7 research outputs found

    IMPECAPE « Étude des pressions et impacts des activités humaines sur les habitats benthiques côtiers pour la mise au point d’indicateurs et de protocoles de surveillance de l’état écologique de ces habitats »

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    Ce rapport présente les travaux réalisés dans le cadre du projet IMPECAPE sur l’étude des pressions et impacts des activités humaines sur les habitats benthiques côtiers pour la mise au point d’indicateurs et de protocoles de surveillance de l’état écologique dans le cas spécifique de l’extraction minière sur les sables fins à moyens du site Natura 2000 « Baie de Morlaix » (FR5300015 et FR5310073). Après un rappel des objectifs du projet, il présente la stratégie d’échantillonnage mise en oeuvre, et les résultats obtenus sur les caractéristiques biocénotiques de la communauté étudiée. Le volet ‘Développement et test d’indicateurs’ sera traité à l’échelle de l’ensemble des acteurs du projet IMPECAPE et non pas sur l’exemple particulier de la baie de Morlaix

    Temporal succession of a macrofaunal community associated with kelp fragment accumulations in an in situ experiment

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    peer reviewedABSTRACT: A large part of the production of Laminaria hyperborea kelp forests is not directly consumed by grazers, but is exported during storm events or natural annual blade erosion. Drifting kelp fragments are transported and can accumulate temporarily over subtidal benthic habitats. The decay process is particularly slow (>6 mo for complete decay during spring-summer) and L. hyperborea fragments are able to maintain their primary production function for several months. If they accumulate in low subtidal habitats, fragments can have a long residence time, thus modifying habitat structure. Based on a 6 mo cage experiment, we investigated macrofaunal colonization and community succession within accumulations of L. hyperborea fragments on a low subtidal (-10 m) sandy bottom ecosystem. Stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) measurements were carried out to describe the structure and development of the trophic food web and the role of detritus as a food source. Kelp tissues were rapidly and abundantly colonized by macrofauna, and a classical ecological succession occurred, with changes in species dominance and increase in diversity during decay. The food web was based on 2 main sources: particulate organic matter from the water column and decaying kelp tissues. Kelp contributed significantly to the diet of numerous species that are commonly consumed by local predators (fish, shrimp). Following community succession, diets diversified and the food web became more complex during the decay process. Our results indicate that drift kelp accumulations structure their associated communities and food web during the whole decay process