspiring business school leaders, those hiring and working with deans, and other higher education leaders

    A Strategic Approach to Agricultural Research Program Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Recent studies have shown that agricultural research can have high payoffs in Africa, but impact depends on how well technology fits with evolving needs and capacity in the agricultural sector and the rest of the economy. Structural adjustment policies (e.g., market liberalization, currency devaluation) and political change are transforming user demands for new technology and the economic environment in which technology must perform. The challenge is how to design agricultural research as a strategic input to promote broad-based economic growth, structural transformation, and food security in the increasingly market-driven, but fragile, economies of Africa.Food Security, Food Policy, Agricultural Research, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Downloads May 2008-July 2009: 44, Q18,

    A Strategic Approach to Agricultural Research Program Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Downloads May 2008-July 2009: 13,

    Bell nonlocality, signal locality and unpredictability (or What Bohr could have told Einstein at Solvay had he known about Bell experiments)

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    The 1964 theorem of John Bell shows that no model that reproduces the predictions of quantum mechanics can simultaneously satisfy the assumptions of locality and determinism. On the other hand, the assumptions of \emph{signal locality} plus \emph{predictability} are also sufficient to derive Bell inequalities. This simple theorem, previously noted but published only relatively recently by Masanes, Acin and Gisin, has fundamental implications not entirely appreciated. Firstly, nothing can be concluded about the ontological assumptions of locality or determinism independently of each other -- it is possible to reproduce quantum mechanics with deterministic models that violate locality as well as indeterministic models that satisfy locality. On the other hand, the operational assumption of signal locality is an empirically testable (and well-tested) consequence of relativity. Thus Bell inequality violations imply that we can trust that some events are fundamentally \emph{unpredictable}, even if we cannot trust that they are indeterministic. This result grounds the quantum-mechanical prohibition of arbitrarily accurate predictions on the assumption of no superluminal signalling, regardless of any postulates of quantum mechanics. It also sheds a new light on an early stage of the historical debate between Einstein and Bohr.Comment: Substantially modified version; added HMW as co-autho

    A Global Photometric Analysis of 2MASS Calibration Data

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    We present results from the application of a global photometric calibration (GPC) procedure to calibration data from the first 2 years of The Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). The GPC algorithm uses photometry of both primary standards and moderately bright `tracer' stars in 35 2MASS calibration fields. During the first two years of the Survey, each standard was observed on approximately 50 nights, with about 900 individual measurements. Based on the photometry of primary standard stars and secondary tracer stars and under the assumption that the nightly zeropoint drift is linear, GPC ties together all calibration fields and all survey nights simultaneously, producing a globally optimized solution. Calibration solutions for the Northern and Southern hemisphere observatories are found separately, and are tested for global consistency based on common fields near the celestial equator. Several results from the GPC are presented, including establishing candidate secondary standards, monitoring of near-infrared atmospheric extinction coefficients, and verification of global validity of the standards. The solution gives long-term averages of the atmospheric extinction coefficients, A_J=0.096, A_H=0.026, A_{K_s}=0.066 (North) and A_J=0.092, A_H=0.031, A_{K_s}=0.065 (South), with formal error of 0.001. The residuals show small seasonal variations, most likely due to changing atmospheric content of water vapor. Extension of the GPC to approximately 100 field stars in each of the 35 calibration fields yields a catalog of more than two thousand photometric standards ranging from 10th to 14th magnitude, with photometry that is globally consistent to 1\sim 1%.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures; Submitted to AJ. The table of secondary standards is available from ftp://nova.astro.umass.edu/pub/nikolaev/ or ftp://anon-ftp.ipac.caltech.edu/pub/2mass/globalcal

    A Third Planet Orbiting HIP 14810

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    We present new precision radial velocities and a three-planet Keplerian orbit fit for the V = 8.5, G5 V star HIP 14810. We began observing this star at Keck Observatory as part of the N2K Planet Search Project. Wright et al. (2007) announced the inner two planets to this system, and subsequent observations have revealed the outer planet planet and the proper orbital solution for the middle planet. The planets have minimum masses of 3.9, 1.3, and 0.6 M_Jup and orbital periods of 6.67, 147.7, and 952 d, respectively. We have numerically integrated the family of orbital solutions consistent with the data and find that they are stable for at least 10^6 yr. Our photometric search shows that the inner planet does not transit.Comment: ApJL, accepte