38 research outputs found

    Mossy Cells in the Dorsal and Ventral Dentate Gyrus Differ in Their Patterns of Axonal Projections.

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    Mossy cells (MCs) of the dentate gyrus (DG) are a major group of excitatory hilar neurons that are important for regulating activity of dentate granule cells. MCs are particularly intriguing because of their extensive longitudinal connections within the DG. It has generally been assumed that MCs in the dorsal and ventral DG have similar patterns of termination in the inner one-third of the dentate molecular layer. Here, we demonstrate that axonal projections of MCs in these two regions are considerably different. MCs in dorsal and ventral regions were labeled selectively with Cre-dependent eYFP or mCherry, using two transgenic mouse lines (including both sexes) that express Cre-recombinase in MCs. At four to six weeks following unilateral labeling of MCs in the ventral DG, a dense band of fibers was present in the inner one-fourth of the molecular layer and extended bilaterally throughout the rostral-caudal extent of the DG, replicating the expected distribution of MC axons. In contrast, following labeling of MCs in the dorsal DG, the projections were more diffusely distributed. At the level of transfection, fibers were present in the inner molecular layer, but they progressively expanded into the middle molecular layer and, most ventrally, formed a distinct band in this region. Optical stimulation of these caudal fibers expressing ChR2 demonstrated robust EPSCs in ipsilateral granule cells and enhanced the effects of perforant path stimulation in the ventral DG. These findings suggest that MCs in the dorsal and ventral DG differ in the distribution of their axonal projections and possibly their function.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Mossy cells (MCs), a major cell type in the hilus of the dentate gyrus (DG), are unique in providing extensive longitudinal and commissural projections throughout the DG. Although it has been assumed that all MCs have similar patterns of termination in the inner molecular layer of the DG, we discovered that the axonal projections of dorsal and ventral MCs differ. While ventral MC projections exhibit the classical pattern, with dense innervation in the inner molecular layer, dorsal MCs have a more diffuse distribution and expand into the middle molecular layer where they overlap and interact with innervation from the perforant path. These distinct locations and patterns of axonal projections suggest that dorsal and ventral MCs may have different functional roles

    Neuroanatomical clues to altered neuronal activity in epilepsy: from ultrastructure to signaling pathways of dentate granule cells.

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    The dynamic aspects of epilepsy, in which seizures occur sporadically and are interspersed with periods of relatively normal brain function, present special challenges for neuroanatomical studies. Although numerous morphologic changes can be identified during the chronic period, the relationship of many of these changes to seizure generation and propagation remains unclear. Mossy fiber sprouting is an example of a frequently observed morphologic change for which a functional role in epilepsy continues to be debated. This review focuses on neuroanatomically identified changes that would support high levels of activity in reorganized mossy fibers and potentially associated granule cell activation. Early ultrastructural studies of reorganized mossy fiber terminals in human temporal lobe epilepsy tissue have identified morphologic substrates for highly efficacious excitatory connections among granule cells. If similar connections in animal models contribute to seizure activity, activation of granule cells would be expected. Increased labeling with two activity-related markers, Fos and phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase, has suggested increased activity of dentate granule cells at the time of spontaneous seizures in a mouse model of epilepsy. However, neuroanatomical support for a direct link between activation of reorganized mossy fiber terminals and increased granule cell activity remains elusive. As novel activity-related markers are developed, it may yet be possible to demonstrate such functional links and allow mapping of seizure activity throughout the brain. Relating patterns of neuronal activity during seizures to the underlying morphologic changes could provide important new insights into the basic mechanisms of epilepsy and seizure generation