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    There are only two species of Mangifera, M. duperreana Pierre from Indochina and M. lagenifera Griff, from Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, which were described to have flowers with 10 (—12) stamens, of which 5 (or 6) are fertile. In the latest monograph of the genus by Mukherji (in Lloydia 12,1949: 73 — 136), they were placed in two different sections (without naming the sections). According to him, the floral morphology of these two species shows that they "possess the most primitive feature in the genus (pentacyclic flowers)" (cf. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 55, 1953: 75). In the course of revising this genus for the Flora Malesiana, a new species having flowers with also ten stamens was discovered, which has been named and described here as Mangifera decandra (= ten-stamened; in Gk: deca-, ten; andro-, male) ; its epithet alludes to the significant number of stamens

    Vacuum induced transparency and photon number resolved Autler-Townes splitting in a three-level system

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    We study the absorption spectrum of a probe field by a {\Lambda}-type three-level system, which is coupled to a quantized control field through the two upper energy levels. The probe field is applied to the ground and the second excited states. When the quantized control field is in vacuum, we derive a threshold condition to discern vacuum induced transparency (VIT) and vacuum induced Autler- Townes splitting (ATS). We also find that the parameter change from VIT to vacuum induced ATS is very similar to that from broken PT symmetry to PT symmetry. Moreover, we find the photon number resolved spectrum in the parameter regime of vacuum induced ATS when the mean photon number of the quantized control field is changed from zero (vacuum) to a finite number. However, there is no photon number resolved spectrum in the parameter regime of VIT even that the quantized control field contains the finite number of photons. Finally, we further discuss possible experimental realization

    A Study of the Verbal Conflict between Mother and Daughter-in-law in Desperate Housewives

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    Ting-Toomey proposed face-negotiation theory in the 1980s. For years, face-negotiation theory has been used to explain conflict in communication and cultural differences related to communication. As we know, conflict is a very natural phenomenon in the conversation of different cultures. However, people have different ways to solve the conflict. This paper studies the conflict between mother and daughter-in-law in TV series. The extracts come from the American TV series Desperate Housewives. The paper aims to answer the two research questions: (1) does the conflict style between family members like mother and daughter-in-law in American TV series Desperate Housewives is also dominating? (2) If it is, how the conversation proceeds under the dominating style? After analyzing the materials, we find that the conflict style between mother and daughter-in-law in American TV series Desperate Housewives is dominating. In addition, although the conflict style between mother and daughter-in-law in American TV series Desperate Housewives is dominating, people also emphasize on the social harmony among family members. Key words: conflict, face-negation theory, mother and daughter-in-law Résumé: Ting-Toomey propose la théorie de la négation de face dans les années 1980. Depuis des années, la théorie de la négociation de face a été utilisée pour expliquer les conflits dans la communication et les différences culturelles relatives à la communication. Comme nous le savons, le conflit est un phénomène naturel dans la conversation des cultures différentes. Cependant, les gens ont de différents moyens pour résoudre le conflit. Le présent article traite le conflit entre la mère et la belle-fille dans les feuilletons télévisuels. Les extraits viennent d’un feuilleton américain- Maîtresses de maison désespérées. L’article vise à répondre deux questions : (1) Est-ce que le style conflictif entre les membres familiales, comme la mère et la belle-fille dans les Maîtresses de maison désespérées, est encore dominant ? (2) Si oui, comment la conversation s’engage sous le style dominant ? Après avoir analysé les matériels, nous trouvons que le style conflictif entre le mère et la belle-fille dans les Maîtresses de maison désespérées est dominant. Mais malgré cela, on insiste aussi sur l’harmonie sociale entre les membres familiales. Mots-Clés: conflit, théorie de la négociation de face, mère et belle-fille 摘 要:Ting-Toomey在十九世紀八十年代提出了面子磋商理論。多年來,該理論被用來解釋交際中的衝突和有關交際的文化差異。正如我們所瞭解的,不同文化間的言語對話中產生衝突是很自然的現象,然而人們總是有不同的方法去解決這些衝突。本文致力於研究電視劇中婆媳之間的言語衝突,目的是想回答兩個問題:(1)美國電視劇《絕望主婦》中像婆媳這種家庭成員間的衝突類型是屬於支配型嗎?(2)如果是的話,談話在這種衝突類型下是怎麼進行的?通過對材料的分析,我們發現美國電視劇《絕望主婦》中婆媳之間的衝突類型是支配型。另外,雖然這種衝突是支配型,他們也重視家庭成員之間的和諧相處。 關鍵詞:衝突;面子磋商理論;婆

    Understanding Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

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    Recent advances in deep learning, especially deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have led to significant improvement over previous semantic segmentation systems. Here we show how to improve pixel-wise semantic segmentation by manipulating convolution-related operations that are of both theoretical and practical value. First, we design dense upsampling convolution (DUC) to generate pixel-level prediction, which is able to capture and decode more detailed information that is generally missing in bilinear upsampling. Second, we propose a hybrid dilated convolution (HDC) framework in the encoding phase. This framework 1) effectively enlarges the receptive fields (RF) of the network to aggregate global information; 2) alleviates what we call the "gridding issue" caused by the standard dilated convolution operation. We evaluate our approaches thoroughly on the Cityscapes dataset, and achieve a state-of-art result of 80.1% mIOU in the test set at the time of submission. We also have achieved state-of-the-art overall on the KITTI road estimation benchmark and the PASCAL VOC2012 segmentation task. Our source code can be found at https://github.com/TuSimple/TuSimple-DUC .Comment: WACV 2018. Updated acknowledgements. Source code: https://github.com/TuSimple/TuSimple-DU

    Raman and IR spectra of water under graphene nanoconfinement at ambient and extreme pressure-temperature conditions: a first-principles study

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    The nanoconfinement of water can result in dramatic differences in its physical and chemical properties compared to bulk water. However, a detailed molecular-level understanding of these properties is still lacking. Vibrational spectroscopy, such as Raman and infrared, is a popular experimental tool for studying the structure and dynamics of water, and is often complemented by atomistic simulations to interpret experimental spectra, but there have been few theoretical spectroscopy studies of nanoconfined water using first-principles methods at ambient conditions, let alone under extreme pressure-temperature conditions. Here, we computed the Raman and IR spectra of water nanoconfined by graphene at ambient and extreme pressure-temperature conditions using ab intio simulations. Our results revealed alterations in the Raman stretching and low-frequency bands due to the graphene confinement. We also found spectroscopic evidence indicating that nanoconfinement considerably changes the tetrahedral hydrogen bond network, which is typically found in bulk water. Furthermore, we observed an unusual bending band in the Raman spectrum at ~10 GPa and 1000 K, which is attributed to the unique molecular structure of confined ionic water. Additionally, we found that at ~20 GPa and 1000 K, confined water transformed into a superionic fluid, making it challenging to identify the IR stretching band. Finally, we computed the ionic conductivity of confined water in the ionic and superionic phases. Our results highlight the efficacy of Raman and IR spectroscopy in studying the structure and dynamics of nanoconfined water in a large pressure-temperature range. Our predicted Raman and IR spectra can serve as a valuable guide for future experiments