24 research outputs found

    Visualization of Amplified DNA of Origin of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Germplasm PT. Socfindo Based on Three SSR Primers

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    ABSTRACT   The oil palm plant is a one-piece plant included in Palmae's family. Molecular marking applications can be used to improve efficiency in analyzing genetic relationships, gene mapping, and marker-assisted selection (MAS) in oil palm plants. This study aims to determine the visualization of the amplification of DNA of Origin of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Germplasm PT. Socfindo Based on Three SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) Primers. The material analyzed is the 14 origin of oil palm originating from the germplasm of PT. Socfindo. The results showed the size of DNA bands that varied from 138 bp to 308 bp. The lowest band size was found on the FR-0782 primers, namely 138-211 bp and the polymorphic percentage was 60%


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    Desa Gunung Serawan, Kecamatan Bandar Masilam terletak sekitar 145 km dari kota Medan. Sebagian masyarakat yang memiliki ladang dan lahan pekarangan telah memanfaatkan dengan menanami kakao. Kualitas biji kakao yang dihasilkan masih rendah sehingga nilai jualnya juga rendah. Akibatnya pendapatan petani dari kebun kakao juga masih rendah. Rendahnya kualitas biji kakao antara lain bersumber dari proses fermentasi yang kurang sempurna serta proses pengeringan yang kurang baik. Proses fermentasi masih menggunakan karungkarung bekas sehingga banyak biji yang busuk. Pengeringan biji kakao dilakukan di halaman rumah dan masih mengandalkan panas dari sumber matahari sehingga permasalahan muncul pada kondisi cuaca kurang baik. Proses pengeringan seperti ini menyebabkan biji kakao masih mengandung kadar air yang tinggi sehingga dapat menyebabkan busuk terserang cendawan atau jamur. Kelompok tani Sri Gunung dan Serawan Jaya telah mencoba mengatasi hambatan-hambatan ini. Faktor kurangnya modal dan pengetahuuan menyebabkan program kelompok tani tersebut mengalami kendala. Tim pengabdian pada masyarakat USU memberikan solusi dengan cara pembuatan peralatan fermentasi dan pengeringan biji kakao yang dirakit bersama-sama dengan masyarakat agar selain mereka akan memiiki peraatan yang mereka butuhkan juga terjadi transfer ilmu dan teknologi yang dapat mereka kembangkan kelak ke depan

    Identifikasi Karakter Morfologis dan Hubungan Kekerabatan Tanaman Jahe ( Zingiber officinale Rosc.) di Kabupaten Siamlaungun

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    Ginger plants were grown in large areas in Indonesia through inter cropping and diversecroped. Simalungun was one of the largest ginger producer centers in North Sumatra. The aim of the study was to identify the morphological characters and relationship of ginger in Simalungun Regency. This research was conducted in three districts ; Purba District, Dolok Masagal District and Raya District from September to November 2021. The  UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) descriptor was used with purposive sampling technique. Parameters observed were plant habitus, plant height, number of stems, type of top growth, number of leaves on main stem, stem lenght, leaf width, intensity of green color on stems,leaf lenght, leaf width, intensity of green color on leaves, rhizome total weight, rhizome shape, rhizome skin color, rhizome surface texture, number of rhizomes, rhizome size, rhizome colour, time of sprouting (after planting), time of harvest maturity. The result of this study showed there were wide and narrow diversity on the observed  characters and the closest value of the relationship is 2.019 in samples B1J4 and F1J5, while the farthest value of the relationship is 35.903 in samples A1J1 and A1J2. &nbsp

    In vitro The Role of Paclobutrazol in Potato Seed Production (Solanum tuberosum L) cultivar Granola Kembang Early Generation (G0) In Vitro: Potato

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    The aim of the research was to determine the best paclobutrazol treatment to obtain superior quality seed potato cultivars. The research was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory of Horticulture Technical Centre Service Unit, Gedung Johor, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia from January 2020 to March 2020. The complete randomized design with a single factor, 4 treatments, and 6 replications was used in this research. The results showed that the concentration of paclobutrazol affected the number of leaves, the shoots length, the number of shots, the number of nodes, the number of internodes, the stem diameter, and the percentage of roots formed but not significantly affected the number of roots. The M2 treatment, MS + 9 ppm paclobutrazol, showed the best treatment with an average plantlet performance value of 7.33 and the plantlets showed the compact morphology with larger stem diameter and smaller thick dark green leaves

    Respons Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Berbagai Varietas Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) Terhadap Pemberian Kompos Jerami Padi: Growth Response and Production Kind of Sweet Potato Varieties (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) by giving Rice Straw Compost

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan masyarakat, Desa Namo Gajah, Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan (± 25 m dpl) pada bulan April sampai November 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial dengan 2 faktor dan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitu varietas ubi jalar dengan 3 jenis (Antin-1; Beta-1; dan Sari) dan faktor kedua yaitu kompos jerami padi dengan 4 taraf (0; 5; 10; dan 15 ton/ha). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda duncan (DMRT). Peubah amatan yaitu bobot biomassa tanaman, bobot umbi per plot, dan indeks panen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi antara beberapa varietas ubi jalar dan kompos jerami padi terbaik pada kombinasi perlakuan Varietas Saridan kompos jerami padi 2 kg pada bobot biomassa, bobot umbi per plot panjang umbi, dan indeks panen.   The research was carried out at public land Desa Namo Gajah, Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan(±25 m dpl) on April to November 2015. The research used factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors and three replications.The first factor was sweet potato varietieswith 3 kinds (Antin-1; Beta-1; and Sari)and the second factorwas rice straw compost with 4 levels(0; 5; 10; and 15 ton/ha). Data were analized with Analysis of Variance and continued with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The variables observed weight biomass of plant, tuber weight per plot, and harvest index.The result of research showed that the best interaction of sweet potato varieties and rice straw compost was combination of Sari and rice straw compost 2 kg on weight biomass, tuber weight per plot, and harvest index

    Studi Karakteristik Jagung Introduksi Dan Beberapa Varietas Jagung Lokal: Characteristics Study Of The Introduction And Some Local Maize Varieties

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    The research was aimed to know the characteristics of vegetative and generative of introduction and some local maize varieties. The research was carried out on the land of the Centre Seed Service of Cash Crops, Departmentof Agriculture, Medan Sunggal, Deli Serdang district, from July 2016 to October 2016. The randomized block design was used with three varieties of maize (Black Aztec, Bisi2, Bonanza). Variables observed were: the plant height, the time of flowering, the time of female flowers bloomed, the time of harvested, the cob length, the number of lines per cob, the production per sample plant, the production per plot. The results showed that the three varieties of maize tested have varying diversity to the plant height, the time of male flower bloomed, the time of harveste, the cob length, the number of line per cob, the production per sample, the production per plot. The Black Aztec showed the lowest production (1005.56 grams per plot) mean while the Bonanza showed the highest production (2338.44 grams). The highest heritability and the broad of diversity coefficient were obtained in the time of male flower bloomed, the time of female flowerbloomed, the time of harvested, the number of lines per cob. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik vegetatif dan generatif jagung introduksi dan beberapa varietas jagung lokal. Penelitian dilaksanakan di UPT Balai Benih Induk (BBI) Palawija Dinas Pertanian Tanjung Selamat, Kecamatan Medan Sunggal, Kabupaten Deli Serdang Medan pada Bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga jenis jagung yaitu Jagung hitam, varietas Bisi 2 dan Varietas Bonanza sebagai faktor penelitian. Peubah amatan yaitu tinggi tanaman, umur berbunga jantan, umur berbunga betina, umur panen, panjang tongkol, jumlah baris per tongkol, produksi per tanaman sampel, produksi per plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketiga varietas jagung yang diuji memiliki keragaman yang bervariasi terhadap tinggi tanaman, umur keluar bunga jantan, umur keluar bunga betina, umur panen, panjang tongkol, jumlah baris per tongkol, produksi per sampel dan produksi per plot. Jagung hitam memiliki produksi terendah dengan produksi 1005.56 g per plot dan jagung Varietas Bonanza memiliki produksi tertinggi dengan produksi 2338.44 g per plot. Karakter umur keluar bunga jantan, umur keluar bunga betina, umur panen dan jumlah baris per tongkol memiliki nilai heritabilitas yang tinggi dan diikuti koefisien keragaman yang luas