69 research outputs found
High energy resolution off-resonant X-ray spectroscopy
Ce travail de thĂšse est consacrĂ© Ă la mĂ©thode HEROS (spectroscopie X hors-rĂ©sonance en haute rĂ©solution), une mĂ©thode permettant dâĂ©tudier les niveaux Ă©lectroniques inoccupĂ©s dans le voisinage des bords dâabsorption. La mĂ©thode HEROS qui reprĂ©sente une alternative aux mĂ©thodes dâabsorption XAS traditionnelles ouvre la voie Ă de nouvelles investigations irrĂ©alisables auparavant. La mĂ©thode HEROS tire profit des avantages de la spectroscopie dâĂ©mission X en haute rĂ©solution (XES) pour Ă©tudier les spectres de photons ayant subi une diffusion inĂ©lastique hors-rĂ©sonance, c.Ă .d. Ă des Ă©nergies incidentes juste en-dessous des Ă©nergies de liaison des niveaux atomiques profonds dâintĂ©rĂȘt. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que les spectres de rayons X diffusĂ©s inĂ©lastiquement a des Ă©nergies hors-rĂ©sonance contiennent des informations sur le taux dâoccupation des niveaux atomiques discrets de valence et des niveaux du continu au-dessus du seuil dâionisation. Si la rĂ©solution en Ă©nergie du faisceau de photons incidents est plus petite que la largeur naturelle de lâĂ©tat atomique initial et si les mesures sont effectuĂ©es avec un instrument ayant un grand pouvoir de rĂ©solution comme par exemple un spectromĂštre a cristal, la mĂ©thode HEROS permet de dĂ©terminer en haute-rĂ©solution la densitĂ© des niveaux atomiques inoccupĂ©s. Ceci est possible parce que dans la diffusion inĂ©lastique hors-rĂ©sonance les raies spectrales des photons diffuses ne sont pas Ă©largies par les durĂ©es de vie moyenne des lacunes de cĆur associĂ©es aux bords dâabsorption Ă©tudies. De surcroit, dans la mĂ©thode HEROS, lâĂ©chantillon analyse est irradie avec un faisceau de rayons X monochromatiques dont lâĂ©nergie est fixĂ©e au-dessous du seuil dâabsorption. Par ailleurs, lâemploi de spectromĂštres a cristal de type von HĂĄmos ou Johansson Ă©quipĂ©s de dĂ©tecteurs sensibles Ă la position permet de mesurer le spectre des photons diffuses sur un domaine dâĂ©nergie sâĂ©talant sur plusieurs dizaines dâĂ©lectronvolts sans quâaucun rĂ©glage du faisceau incident ou du spectromĂštre ne soit nĂ©cessaire. Ce montage ne nĂ©cessitant aucun ajustement permet donc de dĂ©terminer la densitĂ© dâĂ©tats Ă©lectroniques inoccupĂ©s avec une rĂ©solution temporelle limitĂ©e uniquement par lâefficacitĂ© du spectromĂštre. Lâanalyse rapide de la structure Ă©lectronique dâĂ©chantillons par la mĂ©thode HEROS est donc particuliĂšrement bien adaptĂ©e a des mesures spectroscopiques nĂ©cessitant une rĂ©solution temporelle comme par exemple lâĂ©tude de la dynamique de rĂ©actions chimiques. La technique HEROS reprĂ©sente aussi la mĂ©thode de prĂ©dilection dans le cas ou lâĂ©chantillon doit ĂȘtre irradiĂ© avec des faisceaux de rayons X pulses extrĂȘmement intenses comme ceux produits par les sources XFELs (lasers X Ă Ă©lectrons libres) parce que dans ce cas lâĂ©chantillon est endommagĂ© aprĂšs chaque impulsion de faisceau et les variations importantes dâintensitĂ© entre les diffĂ©rentes impulsions ne permettent pas lâemploi des mĂ©thodes dâabsorption XAS traditionnelles. De surcroit, les spectres HEROS ne sont pas affectes par lâeffet dâauto-absorption. Le chapitre I est une courte introduction Ă la spectroscopie des rayons X. Il contient une brĂšve prĂ©sentation des phĂ©nomĂšnes physiques essentiels et des grandeurs principales intervenant dans les Ă©tudes XES et XAS. Les mĂ©thodes expĂ©rimentales et lâinstrumentation utilisĂ©e en spectroscopie XES et XAS sont Ă©galement dĂ©crites. Le chapitre II est concentre sur les principes de la spectroscopie X en haute rĂ©solution dans le cas dâexcitations rĂ©sonantes et hors-rĂ©sonance. Les fondements thĂ©oriques de la diffusion Ă©lastique rĂ©sonante de photons ainsi que la nouvelle mĂ©thode HEROS y sont prĂ©sentes. Plusieurs exemples dâapplication de la mĂ©thode HEROS dans diffĂ©rents domaines sont Ă©galement discutĂ©s. Le chapitre III concerne plus spĂ©cifiquement une Ă©tude montrant que la mĂ©thode HEROS peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour mesurer des spectres dâabsorption, lesquels sont dans ce cas insensibles Ă lâeffet dâauto-absorption. Dans la mĂ©thode XAS en mode fluorescence, lâintensitĂ© des photons de fluorescence est mesurĂ©e en variant lâĂ©nergie du faisceau photonique incident Ă travers le bord dâabsorption Ă©tudiĂ©. Lâeffet dâauto-absorption est dĂ» au fait que le rayonnement de fluorescence de lâĂ©chantillon analyse varie rapidement dans le voisinage du bord Ă cause de la brusque augmentation du coefficient dâabsorption Ă la rĂ©sonance. Les corrections Ă apporter Ă lâintensitĂ© de fluorescence mesurĂ©e augmentent avec lâĂ©paisseur et la densitĂ© de lâĂ©chantillon. Dans la mĂ©thode HEROS, lâĂ©chantillon est irradiĂ© avec un faisceau dâĂ©nergie constante fixĂ©e au-dessous du seuil dâionisation dâintĂ©rĂȘt. En consĂ©quence, lâeffet dâauto-absorption est limite Ă la probabilitĂ© de rĂ©absorption du rayonnement de fluorescence Ă©mis par lâĂ©chantillon, laquelle est quasi-constante pour lâintervalle dâĂ©nergie correspondant au spectre dâĂ©mission mesure. Les spectres dâĂ©mission collectes au moyen de la mĂ©thode HEROS peuvent ĂȘtre ensuite transformĂ©s en spectres dâabsorption en utilisant le formalisme mathĂ©matique de Kramers-Heisenberg. La validitĂ© de la mĂ©thode HEROS et son indĂ©pendance de lâeffet dâauto-absorption sont dĂ©montrĂ©es a lâaide du spectre dâabsorption correspondant au bord L3 du Ta. Les mesures ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es auprĂšs de la ligne de faisceau SuperXAS de la Source suisse de lumiĂšre (SLS) de lâInstitut Paul Scherrer (PSI), Ă Villigen, Suisse. Les spectres HEROS Lα1 ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s pour neuf feuilles mĂ©talliques de Ta dâĂ©paisseur diffĂ©rente. A partir de chaque spectre HEROS, le spectre dâabsorption L3 a Ă©tĂ© reconstruit hors-faisceau. Il est dĂ©montrĂ© que la forme des spectres dâĂ©mission et des spectres dâabsorption reconstruits est indĂ©pendante de lâĂ©paisseur des Ă©chantillons et donc de lâeffet dâauto-absorption. Ces rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©s dans la revue Physical Review Letters [1]. Le chapitre IV prĂ©sente un exemple dâapplication in situ de la mĂ©thode HEROS pour lâĂ©tude de la dynamique de rĂ©actions chimiques impliquant un catalyseur de Ta sur un support de silice. LâexpĂ©rience Ă Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă SLS. GrĂące Ă ses propriĂ©tĂ©s de rĂ©solution temporelle, HEROS reprĂ©sente un outil efficace pour lâĂ©tude de la dynamique de rĂ©actions chimiques non seulement parce que cette mĂ©thode permet de sonder la densitĂ© dâĂ©tats inoccupĂ©s dans des temps trĂšs courts mais aussi parce quâelle ne nĂ©cessite pas de correction des spectres pour lâeffet dâauto-absorption, lequel dĂ©pend de la densitĂ© de lâĂ©chantillon et peut donc varier durant la rĂ©action. Lâanalyse des spectres HEROS mesures successivement, chacun durant 40 s, pendant la phase dâoxydation des Ă©chantillons (complexe de Ta initialement inactif et complexe de Ta active en atmosphĂšre dâhydrogĂšne) a fourni des rĂ©sultats trĂšs intĂ©ressants, comprenant par exemple la formation de dimĂšres de Ta produits par rĂ©action avec lâoxygĂšne et la nature progressive, par Ă©tape, de la transition du catalyseur de Ta inactif vers sa forme oxydĂ©e. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©e dans la revue scientifique Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics [2]. Les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s dans le chapitre V prouvent que la mĂ©thode HEROS peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour des mesures utilisant des faisceaux de photons produits par des lasers X Ă Ă©lectrons libres. Dans ce travail, la technique HEROS a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e Ă lâĂ©tude de la structure Ă©lectronique du cuivre dans diffĂ©rents Ă©tats dâoxydation. LâexpĂ©rience a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e a LCLS (LINAC Coherent Light Source,) Ă Menlo Park, Californie, USA avec un faisceau de photons quasi-monochromatiques obtenu en opĂ©rant lâaccĂ©lĂ©rateur dans le mode self-seeding. Les spectres HEROS du Cu1+ obtenus ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s aux spectres dâabsorption du Cu0 et Cu2+ prĂ©sentĂ©s dans la RĂ©f. [3] ainsi quâaux spectres HEROS calculĂ©s Ă partir de spectres XAS de rĂ©fĂ©rence et de spectres XAS thĂ©oriques reconstruits avec le programme FEFF 9.6. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la mĂ©thode HEROS permet dâobtenir des informations dĂ©taillĂ©es sur la structure Ă©lectronique des Ă©chantillons aussi dans le cas de sources de rayons X pulsĂ©es de trĂšs forte intensitĂ© et de trĂšs courte durĂ©e (femto-seconde). De plus, cette expĂ©rience a dĂ©montrĂ© que la mĂ©thode HEROS permet de mesurer un spectre pour chaque impulsion de faisceau, ce qui en fait la mĂ©thode de prĂ©dilection pour des mesures auprĂšs de sources XFEL car les variations importantes dâintensitĂ© entre les diffĂ©rentes impulsions ne touchent que lâintensitĂ© globale des spectres HEROS mais pas leur forme spectrale
Energies and widths of atomic core-levels in liquid mercury
High-resolution measurements of the photoinduced X-ray emission of liquid mercury were performed, using a transmission DuMond-type crystal spectrometer for transitions above 11 keV and a reflection von Hamos-type crystal spectrometer for transitions below 11 keV. The target X-ray fluorescence was produced by irradiating the sample with the Bremsstrahlung from X-ray tubes. The energies and natural linewidths of 6 K-shell, 26 L-shell and 2 M-shell X-ray transitions were determined. Using a least-squares-fit method to solve the two sets of equations derived from the observed transition energies and transition widths the binding energies of the subshells K to Mâ
and Oâ and the level widths of the subshells K to Nâ
and Oâ could also be determined
Lifetimes of doubly K -shell ionized states
The present work provides a reliable interpretation of the Khαâ/Khαâ intensity ratios and an explanation of the lifetime values for K-shell hollow atoms based on an advanced theoretical analysis (using extensive multiconfiguration DiracâFock calculations with the inclusion of the transverse Breit interaction and quantum electrodynamics corrections). It was found that, as a result of closing the Khαâ de-excitation channel in the pure LS coupling scheme, the Khαâ/Khαâ intensity ratio changes with the atomic number from small values (for the LS coupling limit at low Z) to about 1.5â 1.6 (for the jâj coupling limit at high Z). However, closing the Khαâ de-excitation channel (due to the domination of the pure LS coupling for the low-Z atoms) does not enlarge the lifetimes of hollow atoms
Novel reference-free methods for the determination of the instrumental response of Laue-type bent crystal spectrometers
We report on novel reference-free methods to determine the instrumental resolution of transmission-type bent crystal spectrometers. The novel methods are based on the measurements of a selected X-ray line in several orders of diffraction. It is shown that the angular broadening of the spectrometer and the natural linewidth of the selected transition can be obtained directly from the novel methods. No reference X-ray line or γ-ray line is needed. The precision of the results is about 10 times better than the one obtained with the standard method consisting of measuring a reference X-ray line and keeping fixed in the fit the natural width of this line at the value taken from available databases. The novel methods are illustrated for a DuMond-type bent crystal spectrometer with the Kα1 X-ray line of Gd measured in the first five orders of diffraction
Characterization of ultra-shallow aluminum implants in silicon by grazing incidence and grazing emission X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
In this work two synchrotron radiation-based depth-sensitive X-ray fluorescence techniques, grazing incidence X-ray fluorescence (GIXRF) and grazing emission X-ray fluorescence (GEXRF), are compared and their potential for non-destructive depth-profiling applications is investigated. The depth-profiling capabilities of the two methods are illustrated for five aluminum-implanted silicon wafers all having the same implantation dose of 1016 atoms per cm2 but with different implantation energies ranging from 1 keV up to 50 keV. The work was motivated by the ongoing downscaling effort of the microelectronics industry and the resulting need for more sensitive methods for the impurity and dopant depth-profile control. The principles of GIXRF and GEXRF, both based on the refraction of X-rays at the sample surface to enhance the surface-to-bulk ratio of the detected fluorescence signal, are explained. The complementary experimental setups employed at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) for GIXRF and the University of Fribourg for GEXRF are presented in detail. In particular, for each technique it is shown how the dopant depth profile can be derived from the angular intensity dependence of the Al Kα fluorescence line. The results are compared to theoretical predictions and, for two samples, crosschecked with values obtained from secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) measurements. A good agreement between the different approaches is found proving that the GIXRF and GEXRF methods can be efficiently employed to extract the dopant depth distribution of ion-implanted samples with good accuracy and over a wide range of implantation energies
In situ high energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy applied to a time-resolved study of single site Ta catalyst during oxidation
In the present work high energy resolution off-resonant X-ray spectroscopy (HEROS) was employed at a synchrotron to study a silica supported Ta(V) bisalkyl catalyst activated in hydrogen. The Ta Lα1 HEROS spectra were measured during oxidation of the starting complex and the relative speciesâ concentration was successfully retrieved as a function of time using the fingerprint HEROS spectra measured for the unoxidized and the oxidized catalyst. Based on the experimental data and theory- based calculations, it was shown that oxidation of the active Ta catalyst leads to the formation of mono- and di-meric species on the SiO2 surface. The obtained results were compared to those of the previously reported time-resolved HEROS study on an inactive silica supported Ta(V) bisalkyl catalystâs concentration evolution during its oxidation BĆachucki et al. (2015). The study allowed observation of an immediate transition of the active Ta catalyst from its unoxidized form to the oxidized one. This finding is dissimilar to the result of the study on the inactive Ta catalyst, where the oxidation led through an intermediate step
High energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy for X-ray absorption spectra free of self-absorption effects
X-ray emission spectra recorded in the off-resonant regime carry information on the density of unoccupied states. It is known that by employing the Kramers-Heisenberg formalism, the high energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy (HEROS) is equivalent to the x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) technique and provides the same electronic state information. Moreover, in the present Letter we demonstrate that the shape of HEROS spectra is not modified by self-absorption effects. Therefore, in contrast to the fluorescence-based XAS techniques, the recorded shape of the spectra is independent of the sample concentration or thickness. The HEROS may thus be used as an experimental technique when precise information about specific absorption features and their strengths is crucial for chemical speciation or theoretical evaluation
Double K-shell photoionization and hypersatellite x-ray transitions of 12⩜Z⩜23 atoms
Single-photon double K-shell ionization of low-Z neutral atoms in the range 12⩜Z⩜23 is investigated. The experimental method was based on measurements of the high- resolution Kαh hypersatellite x-ray spectra following the radiative decay of the K-shell double-vacancy states excited by monochromatic synchrotron radiation. The photon energy dependence of the double K-shell ionization was measured over a wide range of photon energies from threshold up to and beyond the maximum of the double-to- single photoionization cross section ratios. From the high-resolution x-ray emission spectra the energies and linewidths of the hypersatellite transitions, as well as the Kαh1:Kαh2 intensity ratios, were determined. The relative importance of the initial-state and final-state electron-electron interactions to the K-shell double photoionization is addressed. Physical mechanisms and scaling laws of the K-shell double photoionization are examined. A semiempirical universal scaling of the double- photoionization cross sections with the effective nuclear charge for neutral atoms in the range 2⩜Z⩜47 is established
Vacuum ultraviolet excitation luminescence spectroscopy of few-layered MoS 2
We report on vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) excited photoluminescence (PL) spectra emitted from a chemical vapor deposited MoSâ few-layered film. The excitation spectrum was recorded by monitoring intensities of PL spectra at ~1.9âeV. A strong wide excitation band peaking at 7âeV was found in the excitation. The PL excitation band is most intensive at liquid helium temperature and completely quenched at 100âK. Through first-principles calculations of photoabsorption in MoSâ, the excitation was explicated and attributed to transitions of electrons from p- and d- type states in the valence band to the d- and p-type states in the conduction band. The obtained photon-in/photon-out results clarify the excitation and emission behavior of the low dimensional MoSâ when interacting with the VUV light sources
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