80 research outputs found

    A Child of the Father of Lies: A Sermon Given by Professor Cyril Hovorun

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    A Child of the Father of Lies: A Sermon Given by Professor Cyril Hovorun at the University Church of St Mary the Virgin (Oxford, England) on 26 March 2023

    Ecumenism: Rapprochement through co-working to reconciliation

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    This paper explores some forms of interaction between the Catholic and Orthodox churches in different contexts. Some of these forms are helpful, but not always efficient, and some are not helpful. Theological dialogues belong to the former category of interactions: they are helpful, but not efficient. Alliances on an ideological basis, for instance on the basis of “traditional values,” are unhelpful, because they polarise the churches internally. This article instead proposes a collaboration in the public domain as an alternative way of rapprochement between the two churches. The Ukrainian Maidan (the revolution of 2014) exemplifies a co-working space, which proved to be efficient for restoring trust between Orthodox and Greek Catholics

    Cooking the Snake of Secularization

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    Zašto Ruska pravoslavna crkva podržava rat u Ukrajini?

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    In Memoriam. Hans Küng (1928-2021)

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    Deus ex Machina of the War in Ukraine

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    Добрі і лихі богословські плоди пандемії [Good and evil fruits of the pandemic]

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    The article explores various approaches to the Covid-19 pandemic in both global and Ukrainian Orthodoxy. It in particular differentiates be- tween the fideistic and realistic takes on the Eucharist and the transmissibility of viruses through it. The former rejects, and the latter affirms the risk of getting infected with coronavirus through partaking in holy communion. The article also discusses various possibilities and forms of wor- shipping online, including the controversial practice of celebrating liturgy through communication platforms. The article suggests an updated form of the ancient agape--the meal of love that accompanied Eucharist in the early church. It also mentions the ancient and modern forms of the distri- bution of communion, with a special reference to the study by Fr Robert Taft, SJ. Another topic discussed in the article is the so called "Covid dis- sent," when people undermine or dismiss the risks and measures to prevent the spread of the disease. This dissent is popular among the Orthodox fundamentalists and conservatives, including the ones in Ukraine. The two cases of the "Covid-dissent," articulated by former Metropolitans of Kyiv Onufriy Berezovsky and Filaret Denysenko, are in the focus of the study. The article argues that the attitude to Covid-19 that these and some other hierarchs promote, is similar to the medieval "trials by ordeal," when suspects were ordered to fish a ring from boiling water or carry hot iron. They were regarded innocent only when they remained unharmed by these tests. The same attitude, the article argues, leads to stigmatization and victim- ization of those who have suffered from Covid-19