47 research outputs found

    Characterization of membranous and cytoplasmic EGFR expression in human normal renal cortex and renal cell carcinoma

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    Metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is highly resistant to conventional systemic treatments, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal therapies. Previous studies have shown over-expression of EGFR is associated with high grade tumors and a worse prognosis. Recent studies suggest anticancer therapies targeting the EGFR pathway have shown promising results in clinical trials of RCC patients. Therefore, characterization of the level and localization of EGFR expression in RCC is important for target-dependent therapy. In this study, we investigated the clinical significance of cellular localization of EGFR in human normal renal cortex and RCC. RCC and adjacent normal kidney tissues of 63 patients were obtained for characterization of EGFR expression. EGFR protein expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry on a scale from 0 to 300 (percentage of positive cells × staining intensity) and Western blotting. EGFR membranous staining was significantly stronger in RCC tumors than in normal tissues (P < 0.001). In contrast, EGFR cytoplasmic staining was significantly higher in normal than in tumor tissues (P < 0.001). The levels of membranous or cytoplasmic EGFR expression in RCC tissues were not correlated with sex, tumor grade, TNM stage or overall survival (P > 0.05). These results showed abundant expression of membranous EGFR in RCC, and abundant expression of cytoplasmic EGFR in normal tissues. EGFR expression in RCC was mostly located in the cell membrane, whereas the EGFR expression in normal renal tissues was chiefly seen in cytoplasm. Our results suggest different locations of EGFR expression may be associated with human renal tumorigenesis

    Down-regulation of PKCζ in renal cell carcinoma and its clinicopathological implications

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is highly resistant to systemic chemotherapy. Unfortunately, nearly all patients die of the metastatic and chemoresistant RCC. Recent studies have shown the atypical PKCζ is an important regulator of tumorigenesis. However, the correlation between PKC<b>ζ </b>expression and the clinical outcome in RCC patients is unclear. We examined the level of PKCζ expression in human RCC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>PKCζ mRNA and protein expressions were examined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) respectively in RCC tissues of 144 patients. Cellular cytotoxicity and proliferation were assessed by MTT.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PKCζ expression was significantly higher in normal than in cancerous tissues (<it>P </it>< 0.0001) by real-time PCR and IHC. Similarly, PKCζ expression was down-regulated in four renal cancer cell lines compared to immortalized benign renal tubular cells. Interestingly, an increase of PKCζ expression was associated with the elevated tumor grade (<it>P </it>= 0.04), but no such association was found in TNM stage (<it>P </it>= 0.13). Tumors with higher PKCζ expression were associated with tumor size (<it>P </it>= 0.048). Expression of higher PKCζ found a poor survival in patients with high tumor grade. Down-regulation of PKCζ showed the significant chemoresistance in RCC cell lines. Inactivation of PKCζ expression enhanced cellular resistance to cisplatin and paclitaxel, and proliferation in HK-2 cells by specific PKC<b>ζ </b>siRNA and inhibitor.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PKCζ expression was associated with tumorigenesis and chemoresistance in RCC.</p

    BPR1K653, a Novel Aurora Kinase Inhibitor, Exhibits Potent Anti-Proliferative Activity in MDR1 (P-gp170)-Mediated Multidrug-Resistant Cancer Cells

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    Over-expression of Aurora kinases promotes the tumorigenesis of cells. The aim of this study was to determine the preclinical profile of a novel pan-Aurora kinase inhibitor, BPR1K653, as a candidate for anti-cancer therapy. Since expression of the drug efflux pump, MDR1, reduces the effectiveness of various chemotherapeutic compounds in human cancers, this study also aimed to determine whether the potency of BPR1K653 could be affected by the expression of MDR1 in cancer cells.BPR1K653 specifically inhibited the activity of Aurora-A and Aurora-B kinase at low nano-molar concentrations in vitro. Anti-proliferative activity of BPR1K653 was evaluated in various human cancer cell lines. Results of the clonogenic assay showed that BPR1K653 was potent in targeting a variety of cancer cell lines regardless of the tissue origin, p53 status, or expression of MDR1. At the cellular level, BPR1K653 induced endo-replication and subsequent apoptosis in both MDR1-negative and MDR1-positive cancer cells. Importantly, it showed potent activity against the growth of xenograft tumors of the human cervical carcinoma KB and KB-derived MDR1-positive KB-VIN10 cells in nude mice. Finally, BPR1K653 also exhibited favorable pharmacokinetic properties in rats.BPR1K653 is a novel potent anti-cancer compound, and its potency is not affected by the expression of the multiple drug resistant protein, MDR1, in cancer cells. Therefore, BPR1K653 is a promising anti-cancer compound that has potential for the management of various malignancies, particularly for patients with MDR1-related drug resistance after prolonged chemotherapeutic treatments


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    We explored the mechanisms of cisplatin resistance in a series of bladder transitional carcinoma cells that are either sensitive or progressively resistant to cisplatin. Resistant lines were raised by chronic exposure of the parental cells to progressively increased concentrations of cisplatin . The cisplatin IC50s of the sensitive and the three resistant cells were 4.3, 25.0, 40.4, and 52.2 mM, respectively. The expressions of glutathione S-transferase p (GST-p) and multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) were enhanced in a dose-response manner as cells acquired progressive cisplatin resistance. Expression of mdr-1 transcript was detected in the three resistant lines but not in the sensitive line. Glutathione contents were increased in resistant cells, yet the trend of increase did not reach statistical significance (p=0.061). In conclusion, transitional carcinoma cells may gain cisplatin resistance through multiple pathways including up-regulation of GST-p, MRP and possibly mdr-1. Glutathione content

    Downregulation of Abcd1 in Human Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common malignant tumor of the kidney. Delayed diagnosis may result in progression and metastasis. Markers for early detection of RCC are lacking. The ATP-binding cassette transporter D1 ( ABCD1) is located in the human peroxisome membrane. Its mutation causes X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), a peroxisomal disorder affecting lipid storage. The role of ABCD1 in human renal tumorigenesis was unclear. In this study, three pairs of RCC tissues were examined by cDNA microarray and data suggested that ABCD1 mRNA is downregulated. Downregulation of ABCD1 expression was confirmed by real- time PCR. ABCD1 expression was also downregulated in four renal cancer cell lines compared to immortalized benign renal tubular cells. ABCD1 mRNA and protein expression levels assessed by immunohistochemistry in the RCC tissues were similar between genders, tumor grades, and tumor stages. Immunohistochemical assays also showed that ABCD1 expression was significantly higher in normal than in cancerous tissues (p<0.001). ABCD1 downregulation may be involved in human renal tumorigenesis

    EGFR mediates docetaxel resistance in human castration-resistant prostate cancer through the Akt-dependent expression of ABCB1 (MDR1)

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    Recent studies have shown that docetaxel-based chemotherapy confers a survival benefit in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (PC). Also epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was found to have multiple roles in prostatic tumorigenesis. However, the EGFR-mediated chemoresistance mechanism in human PC was not well delineated. In this study, we explored the mechanism of EGFR-mediated docetaxel resistance in PC. A series of stable docetaxel-resistant PC/DX sublines were established at our laboratory. The docetaxel IC50s of PC3 and PC/DX25 cells were 0.01 and 1.33 mu M, respectively. Cellular resistance to docetaxel was significantly associated with increased EGFR and EGFR activation in PC/DX25. There was a dose-dependent increase in EGFR expression associated with the magnitude of docetaxel resistance. Expression of EGFR in PC/DX25 was higher than that in PC3, RWPE-1 and LNCaP cells. Similar results were also found in human PC tissues by immunohistochemical staining. We showed that docetaxel sensitivity can be stored in PC/DX25 cells by knockdown and inactivation of EGFR expression through EGFR siRNA and specific inhibitors, respectively. Contrarily, overexpression of EGFR or recombinant EGF protein treatment could rescue PC3 cells from docetaxel-mediated cytotoxicity. Gefitninb (ZD1839) significantly inhibited the growth of PC/DX25 cells by MTT in vitro and on xenografted nude mice in vivo. Moreover, EGFR-mediated docetaxel resistance occurred through the Akt-dependent ABCB1 expression in PC cells. These findings demonstrated EGFR played an important role in docetaxel-resistant PC and EGFR inhibition may enhance the therapeutic efficacy of docetaxel-based treatment

    Characterization of Molecular Events in a Series of Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma Cell Lines with Progressive Resistance to Arsenic Trioxide

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    Our previous studies have shown that arsenic trioxide (As2O3 ), a novel anti-cancer agent may be active against urothelial carcinomas. A series of bladder urothelial carcinoma cells with progressive As2O3 resistance were established and studied to reveal molecular events in relation to the mechanisms of resistance to As2O3. A sensitive parental line (NTUB1) and three As2O3-resistant sublines (NTUB1/As) were used with their IC(50)s being 0.9, 1.2, 2.5 and 4.9 muM, respectively. Cellular resistance to As2O 3 was associated with a lowered proliferation profile ( increased p53 and p21(waf1/Cip1) and decreased c-Myc levels) and a greater resistance to apoptosis (elevated Bcl-2 levels). Cells with a stronger resistance had higher expressions of superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn) and hMSH2 (but not hMLH 1). GSH contents were up-regulated in resistant cells in a dose-dependent manner. The DNA-binding activities of NF-kappaB and AP-1 were down- regulated in resistant cells in a dose-dependent manner. Profound molecular alterations occur during the acquisition of secondary As2O3 resistance. Our in vitro cellular model may help to reveal resistance mechanisms to As2O3 in bladder urothelial carcinoma cells. (C) 2004 Lippincott Williams Wilkins

    Suppression of Transcription Factor Nfκb Activity by Bcl-2 Protein in Nih 3t3 Cells: Implication of a Novel Nfκbp50-Bcl-2 Complex for the Anti- Apoptotic Function of Bcl-2

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    Bcl-2 can suppress apoptosis by controlling genes that encode proteins required for programmed cell death and by interference with peroxidative damage. Overexpression of Bcl-2 in NIH3T3 cells can prevent GSNO-induced (S-nitrosoglutathione-induced) apoptosis. The experimental results indicated that activation of NF-κB by GSNO is involved in inducing apoptosis. Surprisingly, we found that Bcl-2 delayed the release of IκB by formation of a Bcl-2-NF-κB complex (p50-p65-IκB) in the cytoplasm during cell apoptosis. Furthermore, a novel Bcl-2-p50 complex was found in the nucleus. These features were only observed in Bcl-2-transfected cells but not in the parental NIH3T3 cells. Overexpression of Bcl-2 suppressed the levels of c-myc, a target gene of NF-κB, and influenced the DNA-binding activity of NF-κB during GSNO-induced apoptosis. We suggest that the Bcl-2-p50 complex inhibits NF-κB DNA-binding activity by competing with the p65-p50 heterodimer for the DNA-binding site in the nucleus. Finally, it has been demonstrated that the anti-apoptotic potential of Bcl-2 may be attributed to its complexing with p50 in the nucleus that leads to blockage of nuclear gene expression