30 research outputs found

    Coaxial Ion Source : pressure dependence of gas flow and field ion emission

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    We investigated the pressure dependence of gas flow and field ion intensity of a coaxial ion source operating at room temperature over a wide pressure range, testing various gases and ionisation voltages. Flow conductance measurements taking into account the different gases' viscosity and molecular mass consistently exhibit a generic pattern. Three different flow regimes appear with increasing upstream pressure. Since the coaxial ion source supplies the gas locally, very near the apex of the tip where ionisation occurs, large ionisation currents can be obtained without degrading the propagation conditions of the beam. Compared with field ionisation in a partial pressure chamber, using the coaxial ion source increases the ion current a hundredfold for the same residual low pressure. We also show that the gas flow regime does not impact ionisation yield. Although a fuller characterisation remains to be performed, brightness reaches 3 x 10 11 A/m 2 /sr at 12kV extracting voltage. a) https://www.cinam.univ-mrs.fr

    Modélisation thermomécanique des enrobés bitumineux lors de l'essai de flexion sous moment négatif

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    International audienceA five-point bending under negative moment test makes it possible to characterize the best bituminous mix. A thermomechanical modeling from finite elements software (COMSOL) is proposed. Bituminous concrete viscoelasticity and the dissipation of heat during the tests are taking account. That is why, tests on cylindrical specimens were done to obtain important mechanical and thermal bituminous concrete charateristics, which are rare in scientific literature. A third assumption based on damage theory is essential to obtain correct results near from tests.Un essai de fatigue, appelé également essai de flexion sous moment négatif permet de caractériser la formulation la plus appropriée. Une modélisation thermomécanique du systÚme est développée à partir d'un logiciel aux éléments finis (COMSOL). Elle tient compte de la viscosité des matériaux bitumineux et de l'échauffement thermique crée par les cycles mécaniques de fatigue. Pour cela, des essais précis sur éprouvettes cylindriques ont été réalisés pour déterminer des grandeurs mécaniques et thermiques caractéristiques des enrobés bitumineux qui sont rares dans la littérature scientifique. Une troisiÚme hypothÚse s'appuyant sur la théorie de l'endommagement est abordée en conclusion et s'avÚre indispensable pour obtenir les résultats proches des expériences

    Ecriture directe de motifs nanométriques assistée par STM et FIB

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Sci.Luminy (130552106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Endommagement à la fatigue et fissuration mécanique des enrobés bitumeux sur dalle orthotrope

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    Les ponts mĂ©talliques Ă  dalle orthotrope sont utilisĂ©s gĂ©nĂ©ralement pour les ponts Ă  longue portĂ©e oĂč le poids de la structure est un facteur important. Le comportement du revĂȘtement bitumineux sur ce type d ouvrages est complexe d une part, en raison de sa composition et, d autre part, Ă  cause de son support trĂšs diffĂ©rent des chaussĂ©es routiĂšres classiques. Sa formulation spĂ©cifique doit rĂ©pondre Ă  des critĂšres mĂ©caniques comme la souplesse, une bonne rĂ©sistance Ă  la fissuration. L essai français normalisĂ© de dimensionnement en laboratoire est l essai de flexion sous moment nĂ©gatif. Un dispositif est opĂ©rationnel depuis 2003 au laboratoire GĂ©omatĂ©riaux de l ENTPE. Les Ă©chantillons sont reprĂ©sentatifs d une structure rĂ©elle de pont Ă  dalle orthotrope. Les conditions d essai ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finies dans le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1980 par le Laboratoire Central des Ponts et ChaussĂ©es et ont fait l objet d une normalisation française seulement en 2006. Entre ces deux dates, peu d avancĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© faites sur la comprĂ©hension du comportement du revĂȘtement sur cet essai. Avec l aide des rĂ©sultats obtenus au laboratoire ces derniĂšres annĂ©es et au cours de cette thĂšse en particulier, cette norme dĂ©finit prĂ©cisĂ©ment une instrumentation basĂ©e sur des jauges de dĂ©formations ou capteurs de dĂ©placement afin de suivre en continu l Ă©volution du comportement mĂ©canique du revĂȘtement bitumineux sur le platelage mĂ©tallique. Aujourd hui, grĂące au dĂ©veloppement d essais non-destructifs par propagation d ondes, il est possible d obtenir Ă©galement un suivi continu des caractĂ©ristiques intrinsĂšques du revĂȘtement et de dĂ©tecter l apparition d une macro-fissure. À partir des vitesses de propagation et de l attĂ©nuation des ondes de compression et de cisaillement, les modules de rigiditĂ© et de cisaillement du revĂȘtement bitumineux peuvent ĂȘtre calculĂ©s par analyse inverse. En outre, des essais sur Ă©prouvettes cylindriques d enrobĂ© bitumineux permettent de caractĂ©riser mĂ©caniquement et thermiquement le matĂ©riau dĂ©posĂ© ensuite sur platelage mĂ©tallique. À l aide d une instrumentation appropriĂ©e, l essai de module complexe nous permet d obtenir et de dĂ©finir le module et le coefficient de Poisson pour chaque couple (frĂ©quence, tempĂ©rature). De plus, des essais de mises en tempĂ©rature permettent de dĂ©terminer les coefficients thermiques (conductivitĂ© thermique, capacitĂ© massique) par un traitement numĂ©rique in-verse des donnĂ©es. Ces paramĂštres intrinsĂšques au matĂ©riau sont indispensables pour prendre en compte dans une modĂ©lisation les effets mĂ©caniques et thermiques. De plus, des essais de fatigue sur ces Ă©chantillons cylindriques tentent de simuler le comportement Ă  la fatigue du revĂȘte-ment bitumineux appliquĂ© sur le platelage mĂ©tallique. Une loi d endommagement est ainsi dĂ©-duite. Finalement, le dispositif de flexion est modĂ©lisĂ© en tenant compte du comportement thermomĂ©canique de l enrobĂ© bitumineux. Une simulation plus fine intĂ©grant une loi d endommagement dĂ©crit efficacement les essais rĂ©alisĂ©s. Ainsi, cette modĂ©lisation permet une Ă©tude prĂ©liminaire du comportement du revĂȘtement sur dalle orthotrope avant d effectuer ces essais de fatigue lourds Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre, longs et coĂ»teux.The behavior of asphalt layers on steel decks is complex. It is a soft support and must have a strong resistance to cracking. The five-point bending fatigue test is the standard device in laboratory. A device has been improved operational since 2003 at the ENTPE laboratory. Specimens are representative of a real deck. The mechanical evolution is motored with strain gauges and displacements sensors throughout the test. Moreover a non-destructive test based on ultrasonic measurements has been developed. Thus, mechanical characteristics are followed up, and it makes it possible to plot damage evolution cure for each asphalt mix tested. This test is finally modeled with high quality that enables a preliminary study of the behavior of different asphalt mix.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA LYON (692662301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Thermomechanical characterisation of asphalt pavements in laboratory conditions

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    Due to the viscoelastic properties of bituminous concrete, temperature changes result in significant mechanical effects. This paper proposes a method to assess, first, the intrinsic thermophysical parameters (thermal conductivity and heat capacity) of a bituminous mix, and then to characterise its mechanical behaviour by performing complex modulus tests. The determination of thermal properties of bituminous mixtures comes from an inverse analysis using finite-element software. The obtained intrinsic thermal parameters are essential for the fatigue law that depends on the viscous energy dissipation of bituminous concrete

    Implementation of Nanoscale Secondary‐Ion Mass Spectrometry Analyses: Application to Ni‐Based Superalloys

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    International audienceSecondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is probably the most widely used chemical analysis technique in semiconductor science and in metallurgy because of its ultimate sensitivity to all elements and in particular to light elements providing semiquantitative information on the depth distribution of elements, for instance, doping elements (i.e., B, H), contaminants (i.e., C and O), chemical gradients, and segregation in thin films and at interfaces, etc. With the size shrinking of systems, high-resolution 3D chemical imaging is becoming a prerequisite for the development of new materials at the nanoscale and for the deep understanding of the correlation between their properties and functionalities. Herein, the development of an innovative analytical SIMS implemented in a focused ion beam (FIB) (using Ga source)/scanning electron microscope (SEM) is reported. The equipment enables to give elemental chemical mapping at very high resolution (<30 nm) by precise optimization of the secondary-ion optics and detection, while preserving excellent sensitivity, thanks to the integration of a gas injection system (GIS), which improves a positive (negative) ionization rate with oxygen (cesium) injection. The capability of the technique is demonstrated with nanoscale characterization of Ni-based superalloys with broad applications in the manufacturing of engine parts and accessories for aircraft and aerospace equipment

    Coaxial Ion Source : pressure dependence of gas flow and field ion emission

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    We investigated the pressure dependence of gas flow and field ion intensity of a coaxial ion source operating at room temperature over a wide pressure range, testing various gases and ionisation voltages. Flow conductance measurements taking into account the different gases' viscosity and molecular mass consistently exhibit a generic pattern. Three different flow regimes appear with increasing upstream pressure. Since the coaxial ion source supplies the gas locally, very near the apex of the tip where ionisation occurs, large ionisation currents can be obtained without degrading the propagation conditions of the beam. Compared with field ionisation in a partial pressure chamber, using the coaxial ion source increases the ion current a hundredfold for the same residual low pressure. We also show that the gas flow regime does not impact ionisation yield. Although a fuller characterisation remains to be performed, brightness reaches 3 × 10 11 A/m 2 /sr at 12kV extracting voltage. a) https://www.cinam.univ-mrs.fr

    Coaxial Ion Source : pressure dependence of gas flow and field ion emission

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    We investigated the pressure dependence of gas flow and field ion intensity of a coaxial ion source operating at room temperature over a wide pressure range, testing various gases and ionisation voltages. Flow conductance measurements taking into account the different gases' viscosity and molecular mass consistently exhibit a generic pattern. Three different flow regimes appear with increasing upstream pressure. Since the coaxial ion source supplies the gas locally, very near the apex of the tip where ionisation occurs, large ionisation currents can be obtained without degrading the propagation conditions of the beam. Compared with field ionisation in a partial pressure chamber, using the coaxial ion source increases the ion current a hundredfold for the same residual low pressure. We also show that the gas flow regime does not impact ionisation yield. Although a fuller characterisation remains to be performed, brightness reaches 3 × 10 11 A/m 2 /sr at 12kV extracting voltage. a) https://www.cinam.univ-mrs.fr