1,592 research outputs found

    Ichthyoplankton community structure and comparative trophodynamics in an estuarine transition zone

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    Surveys were conducted to evaluate and compare assemblage structure and trophodynamics of ichthyoplankton, and their variability, in an estuarine transition zone. Environmental gradients in the saltfront region of the Patuxent River subestuary, Chesapeake Bay, were hypothesized to define spatiotemporal distributions and assemblages of ichthyoplankton. Larval fishes, zooplankton, and hydrographic data were collected during spring through early summer 2000 and 2001. Larvae of 28 fish species were collected and species richness was similar each year. Total larval abundance was highest in the oligohaline region down-estuary of the salt front in 2000, but highest at the salt front in 2001. Larvae of anadromous fishes were most abundant at or up-estuary of the salt front in both years. Two ichthyoplankton assemblages were distinguished: 1) riverine—characterized predominantly by anadromous species (Moronidae and Alosinae); and 2) estuarine—characterized predominantly by naked goby (Gobiosoma bosc) (Gobiidae). Temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity-associated variables (e.g., salt-front location), and concentrations of larval prey, specifically the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis and the cladoceran Bosmina longirostris, were important indicators of larval fish abundance. In the tidal freshwater region up-estuary of the salt front, there was substantial diet overlap between congeneric striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white perch (M. americana) larvae, and also larvae of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) (overlap= 0.71–0.93). Larval abundance, taxonomic diversity, and dietary overlap were highest within and up-estuary of the salt front, which serves to both structure the ichthyoplankton community and control trophic relationships in the estuarine transition zone

    Damping of MHD turbulence in partially ionized gas and the observed difference of velocities of neutrals and ions

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    Theoretical and observational studies on the turbulence of the interstellar medium developed fast in the past decades. The theory of supersonic magnetized turbulence, as well as the understanding of projection effects of observed quantities, are still in progress. In this work we explore the characterization of the turbulent cascade and its damping from observational spectral line profiles. We address the difference of ion and neutral velocities by clarifying the nature of the turbulence damping in the partially ionized. We provide theoretical arguments in favor of the explanation of the larger Doppler broadening of lines arising from neutral species compared to ions as arising from the turbulence damping of ions at larger scales. Also, we compute a number of MHD numerical simulations for different turbulent regimes and explicit turbulent damping, and compare both the 3-dimensional distributions of velocity and the synthetic line profile distributions. From the numerical simulations, we place constraints on the precision with which one can measure the 3D dispersion depending on the turbulence sonic Mach number. We show that no universal correspondence between the 3D velocity dispersions measured in the turbulent volume and minima of the 2D velocity dispersions available through observations exist. For instance, for subsonic turbulence the correspondence is poor at scales much smaller than the turbulence injection scale, while for supersonic turbulence the correspondence is poor for the scales comparable with the injection scale. We provide a physical explanation of the existence of such a 2D-3D correspondence and discuss the uncertainties in evaluating the damping scale of ions that can be obtained from observations. However, we show that the statistics of velocity dispersion from observed line profiles can provide the spectral index and the energy transfer rate of turbulence. Also, comparing two similar simulations with different viscous coefficients it was possible to constrain the turbulent cut-off scale. This may especially prove useful since it is believed that ambipolar diffusion may be one of the dominant dissipative mechanism in star-forming regions. In this case, the determination of the ambipolar diffusion scale may be used as a complementary method for the determination of magnetic field intensity in collapsing cores. We discuss the implications of our findings in terms of a new approach to magnetic field measurement proposed by Li & Houde (2008).Comment: ApJ accepte

    Recruitment and spawning-stock biomass distribution of bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) in Chesapeake Bay

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    Recruitment of bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) in Chesapeake is related to variability in hydrological conditions and to abundance and spatial distribution of spawning stock biomass (SSB). Midwater-trawl surveys conducted for six years, over the entire 320-km length of the bay, provided information on anchovy SSB, annual spatial patterns of recruitment, and their relationships to variability in the estuarine environment. SSB of anchovy varied sixfold in 1995–2000; it alone explained little variability in young-of-the-year (YOY) recruitment level in October, which varied ninefold. Recruitments were low in 1995 and 1996 (47 and 31 Z 109) but higher in 1997–2000 (100 to 265 Z 109). During the recruitment process the YOY population migrated upbay before a subsequent fall-winter downbay migration. The extent of the downbay migration by maturing recruits was greatest in years of high freshwater input to the bay. Mean dissolved oxygen (DO) was more important than freshwater input in controlling distribution of SSB and shifts in SSB location between April– May (prespawning) and June–August (spawning) periods. Recruitments of bay anchovy were higher when mean DO was lowest in the downbay region during the spawning season. It is hypothesized that anchovy recruitment level is inversely related to mean DO concentration because low DO is associated with high plankton productivity in Chesapeake Bay. Additionally, low DO conditions may confine most bay anchovy spawners to the downbay region, where production of larvae and juveniles is enhanced. A modified Ricker stock-recruitment model indicated density-compensatory recruitment with respect to SSB and demonstrated the importance of spring-summer DO levels and spatial distribution of SSB as controllers of bay anchovy recruitment

    Congestion Pricing: Long-Term Economic and Land-Use Effects

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    We employ a spatially disaggregated general equilibrium model of a regional economy that incorporates decisions of residents, firms, and developers integrated with a spatially disaggregated strategic transportation planning (START) model that features mode, time period, and route choice to evaluate economic effects of congestion pricing. First, we evaluate the long-run effects of a road-pricing policy based on the integrated model of land use, strategic transport, and regional economy (LUSTRE) and compare them with the short-term effects obtained from the START model alone. We then look at distributional effects of the policy in question and point out differences and similarities in the short run versus the long run. Finally, we analyze the mechanisms at the source of the economic and land-use effects induced by the road-pricing policy.traffic congestion, welfare analysis, CGE modeling, cordon tolls, distributional effects

    Blue Crab target setting: final report

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    We have developed a hierarchy of target levels, designated to address sustainability, efficiency, and recovery scenarios. Targets were derived from: 1) reported catches and effort in the commercial fishery, 2) statistics from fishery-independent surveys, and 3) knowledge of the biology of blue crab. Targets that are recommended include population sizes, catches, and effort levels, as well as reference fishing mortality rates. They are intended to be conservative and risk-averse. (PDF contains 182 pages

    Long-Term Consequences of Congestion Pricing: A Small Cordon in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush

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    We evaluate and compare the long-term economic effects of three cordon-based road pricing schemes applied to the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. To conduct this analysis, we employ a spatially disaggregated general equilibrium model of a regional economy that incorporates the decisions of residents, firms, and developers, integrated with a spatially disaggregated strategic transportation planning model that features mode, time period, and route choice. We find that all cordon pricing schemes increase welfare of the residents, as well as lead to GDP growth. At the optimum, the larger cordon and a double cordon lead to higher benefits than the small cordon encompassing downtown core. Nevertheless, the small cordon seems to be a safer bet because when the toll charge is set suboptimally, the net benefits from the small cordon compared to the optimum change negligibly, while the net benefits from the larger cordon decline sharply as the charge deviates from the optimal level.traffic congestion, cordon tolls, land use, welfare analysis, road pricing, general equilibrium, simulation, Washington DC

    Transcriptome response of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to competition with ecologically similar non-native species

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    Non-native species may be introduced either intentionally or unintentionally, and their impact can range from benign to highly disruptive. Non-native salmonids were introduced into Lake Ontario, Canada, to provide recreational fishing opportunities; however, the establishment of those species has been proposed as a significant barrier to the reintroduction of native Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) due to intense interspecific competition. In this study, we compared population differences of Atlantic salmon in transcriptome response to interspecific competition. We reared Atlantic salmon from two populations (LaHave River and Sebago Lake) with fish of each of three non-native salmonids (Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, rainbow trout O. mykiss, and brown trout S. trutta) in artificial streams. We used RNA-seq to assess transcriptome differences between the Atlantic salmon populations and the responses of these populations to the interspecific competition treatments after 10 months of competition in the stream tanks. We found that population differences in gene expression were generally greater than the effects of interspecific competition. Interestingly, we found that the two Atlantic salmon populations exhibited similar responses to interspecific competition based on functional gene ontologies, but the specific genes within those ontologies were different. Our transcriptome analyses suggest that the most stressful competitor (as measured by the highest number of differentially expressed genes) differs between the two study populations. Our transcriptome characterization highlights the importance of source population selection for conservation applications, as organisms with different evolutionary histories can possess different transcriptional responses to the same biotic stressors. The results also indicate that generalized predictions of the response of native species to interactions with introduced species may not be appropriate without incorporating potential population-specific response to introduced species

    Polarisation Observations of H2_{2}O JK1K1=532441J_{K_{-1}K_{1}} = 5_{32} - 4_{41} 620.701 GHz Maser Emission with Herschel/HIFI in Orion KL

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    Context. The high intensities and narrow bandwidths exhibited by some astronomical masers make them ideal tools for studying star-forming giant molecular clouds. The water maser transition JK1K1=532441J_{K_{-1}K_{1}}=5_{32}-4_{41} at 620.701 GHz can only be observed from above Earth's strongly absorbing atmosphere; its emission has recently been detected from space. Aims. We sought to further characterize the star-forming environment of Orion KL by investigating the linear polarisation of a source emitting a narrow 620.701 GHz maser feature with the heterodyne spectrometer HIFI on board the Herschel Space Observatory. Methods. High-resolution spectral datasets were collected over a thirteen month period beginning in 2011 March, to establish not only the linear polarisation but also the temporal variability of the source. Results. Within a 3σ3\sigma uncertainty, no polarisation was detected to an upper limit of approximately 2%. These results are compared with coeval linear polarisation measurements of the 22.235 GHz JK1K1=616523J_{K_{-1}K_{1}}=6_{16}-5_{23} maser line from the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope, typically a much stronger maser transition. Although strongly polarised emission is observed for one component of the 22.235 GHz maser at 7.2 km s1^{-1}, a weaker component at the same velocity as the 620.701 GHz maser at 11.7 km s1^{-1} is much less polarised.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The Programmer's Assistant: Conversational Interaction with a Large Language Model for Software Development

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    Large language models (LLMs) have recently been applied in software engineering to perform tasks such as translating code between programming languages, generating code from natural language, and autocompleting code as it is being written. When used within development tools, these systems typically treat each model invocation independently from all previous invocations, and only a specific limited functionality is exposed within the user interface. This approach to user interaction misses an opportunity for users to more deeply engage with the model by having the context of their previous interactions, as well as the context of their code, inform the model's responses. We developed a prototype system -- the Programmer's Assistant -- in order to explore the utility of conversational interactions grounded in code, as well as software engineers' receptiveness to the idea of conversing with, rather than invoking, a code-fluent LLM. Through an evaluation with 42 participants with varied levels of programming experience, we found that our system was capable of conducting extended, multi-turn discussions, and that it enabled additional knowledge and capabilities beyond code generation to emerge from the LLM. Despite skeptical initial expectations for conversational programming assistance, participants were impressed by the breadth of the assistant's capabilities, the quality of its responses, and its potential for improving their productivity. Our work demonstrates the unique potential of conversational interactions with LLMs for co-creative processes like software development.Comment: 43 pages, 3 figures. To be published in IUI 202