25 research outputs found

    Strategisch plan voor de haven van Brugge-Zeebrugge

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    Seascape: final results of a socio-economic study

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    In 2002 and 2009 two sociological seascape surveys took place in Belgium. These surveys focused on both the visual and overall experience. People’s general opinion on wind energy and on the local planned wind farms were asked. Results show that in 2002 there was already a majority in favor of wind farms and this number still increased by 10% in 2009. A future survey is proposed to take place in the summer after the first wind turbines of the wind farms closest to the land have been installed. At that time at least three other wind farms will also be operational

    Optimising the future Belgian offshore wind farm monitoring programme

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    Six years of monitoring triggered a reflection on how to best continue with the monitoring programme. The basic monitoring has to be rationalised at the level of the likelihood of impact detection, the meaningfulness of impact size and representativeness of the findings. Targeted monitoring should continue to disentangle processes behind the observed impact, for instance the overarching artificial reef effect created by wind farms. The major challenge however remains to achieve a reliable assessment of the cumulative impacts. Continuing consultation and collaboration within the Belgian offshore wind farm monitoring team and with foreign marine scientists and managers will ensure an optimisation of the future monitoring programme

    Ruimtelijke plannen op regionaal niveau

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